Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 246 God of War Guild

Chapter 246 God of War Guild (Please Subscribe~)

The God of War guild is an old and strong team. It has grown and grown since the beginning of virtual online games. It was once the strongest guild, just like the current emperor.

It's just that the decline has been a bit fast in recent years, and now it can only rank ninth in the mainstream media's guild rankings.

In some more radical media, they can't even enter the top ten guilds.

Although they are only ninth, the core combat power of their guild is far stronger than that of ordinary players.

Now the 5 players who come ashore through the yacht, the game names are Majiang (Crazy War), Deep Buried (Iron Guard), Dabing (Hunter), Damu (Blesser), and Qinhua (Ranger).

Among the five players, Ma Jiang is the vice president of the God of War Guild and the captain of the God of War team.

The remaining four people can open up the mainline dungeon together with Ma Jiang. Needless to say, they are also members of the God of War team, and their strength will not be too weak.

After the five players of the God of War team got off the yacht, another NPC in his twenties came down from the yacht.

The young NPC's name is Zad.

Wisteria, who has been active in the Traveler's Oasis for a long time, recognized Zade's identity, and said softly to Su Ming and the others:

"Zade is the son of the mayor of Tenik Town. He doesn't get good reviews from NPCs on weekdays. He belongs to the kind of person who bullies men and women. Some NPCs will issue tasks for players to beat him up..."

After Zade walked off the yacht, another ten fully armed guards stepped out of a wounded crocodile man in handcuffs and ankles.

Su Ming was surprised when he saw the face of the crocodile man. This crocodile man was exactly Aubert.

Judging by Oberth's current state, it was obvious that he was brought here by force.

Oberth was also very surprised and excited when he saw Su Ming and the others, but his mouth was tied with cloth strips and he couldn't speak.

"What did you do to Albert?" Su Ming frowned and asked first.

After he was able to go to the forum, he saw that some players would use the way of harming NPCs to obtain quest clues. Although only a small number of players would sit like this, it does exist.

Morally, most players will condemn, but there is no practical way to take these people.

Before Ma Jiang opened his mouth, Zade yelled first, his voice was sharp, and he yelled in a sissy way:
"Who are you? Are you also here to snatch the Oasis Crystal? Mr. Ma Jiang, help me kill them all! The Oasis Crystal can only be mine!"

Ma Jiang is a man with a round head and a round belly. He is in his 30s this year.

It is said that when he debuted more than ten years ago, he was also a handsome man, but after all, he was playing games, or playing virtual games. Get rich.

However, this does not affect his skills. In the game, as long as the body shape is not too outrageous, it will not affect the attribute effect.

Hearing Zade's sharp voice, Ma Jiang's brows were also frowned. He was very upset to see this sissy NPC. However, Zade is a key NPC in the main line dungeon, so he can't do anything to him.

The God of War Guild has been languishing for a long time, and needs some achievements to revive its morale—for example, opening the first mainline instance in the Esbyne region.

The time left for them is very tight.

The insider they placed in the "Miracle Wilderness" guild sent news that the Miracle team was already playing a dungeon that seemed to be a mainline dungeon.

Before the Miracle team was deliberately blocked by the traitor, they became suspicious, kicked the inside line, and then called in the first female player of the Blessing Master "Butterfly Whisper" to help.

Although Butterfly Whisper still brought the oil bottle "Brightness Disappeared", no matter how much light fades, he is still a player who can enter the weekly rankings. It's just that his profession is too weak, and Die Whisper is too strong, so he was rejected. People jokingly call it a drag oil bottle.

With the help of Butterfly Whisper, the Miracle Wilderness has been opened up at a rapid speed, and it is said that it will be cleared today.

Miracle Wilderness is the tenth ranked guild, if they are really allowed to be the first to open the mainline dungeon in the Esbyne area, then they are very likely to surpass the God of War guild.

This will affect the next round of capital injection of the God of War Guild, which is something that Ma Jiang does not want to see.

Therefore, no matter how upset he was with Zade, he could only endure it.

Ma Jiang recognized Su Ming, Zui Mingyue, and Wisteria. Although he had never met the other two, he thought that if he could act with Su Ming and the others, he should have strength.

