Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 250 The Runaway Pinos

Chapter 250 The Runaway Pinos (Please Subscribe~)

In the jungle, there were several violent explosions, and Su Ming and the others retreated into the woods in disgrace.

The little crocodiles have an effective range of 60 yards. At this distance, only hunters and snipers can hit Pinos, and other professions can only be bombarded by Pinos.

Su Ming looked at Aubert and asked him if he could help.

Albert shook his head helplessly, and said:
"Unless you can destroy the equipment that absorbs the energy of the oasis crystal. Otherwise, under the blessing of the oasis energy, Pinos can summon the 'swift crocodile' almost unlimitedly."

Zui Mingyue rolled her eyes and said:

"The machine is surrounded by swift and fierce crocodiles, how can it be destroyed?"

Su Ming turned to look at Miao Mi again, and asked:

"Miao Mi, is the gem you are talking about this oasis crystal?"

Miu Mi shook her head and said:
"No, how could the gem be so big, this oasis crystal is a natural natural magic."

"Where's the gem?"

"Look carefully at that crocodile man's chest. There is a necklace. The gemstones are on its necklace. If you had given me more gemstones before, I will give you a blessing to defeat this stupid crocodile. It is not easy things.

Now you have time to make up for it, do you want to try it? "Miao Mi seduced.

"No." Su Ming rejected Miao Mi decisively.

He thought for a while, and said to his teammates:
"The surviving swift crocodile is not as dangerous as the dead swift crocodile. I will try to lure them away later and let Xiao Hei fight the boss."

"Is it really possible? I don't think Pinos can summon crocodiles without stopping." Huahuo Annihilation said worriedly.

"Let's try it first." Su Ming said.

Then the team entered Pinos' attack range again, and Pinos began to beat his staff rhythmically, summoning the swift crocodile.

Each swift crocodile only has 3000 HP, which is a HP that a player with slightly better equipment can easily kill.

However, Su Ming deliberately delayed killing them this time, and took them to the depths of the jungle. He also brought a hammer, and planned to use the hammer to kill these swift crocodiles in seconds when the distance was about the same.

As long as their corpses are kept away from the team, even if they explode, they will not pose a threat to the team.

Su Ming was watching the battlefield while luring the crocodile.

His plan worked to a certain extent, clearing an open space for his teammates to advance. Xiao Hei rushed forward, sprinted at Pinos, and obtained the specific attributes of Pinos.

Crocodile Archmage Pinos (LV35, BOSS): 446377/450000.

As the final boss of the level 35 dungeon, its blood volume is not even as high as that of Boros, but this also conveys the signal that its attack is very high.

Seeing Zui Mingyue rushing towards the extraction machine, Pinos immediately waved his staff and roared angrily:
"Get your dirty hands off."

At a distance of 20 yards, an explosion exploded in front of Zui Mingyue, sending her flying.

Then there is wisteria, the same air blast attack.

Fortunately, Wisteria has two invincible skills, Shadow Walk and Wind Walk. She saw Zui Mingyue being attacked, so she made mental preparations in advance. The moment the air burst came, Wisteria activated Shadow Step, blocked the damage, and then chopped to the extraction machine.

The extractor has 5 HP, but its armor is very low, Wisteria cut off half of its HP in the blink of an eye.

But Pinos' air blast attack came again.

Wisteria then used the wind walk to block the damage, destroyed a absorbing machine, and then quickly evacuated.

"Spark, come and try to destroy the machine remotely." Su Ming shouted from a distance.

"Okay." Huahuo Annihilation agreed, and began to chant skills.

Almost at the moment when Huahuo Annihilation began to chant skills, Pinos' eyes moved to Huahuo Annihilation, and Su Ming quickly called Huahuo Annihilation to stop.

It seems that Pinos' hatred follows the extractor. I don't know if the player can destroy the extractor in advance by relying on the ultra-long-range attacks of hunters and snipers in the future.

Here, Su Ming brought dozens of swift crocodiles to reach the furthest hatred distance. After finding that some crocodiles started to run back, Su Ming let the hammer release the molten flame sweep and meteorite hammer to kill the swift crocodiles in a wave. up.

After killing the swift crocodile in seconds, Su Ming looked at the battlefield again and found that it was covered with dense crocodiles again, seriously affecting the team's output efficiency. Su Ming shouted:

"I can't lure the crocodile away by myself. Another one is needed."

"Let me do it." Zui Mingyue shouted, she can neither destroy the extractor nor cause damage to Pinos, so she is indeed a more suitable candidate.

In this way, the team gradually optimized the division of labor and played more and more smoothly.

After grinding for more than half an hour, all eight extractors in the scene were destroyed by wisteria.

Pinos is not in a hurry at this time, because there are oasis crystal cubes produced before him behind him that have not been used up. The oasis crystal energy blocks piled up into a wall are enough for him to use for more than an hour. In more than an hour, Sure to kill any team.

At this time, Oberth suddenly stood up, he waved to Wisteria, gave Wisteria the machine he used to absorb peripheral energy, and said:

"Using this machine, these oasis crystal energy blocks can be sucked away! I hope it can help you."

Wisteria nodded, put the machine on her back, and walked around the swift crocodile, stealing an oasis crystal energy block from time to time.

"Adjusting the machine mode can also heal teammates, but be careful not to spray it on the swift crocodile!" Oberth shouted from a distance.

Wisteria tried it, and found that one mouthful can spray 1000+ HP of teammates, and one oasis energy crystal can spray 5 times.

As a result, Wisteria was transferred to a medical soldier again, and the whole team played more easily.

