Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 251: The Bamboo Basket Draws Water 1 Game

Chapter 251
Miao Mi jumped on the branch and threw herself on Su Ming's back. She put her forehead on Su Ming's spine and asked Su Ming:
"Help me beat him"

System: Do you accept the random task "Teach the Blasphemer a lesson"?
In the task description, it described Miu Mi's mood at this time, and the general meaning was-my brother is the only one who can bully me.

It was the first time Su Ming saw such a cute scene of Miao Mi, so he agreed, and asked:
"What do I need to do?"

Su Ming was able to agree, which made Miao Mi very happy. Her cat's mouth curled up and said:

"I'm going to contact your scarab later, as long as you agree to let it help me."

After Miao Mi finished speaking, Su Ming felt the sun scarab on his spine become hot.

A hallucination suddenly appeared in front of his eyes—orange-red color covered everything, and a scarab the size of a person was resting on its stomach.

Outside the orange-red world, there are a bunch of scarabs flapping their wings, and they seem to be asking to enter this orange-red world.

System: Miu Mi (NPC) requests to call your solar scarab, do you agree?
Su Ming knew that this was an illusion, because under the character attribute column, there was a hallucination state in which the time was constantly refreshed.

This is the scene simulated by the game system, which is a wonderful experience.

Su Ming chose to agree, and the scarab lying on the ground flapped its wings and flew up, taking all the little scarabs away.

System: Miu Mi called your scarab, and you reduced your maximum health by 20 points.


Su Ming pushed out from the hallucination and heard the system prompt. The frequency of this prompt is once a second.

Su Ming didn't expect that the maximum HP would be deducted for lending Miao Mi the scarab. He regretted it a bit, but at this point, Su Ming could only tell Miao Mi:

"Move faster."

Surrounded by a pile of golden lights, Miao Mi said with a confident smile:

"Don't worry, I'm the best at beheading these guys who borrow magic energy to crystallize."

After finishing speaking, Miu Mi jumped to Pinos, and many scarabs formed a golden light cat and moved forward with it.

Pinos panicked when he saw Miu Mi and the sun scarab.He couldn't figure out why the legendary creature appeared here, but he could feel that Miu Mi's blow was not powerful.He immediately used the remaining power to blast all the magic balls towards Miu Mi.

The golden cat stood in front of the magic ball, and the two confronted each other in the air. The more they confronted each other, the bigger the golden cat became.

Pinos remembered that when the sun scarabs were described in their respective classics, one of the most frequently mentioned features was the ability to swallow all magical energy and then transform it into nutrition for the swarm.

His behavior of concentrating the magic ball on the sun scarab was like hitting a dog with a meat bun.

After thinking about it, Pinos turned his eyes and turned his gaze to Su Ming—the sun scarab summoned by Miu Mi with the help of this human listener. When the scarab loses its head beetle, Miu Mi loses its threat.

So, Pinos chanted a spell, let the magic ball disperse, and attacked Su Ming again.

As soon as he separated, the golden cat's propulsion speed suddenly accelerated, and it hit him. There was a creepy clicking sound, and Pinos' body was gradually decomposed by the sun scarab's bite.

Even in an invincible state, he couldn't keep him.

Pinos was able to implant himself with magic energy crystals that brought pain, and his endurance was extremely strong. He endured the pain and persistently let the magic ball attack Su Ming.

Su Ming was depleted of blood and life limit again. He felt bitter and couldn't tell. He took medicine, put on a shield, and was blocked by Xiao Hei and Zuoweimen, but he didn't die for a while.

Fortunately, the golden cat was more powerful. He killed Pinos first, which made Su Ming heave a sigh of relief—he almost lost experience and attributes.

Pinos had a ferocious face, and exploded into a pool of blood rain in the air, a green gemstone glistening in the blood rain.

When Miao Mi saw the gemstone that was close at hand, she was overjoyed, hooked the cat's claw, opened the space door with the remaining strength, and got in.