They had previously encountered Ironjaw Warrior Slobo, and fought a fierce battle.

Siluobo is the younger brother of Poros. The two brothers have exactly the same attributes, the same skills, and even the equipment manufacturing machine. The people of the God of War Guild insist on Siluobo, and they actually use the style of play proposed by Su Ming at the beginning.

Consumed, and then turned on two seconds off.

After beating Siluobo, the equipment on the five of Ma Jiang and the others was more or less damaged, and now they are wearing spare equipment.

Ma Jiang didn't want to turn against Su Ming in this state, so she stood up and asked Su Ming:

"How did you enter the dungeon? Now that you've encountered them all, how about forming a team together and killing the remaining bosses? With my command, there will be no problems."

Ma Jiang opened his mouth and took command first.

"Mr. Majiang! Didn't you hear me? Kill them quickly!" Zade shouted from the side.

"Please don't be impatient, Master Zade." Ma Jiang said softly.

"Don't worry about your size! Guards, come on!" Zade waved his hand.

The guards behind him looked at each other, none of them dared to go up, they were ordinary guards, about ten levels of strength, and they would not dare to attack today's players.

Zade reprimanded the guards angrily, and it seemed that he would not pay attention to Su Ming and them again in a short time.

"Who is the captain of you? Do you want to cooperate with us?" Ma Jiang continued, "However, after clearing the customs, the name of the team must be 'War God Guild'."

Su Ming frowned, did not answer Ma Jiang's question, and continued to ask:

"What happened to Oberth? Why were you arrested? Did that Zade do it?"

When Zade heard Su Ming mention him, he turned around and spit:

"Stinky boy! Can you call my Lord Zade's name directly! You should call me Master Zade!"

After receiving Su Ming's instructions, the hammer directly swung out flames and hit Zade's feet.

Zade Jinji was independent, raised his hands, and dodged in panic.

Zade raised his eyebrows and was about to speak again. A fireball hit him again, and he missed it on purpose. After two fireballs, Zade was scared and didn't dare to talk to Su Ming anymore. Instead, he vented his anger to On the sesame sauce, he kept yelling at the sesame sauce, telling him to hurry up.

Ma Jiang also frowned and said:

"Are you deliberately provoking me by treating my mission NPC like this?"

"I'm just asking you why Oberth became like this, please answer me, is it so difficult?" Su Ming was also very helpless.

Oberth's mouth is tied now and he cannot speak, otherwise there is no need to ask.

"He is also part of our mission, we need to enter the instance through him." Ma Jiang said.

They learned about the existence of the Oasis Illusion through Zade. They first went to the Iron Jaw Tribe, trying to enter the Oasis Illusion, but failed, and then found Obert.

The Iron Jaw Tribe just absorbed the energy of the Oasis Crystal to gain more power, but Zade wanted to take the Oasis Crystal and sell it directly to make money. Of course, Oberth would not agree to bring sesame sauce and them in.

Then Oberth was beaten up by Ma Jiang and the others, and the machine that opened the oasis illusion was also taken away...

As a grand guild, Ma Jiang would not say that they beat an NPC, which would be detrimental to their reputation, so they blurted it out with words.

At this time, unexpectedly, the rope binding Obert's mouth was suddenly broken by Obert, and he shouted:
"Mr. Spore, Miss Wisteria, they want to steal the oasis crystal, you must help me stop them! Otherwise, the entire Traveler's Oasis will be swallowed up by yellow sand!"

Seeing that his subordinates didn't control Aubert, Zade shouted angrily again...

At this time, Su Ming and the others also received a system prompt.

System: Whether to accept the random task "Crush Zade's Ambition".

In the detailed description of the task, it tells how sesame paste and his team helped Zade realize his ambition step by step, and also confirmed that they did use the "attack-treatment-attack" method to repeatedly torture Oberth and force him to His act of opening the oasis illusion.

Seeing this, Su Ming took over the task.

Seeing that Wisteria entered a stealth state, Ma Jiang sneered and said:
"It seems that today can't be good."

(End of this chapter)

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