"Hahaha, this boss doesn't seem to be very difficult." Falling into Guanghe said while giving milk to Wisteria who shuttled through the battlefield.

"It's a good thing I met Obert, otherwise I wouldn't be able to kill this BOSS with all the blue lights." Spark Annihilation poured a bottle of magic potion and continued to stand and output. She said, "This BOSS doesn't seem to have any hatred. After so much damage, he didn't even look at me."

"Because the hatred is all on me..." Wisteria took away an energy block and said, "8 extractors, the output is 40... and I don't know if there is any amplification effect."

Dealing with the swift crocodile Su Ming in the distance said:
"Fortunately, I brought Sister Wisteria into the dungeon this time. If there were no stalkers, it would be very difficult to evade Pinos's attack. When fighting Boros before, stalkers were also needed to deal with the crocodile team. If this oasis fantasy dungeon is opened If so, stalkers should be very popular."

"Maybe, maybe someone else will develop a better style of play. For example, with these eight machines, a sniper may be able to handle them from 200 yards away."

Everyone is chatting and outputting at the same time, which is easier than fighting Boros.

Pinos' blood volume was only 10. He was in a hurry, and the frequency of tapping his staff was getting faster and faster, and the cooling time for throwing energy blocks was getting shorter and shorter, but he no longer had other skills.

Finally, the last piece of energy was sucked away by the wisteria, and Pinos couldn't make the swift crocodile's body explode, and the threat was greatly reduced.

Su Ming and the others can now ignore the swift crocodile and rush in to take Pinos.

With 5 blood, Pinos suddenly stopped knocking on the staff and gasped for breath while leaning on the staff.

"Everyone, be careful of the explosion of Pinos. If necessary, just open it for a second." Su Ming reminded.

"it is good."



The teammates all raised the spirit of 12 points and accelerated the output action in their hands.

"Great God of Courage, Gegeyu! I will inherit your mantle!" Pinos yelled suddenly, entering an invincible state.

Su Ming and the others looked at each other, retreated to a safe distance, squeezed their hands for a second, ready to kill Pinos at any time.

Pinos tore off the robe on his body, revealing his withered and thin body. Under each of his green scales, almost all of them were soaked in black, some black, and the scales would drill out, shining in the sun.

Oberth saw Pinos' ugly appearance from a distance, widened his eyes, and murmured:
"In less than a year, has the crystallization disease spread so severely? This is impossible... Could it be that this guy, Pinos, really chose to implant the magic energy crystal?"

This reminded Oberth of how he got along with Pinos in the past. At that time, they were both talented crocodile men of the strong arm tribe, but he would always beat Pinos, and he was a fighter class that was more popular with crocodile men.

"Aubert, did you know? Geiger was actually infected with the magic energy crystal, no, it wasn't an infection, he implanted it on his own initiative."

"Each of the soldiers of the ancient Golden Legion will actively implant magic energy crystals."

"I found a way to become stronger, Oberth, and soon I will defeat you!"

"Courage? Isn't it courage to implant magic energy crystals?"

"You ask me where the magic energy crystals come from? You don't need to inquire about it. Anyway, I will solve it."

Those words are vivid.

When the Iron Jaw tribe attacked, Pinos gave up resisting so simply, and even opened the door to welcome him, it must have something to do with the crystallization of magic energy.

The energy of the oasis crystal has dissipated for so many years, and it has never made that kind of creature crazy, but as soon as the iron jaw tribe appeared, the energy of the oasis crystal suddenly became violent.

It must be combined with magic crystals!

Oberth came back to his senses abruptly, rushed out of the jungle, and stared at the oasis crystal.

Sure enough... there is a black line in it.

Oberth flopped down on the ground—it was all over, all over the Traveler's Oasis.

However, just as Pinos said, Oberth is a crocodile who can advance and retreat. The next second, he was thinking about how to maximize the life of the oasis crystal, and the oasis was destroyed by yellow sand in the traveler oasis. Before covering, complete the transfer work of the clansmen.

But the most important thing right now is to remind these adventurers... "Run!" Oberth shouted, "You are no match for Pinos in this form!"

"Hahaha, it's too late!" Pinos pulled off the necklace on his chest and swallowed it into his stomach, and said, "After all these years, I finally mastered the method of controlling the crystallization of magic energy!
That's the lost gem from the Golden City!Although being disturbed by you, there will be deviations in evolution, but it doesn't matter!After killing you guys, I have plenty of time to patch the bugs!
Oberth!Witness the birth of a new God of Courage! "

Pinos suddenly floated into the air, hundreds of magic balls spewed out from the scepter, and smashed towards Su Ming and the others.

"Fuck, what is this?"

"Why is he invincible for so long? What a fool!"

"This thing can't hide at all, lock on the attack."

"Hurry up and die again, maybe when you come back, Pinos won't be invincible."

The magic ball fell on Su Ming and the others, killing all the others in an instant. With high magic resistance and high blood volume, Su Ming made it to the last one.

"Master! I'm here to help you, you run away!" Xiao Hei jumped on Su Ming's head and helped him take damage from the magic ball. With more than 3 blood, he can buy more or less 10 seconds.

Su Ming didn't dare to waste the time that Xiao Hei bought for him, and immediately fled to the distance. Pinos' current strength is obviously not something that players can deal with.

Just as Su Ming was running away, there was a loud shout in the jungle:
"No matter how stupid my second brother is, he can't be blasphemed by an ugly bastard like you!"

 Thank you for the 200-point reward from "Master's Wound".

(End of this chapter)

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