Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 249 Archmage Pinos

Chapter 249 Archmage Pinos (please subscribe~)

The five members of the God of War Guild may be due to the reason that they made a move on Oberth, so their names are all reddish. At this time, they hang up, and the equipment they drop is better than that of the dungeon boss.

1 piece of dark gold, 3 pieces of gold, 1 piece of silver, and some gold coins.

It's a pity that the dark gold is a longbow weapon, and none of the people present could use it.Su Ming bought it and planned to eat it for Xiao Hei after leaving the dungeon.

Now Xiao Hei can still eat 3 pieces of dark gold equipment and 1 piece of epic equipment.

Su Ming felt that before level 35, dark gold equipment would definitely be available, but not necessarily epic.

Although the purpose of coming to the dungeon this time is for the epic orb, is the orb, and Su Ming is not sure if Xiao Hei can swallow it. If not, he can only hand it to Dama to complete the task.

The other 3 pieces of gold equipment were not as good as Su Ming's, so they were shared among his teammates.

On the shore, Zade saw that his powerful thug was killed by Su Ming and the others, so he shivered behind the guards.

Su Ming walked over and said to the guards:
"Release Albert."

The guards let go of the rope pulling Aubert, and Aubert came to Su Ming with a bracelet and anklet and thanked him.

Su Ming asked Zad again:

"Where's the key to the bracelet and anklet?"

So, Su Ming got the key again, and helped Aubert untie the bracelet and anklet.

Falling into the river of light, they came up, looked at the trembling Zade, and asked Su Ming:

"What next? Keep them? Or let them go?"

"Let it go." Su Ming said, and then he communicated with Zade pretending to be fierce: "I let you go now, after you go back, can you guarantee that you won't come to trouble me?!"

Although Su Ming's voice is vicious, the remnants of the defeat of the God of War Guild just now are still there, so it still has a deterrent effect.

Zade nodded repeatedly, and left with the guards on the yacht.

After getting Zade's guarantee that he will not make trouble, it is actually not absolutely safe, but after getting the NPC's guarantee, if there is a follow-up, the system will automatically increase the reward, which can be regarded as compensation for the player.

After Zade left, Su Ming and the others took Aubert forward, told Aubert about his wife by the way, and completed the task.

After hearing this, Aubert was very sad, shed tears, and walked all the way in silence, until he knew from Su Ming's conversation that the cat lying on Su Ming's head was Miu Mi, he did not speak again.

Oberth looked at Miu Mi lying on top of Su Ming's head, bowed twice, and prayed:
"Master Gaigyu, bless me, let my strong arm tribe rise again."

Miao Mi turned around very unhappy, and said:

"What do you mean by begging me and praying to that stupid crocodile meow."

"I hope Master Miu Mi will help me convey it."

"I don't want meow, and there is a high probability that the second brother died in the previous turmoil." Miu Mi rolled her eyes and said to Ge Geyou: "Why don't you help me grab the gems..."

In the middle of Miao Mi's words, Su Ming covered her mouth. Su Ming threatened:
"If you talk nonsense, I will spank your ass."

Miu Mi got angry and said:

"Hmph, do you want me to fight you in human form?"


"Forget it, forget it, this idiot crocodile can't beat you anyway, so I won't say anything." Miao Mi struggled, and jumped back onto Su Ming's crocodile head.

Seeing that Su Ming dared to talk to Miu Mi like this, Oberth admired him very much. He said worriedly:
"If you don't respect Myuya-sama, you will have bad luck."

Wisteria answered with a smile:

"We adventurers won't worry about these."

Oberth nodded, feeling that Wisteria was right.

Everyone moved forward, and saw some broken wooden boats on the road. It seemed that after crossing the river, there was still a chance to mend the boats.

Su Ming and the others asked Oberth how Zade's yacht was brought in, and learned that it was a magic item and how to buy it.

"If we save a little in advance, we should be able to make a small profit after the dungeon is opened." Falling into Guanghe said.

Spark Annihilation also agreed with Falling into Guanghe's words, and the couple pulled Zui Mingyue together and planned to go to Tenik Town to stock up after leaving the dungeon.

As for Su Ming and Wisteria, they are not very short of money, so they don't intend to participate.

On the way, the mobs who came out to stop them were still the crocodile men who rolled their eyes. According to Oberth, these crocodile men had been corroded by the energy of the oasis and lost their minds.

Although the oasis energy is very powerful, not every crocodile can master it, but once mastered, it will become very strong.

Every time there is a battle, the injured Oberth will hide far away, it seems that he can't be the help of Su Ming and the others to fight the boss later.

After cleaning up more than a hundred demented crocodiles, Su Ming saw the oasis crystal.

The oasis crystal stood in a clearing in the jungle. It rotated slowly, emitting crooked strips of light around it.

Around the crystal, there are 8 vacuum cleaner-like machines. They are buzzing, absorbing the energy of the oasis crystal, and turning it into a green cube to spit out. These cubes are neatly stacked, and the number is several hundred.

A few straws hang down in the air, sucking these energy blocks into the sky.

And in front of these crystal blocks, there was a crooked crocodile man wearing a gray-black robe and holding a staff.

The scales of the palm of this crocodile man holding the staff are dotted with black spots.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the crocodile man turned his head, saw Su Ming and his party, it sneered twice, and said:

"Are you the intruders? I didn't expect you to bring the stray dog ​​Aubert with you."

Albert roared:

"Pinos, you actually betrayed the Strong Arm Tribe and became the watchdog of the Iron Jaw Tribe, and you still have the face to criticize me!"

"Hehe, in the world of crocodile people, the strong are respected, and only stupid people will value glory. For the sake of you and I being from the same tribe, I can let you go, but those humans must stay and become new ones." experimental body."

"Don't try to drag me into your ranks." Oberth clenched his fists and said, "If I hadn't been injured, I would have personally come to take your dog's life. Now, adventurers, I leave it to you .”

Oberth withdrew after finishing speaking.

Pinos sneered and mocked:
"You are the same as before, able to bend and stretch. Forget it, I won't talk nonsense with you, resolve the battle as soon as possible, and continue my research."

After all, Pinos slammed his staff, and the extractor in the sky stopped working, and dozens of crocodile eggs suddenly appeared on the ground, and these crocodile eggs beat rhythmically like a heart.

After a while, a small crocodile hatched.

The little crocodiles shook their tails and charged at Su Ming and the others with roars.

Su Ming and Xiao Hei blocked the little crocodiles, and then said:

"Sister Wisteria, you and sister Mingyue are going to destroy those unhatched crocodile eggs."

With Su Ming's order, Wisteria and Zui Mingyue escaped from the side.

Pinos grabbed an oasis energy brick and smashed it. The green energy escaped from the ground like dry ice. When it touched the crocodile egg, the crocodile egg hatched. When it touched the crocodile, the crocodile became stronger.

In the end, it was stained with the dead crocodile corpses, which exploded with a bang, causing more than 1000 points of area magic damage.

Although the damage is not high, it can't stand a corpse on the ground.

Facing these crocodile corpses that looked like landmines, Su Ming and the others couldn't get close to Pinos for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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