Seeing this scene, Su Ming was dumbfounded. The gem he was bound to get was snatched away like this? !
"Miu Mi! Come back to me!"

Su Ming yelled angrily, turned on the jumping skill of the magic shoes, dragged his bloody body towards Miu Mi, and stretched out his hand to grab Miu Mi's hind legs.

Miao Mi curled up, avoiding Su Ming's grasp, she turned her head and blinked at Su Ming, stuck out her tongue, and said:
"Thank you for taking care of me these days, goodbye~"

Su Ming caught the air, and the space door disappeared.

"Damn it!" Su Ming fell to the ground, extremely depressed.

At this time, the reminder that the upper limit of life was lowered brought Su Ming back to his senses.

After Miao Mi left, the golden cats flew around like headless chickens, only the sun scarab that parasitized Su Ming jumped on the oasis crystal and bit it hard.

In less than half a minute of fighting, Su Ming had already lowered his life limit by 500 points, which was almost equivalent to a piece of silver equipment.

Su Ming called out to the sun scarab several times, but it didn't respond, and the upper limit of its HP was still dropping.

Su Ming calmed down, switched to the insect language, and shouted again, and it worked.

The sun scarab flew back to Su Ming's spine, and brought back some of the sun scarabs that were floating in the air.

System: Your sun scarab has captured a group (20) of worker insects, becomes stronger, and acquires the skill "Flying Insect Attack".

System: Your solar scarab ate part of the oasis crystal and entered a dormant state, and some effects were invalidated.

Insect Attack (LV1): Summons a sun scarab to attack a target within 50 yards, causing a total of (500+1.0 AP) magic damage. If the target has a positive buff, a random positive buff will be transferred to the target, causing Extra (1.0AP) true damage.

Consumption: 1000 HP.Cooling: 5 minutes.

The skill of Flying Insect Attack has a huge base damage, and it can also transfer the target's frontal buff, which can be said to be very powerful.

These days, who can not have a buff?
It’s just that the cooldown is a bit long, 5 minutes, you can use it a few more times when fighting the boss, basically you can only use it once when fighting the player, but with such high damage, combined with Su Ming’s pet, it can almost kill others in one shot up.

Then Su Ming checked the effect of the solar scarab's failure.

It was found that the effect of deducting the upper limit of life points every day had failed, which was a good thing among a bunch of bad things.

"Damn Miu Mi, I will never help you again next time." Su Ming thought to himself: "Just the last two gems are missing, and Miu Mi will be able to revive Walsom. Will this be the big boss in the Espine area? ?
If a gem corresponds to a mainline dungeon, there should be two mainline dungeons that have not been opened in the Esbyne area. "

At this time, greetings from teammates came from the team channel:
"Spore, why is there suddenly no movement? Have you escaped?"

"What's the state of Pinos now? We're rushing there, you hold on for another 10 minutes."

Su Ming came back to his senses, and quickly sent them a message:

"You don't need to come here, Pinos has already died, and the instance exit has already come out, I picked up the equipment, let's go out and divide it."

Su Ming picked up the items dropped by Pinos. Seeing Aubert knocking on the oasis crystal and applying silver powder on it, he asked:
"Mr. Albert, what are you doing?"

"Block the transmission line of the Iron Jaw Tribe, they will lose the help of the Oasis Crystal, and I will be able to take back the territory of the Strong Arm Tribe." Oberth said with a smile: "Thanks to you who helped me clear the guards in the Oasis Illusion .”

"Do you need my help then?"

Albert shook his head and said:

"It's done. Destroying something is far more convenient than creating it. Are you leaving the oasis illusion now?"


"Then let's go together." Oberth smiled and said, "By the way, help me expel the crocodiles from the Iron Jaw Tribe."

So, Su Ming received another random task, and then walked out from the portal that appeared in the dungeon.

(End of this chapter)

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