Chapter 247 Team Battle (Please Subscribe~)

Huahuo Annihilation received the news that Su Mingfa was preparing for a PK in the team, and was a little worried, and fell into the light river in a private chat:

"Husband, the God of War Guild is on the opposite side. Do we really want to fight? Why don't we just paddle and surrender."

Falling into the River of Light, stared at Hua Huo Annihilation, and sent a private channel:

"What are you thinking, God of War Guild is a fool? Do you know the gold content of killing a sniper at the longest distance? And the boss helped us take over a mess. Without the boss, both of us can't pay off the mortgage now .You still want to sell your teammate, I have to teach you a lesson when you go offline tonight."

Huahuo Annihilation heard the words of Falling into Guanghe, recovered, realized his mistake, and sent a private message:
"Husband, I know I was wrong, and I will fight hard. And... work hard tonight."

Falling into the river of light and snorting coldly, I don't know if I am angry or guilty...

The two sides moved their hands and immediately opened the distance.

The chanting magic of chanting magic, the archery of archery, the mutual probing in circles of personal attack.

Wisteria concealed herself and touched the other party's blessing teacher Damu.

When PK, it is always right to kill the other party's nanny first.

However, next to Da Mu, the hunter Dabing stood, and at the foot of Dabing was an alert hound. The hound held its head high and stared at the invisible wisteria.

Wisteria kept adjusting her position, and the hound's eyes moved with her.

Dabing drew his longbow and shot into the air.

Every time Wisteria dodges, the alert value will rise sharply due to excessive movements.

"A nasty hunter."

Wisteria tightened the dagger in her hand, watched Dabing set traps around Damu, and spoke in the team:
"Mingyue, come and help me hold back the hunter, otherwise I won't be able to kill the Blesser on the opposite side."

In the distance, Kuangzhan Majiang and Tiewei Shenbu of the God of War Guild rushed to the battle with the Ranger Qinhua.

Although they don't have stalkers that can assassinate the back row of the enemy team, they are also very fierce in melee combat with a half-damage and half-support long-range charge together.

Xiao Hei's viscous liquid is not so useful when dealing with players. The main reason is that the player's evasion ability is much stronger than that of monsters.

Su Ming asked Xiao Hei to vomit several times, but no one was hit, so he had to withdraw one after another.

Su Ming didn't dare to let Zuoemon forcefully go up to cut people, because there is an iron guard, and the iron guard's control ability is very strong. Zuoemon only has more than [-] blood volume. Set fire seconds off.

However, although they couldn't organize an attack, the opponent was also afraid of the high explosion of Su Ming's pet, and they kept rushing and stopping until they stopped.

"What kind of stupid pet is this, it cut me 5000 blood with one knife, it's useless..." Buried deep in the team channel complained.

"You can't go head-to-head, first kill his molten element, then go around and kill the elemental mage and blessing master behind him." Ma Jiang said.

"That Zui Mingyue went around looking for Dabing and the others from the side, are you going to help?" Qin Hua asked.

"No, let's break through first." Ma Jiang said.


On the other side, Zui Mingyue walked around from the side and rushed towards Dabing and the others.

Wisteria saw Zui Mingyue approaching with dragons and tigers walking, and said:
"Mingyue, help me kill the hunting dog. There is a frost trap on the right side of the Blesser, and a poisonous snake trap behind it. Help me step on the Frost Trap. I will cut in from the side. Killing the Blesser does not require back damage bonus .”

"Okay." Zui Mingyue answered briefly, stepped sideways, and let an arrow brush past her body, then immediately resumed her maneuver, gradually accelerating, and the phantom of the dragon and tiger under her feet became more and more solid.

The bow and arrow in Dabing's hand kept moving with Zui Mingyue, and white light condensed on the tip of the arrow.

Charge and shoot!

Arrows with skills move faster and are more difficult to dodge.

Seeing this, Zui Mingyue suddenly swung out with a punch. Due to practicing martial arts in reality, Zui Mingyue became more familiar with her body, and used the linkage of her shoulders, waist, and feet to increase her attack distance by more than [-] centimeters.

The fist hit the middle of the arrow, directly discounting the arrow, but Zui Mingyue didn't show any damage figures.

"Vertical interruption?!" As a professional player, Dabing had a deeper understanding of the game mechanism, so although he was surprised, he didn't disturb his own attack rhythm much.

The moment the arrow was sent flying by Zui Mingyue, he took the bow again.

Flame ignited on the tip of the arrow, and the tongue of flame spread to the entire arrow in an instant.

Trap Shoot · Explosive Trap!

The arrow with the explosive trap flew towards Zui Mingyue, still blocking the escape route.

This time, Zui Mingyue couldn't interrupt it like before, because the judgment range of this skill was the entire arrow, and it would explode as soon as it touched it.

"It's really unreasonable to have a trap on the arrow." Zui Mingyue complained silently in her heart, and forced herself to eat the arrow.

The arrow exploded, turning the surrounding 5 yards into a sea of ​​flames, Zui Mingyue's vision was blocked by smoke and flames, and she suffered more than 100 points of burning damage per second.

Ordinary arrows continued to pass through the sea of ​​flames and hit Zui Mingyue.

"Wisteria, why don't you just go and kill the hunting dog, and I'll help you drive the hunter away so that he can't bother you." Zui Mingyue rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, looked at Dabing who kept backing and shooting, and thought of a new strategy.


Dabing kept retreating, while Damu stood in place with the hound.

The Blessing Master already has two control skills, and there are hounds and traps to protect him. A bunch of controls are waiting for Wisteria and Zui Mingyue. In addition, he has the "be kind to others" skill, which can pull the big cake back, so Da Mu dared to Feel confident, stand where you are, and add blood to the sesame paste in the distance.

After Wisteria changed her strategy, she suddenly launched a attack and sprinted to the side of the hound.

The hound roared loudly, and rushed towards the wisteria that showed its figure.

Da Mu also immediately raised his staff and threw out the "Binding of Light".

Wisteria used the "Wind Walk" to emerge from her body, while blocking the bite of the hound and the restraint of light from Omaki.

Then she fell with a knife, slashed the hound twice, stepped back and dodged Damu's spear of light, and a shadow attack rushed behind the hound again, clearing the blood bar of the hound twice.

However, the hound did not die. When the blood was empty, Dabing in the distance suddenly whistled and released the "kill command" skill.

This skill allows the hound to bite the enemy and enter an invincible state by the way.

The hound pounced on Wisteria by looking for an invincible state, knocked it down, and then retreated immediately.

"Are you able to run away?" Wisteria threw the dagger before she got up.

The flying dagger accurately hit the fleeing hound, and then Wisteria rushed towards Da Mu, and the dagger turned into a streamer and returned to her hand.

Da Mu stepped back, stepped on the poisonous snake skill set by Dabing, and waited for the wisteria to attack.

Enemies who step on the poisonous snake trap will fall into a state of fear, and will summon three poisonous snakes to attack the enemy, which is very protective.

Relying on this trap, Da Mu can buy himself a lot of time. He thinks that this time is not the time to bring Dabing over.

Because at this time, Dabing had already turned Zui Mingyue's kite into half blood, and if he held it for a while, he would probably be able to kill Zui Mingyue.

At that time, two against one, a sure win.

However, just as he finished thinking this way, a black ink ghost suddenly appeared on Wisteria's transparent dagger.

Night Shadow Carnival!

(End of this chapter)

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