Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 252 Task Replacement

Chapter 252 Task Replacement
After walking out of the portal, two messages came out in a row on the rare global channel in "Fate".

System announcement: Congratulations to the team led by Spore for opening the mainline instance of "Oasis Fantasy". The world reputation of team members is +100.Adventurers can go to the Traveler's Oasis to discover the story about the "God of Courage, Gaigyu"
System Announcement: Congratulations to the Miracle Wilderness team led by Huadao Duanshui for opening the mainline instance of "Fire Bandit". The world reputation of team members is +80.Adventurers can go to the hot mountains to discover the stories about "Wolsom, the God of Reincarnation".

In Fate, there are very few system announcements. The previous system announcement dates back to two or three months ago. At that time, Su Ming had not yet entered the game, and at this time he had already become a part of the legendary story.

No matter where the players are in Fate, they have heard these two messages, started discussing, and then converged to the two locations.

At this time, the player is excited, just like opening a new version.


Su Ming and the others also heard the system announcement and were happy for a while.

They're a few minutes faster than drawing the knife to stop the water, so they have an extra 20 points of world reputation.

World prestige is very precious. Players with high world prestige are more likely to receive tasks from NPCs, and they are not easy to be robbed of tasks.

Then Su Ming and the others helped Oberth clean up the crocodile people of the Iron Jaw tribe and rescued the crocodile people from other tribes who were being held in captivity.

These new crocodile people will rebuild the strong arm tribe to welcome the players who are coming.

At the entrance of the dungeon, a new store NPC was also quickly spawned, in which you can exchange various temporary potions with attributes.

In addition to opening the dungeon, the Strong Arm Tribe has also opened the leveling map outside the Oasis Illusion. I think there will be a lot of equipment blueprints in circulation in the future.

After Su Ming and the others helped Aubert, they directly entered the copy to fight while their hands were warm.

The difficulty of the dungeon is much lower than that of the "story mode". After finishing the two dungeons, Su Ming was directly promoted to a level. Zui Mingyue and the others died in the story mode before, so they did not upgrade.

Then there is the harvest of the distribution of these several copies. The team is all acquaintances, so the distribution is completed quickly, everyone gets the appropriate equipment, and an average of 8000 gold coins.

The main profit came from the time when the dungeon was opened, because people from the God of War Guild exploded their equipment, which was equivalent to brushing an extra boss.

After playing 3 dungeons, it was already evening, and the strong arm tribe had already been occupied by the player's street stalls. Compared with the Oasis Illusion, which has not yet had a complete strategy, the periphery of the Oasis Illusion is more popular.

Now the five of Su Ming are in full bloom, so they discussed it in the dungeon, and after they came out, they would disperse and go to their own things.

Falling into the River of Light, Fireworks Annihilation, Zui Mingyue is going to buy speedboat props, then write a strategy to hype it, it should be a big hit.

Wisteria is going to visit the hot mountains.

Su Ming wants to go back to Sibeiwei City to hand in the task of "Cat's Mouth Seizing Food"...

This mission should now be considered a failure.

Before going to find Dama, Su Ming first gave Xiao Hei 3 pieces of dark gold equipment. These 3 pieces of dark gold were all obtained in this dungeon, and they were considered the most precious 3 pieces of equipment. Su Ming grabbed it, Su Ming wanted it, and he took it down smoothly.

It took an hour and a half for Xiao Hei to devour, adding 6000 points of health and mana, 300 points of armor and magic resistance, and brought Su Ming 3 skill points.

"Go to Damana and finish the task, I should also brush up the skill book of level 30."

Thinking so, Su Ming hugged Xiao Hei and walked on the night road of Sibeiwei City.

Passing through the street under the dim street lights, Su Ming came to the door of Dama's divination hut.

The lights are still on in the hut, but there is already a proofing board hanging at the door.

"It's great to not have a break yet."

Su Ming went up and knocked on the door.

With a squeak, the youthful and beautiful Wu Ni Ke opened the crack of the door and turned sideways to see who came. She recognized Su Ming, opened the door and let Su Ming enter the room.

"Who is it?" Grandma Dama's voice came from behind the curtain.

"It's the adventurer who met Miu Mi before." Unico said.

Dama came out to meet Su Ming.

Su Ming touched his head in embarrassment, and said:
"Grandma Dama, I found Miu Mi this time, but... I didn't get the gem."

Dama nodded, not surprised, and said:
"It's normal not to be able to grab Miu Mi, there are still two gems left, if you keep working hard, as long as one gem is not collected, Worsom cannot be revived.

You didn't grab the gem, so did you touch Miao Mi?Let me continue to track down Miu Mi for you. "

"Okay, then please trouble Grandma Dama."

"What's the trouble?" Dama took out the crystal ball and signaled Su Ming to sit down. While helping Su Ming with divination, she asked Su Ming about the specific experience of snatching the gems this time. told Dama.

Dama heard that Su Ming and Miao Mi had been acting together for several days, and asked fighters and stalkers for help, but the gems were still robbed, so she stood up immediately, interrupted the divination, and was so angry that she couldn't speak.

Su Ming's task of "snatching food from a cat's mouth" also failed suddenly.

"The task of snatching gems must never be entrusted to you again." Dama said, "You are too stupid. It seems that the result of the last divination is that fools have foolish blessings, not the chosen one."

"Grandma Dama, don't say that." Wu Nico said with a smile.

"Xiaoxiaoxiao, what's so funny, Esperine is going to die, how can you laugh." Dama taught.

Seeing that Dama seemed to be really angry, Unikea didn't dare to speak, and she stood quietly behind Dama.

There was silence in the divination cabin, and Su Ming stepped back quietly. He wanted to ask Dama about the sun scarab, but unexpectedly Dama got angry, so he planned to leave first.

Su Ming retreated to the door, held the door handle, and said:

"That... I'll go first, I wish you a sweet dream."

"Wait a minute." Dama stopped Su Ming and said, "You can cooperate with Miu Mi to defeat the crocodile man who borrowed the crystallization of magic energy. You are still powerful. Although you are too stupid to complete the task alone, you can assist Wu Nicole, go grab the next gem. What do you want?"

Dama spoke a little domineeringly, but for the players, as long as there is a task, it is a good thing. Su Ming agreed and received the task of "assisting Unique".

As the situation eased, Su Ming stayed and asked questions about the sun scarab.

"You are a listener, so you still have to ask me this kind of thing? As long as you capture it as your pet, it will naturally not suck your flesh and blood."

Su Ming nodded, expressing his understanding. It just so happens that level 30 has the skill of adding a pet bar. After learning it, he can easily solve this problem.

Although scarabs don't seem to be able to fight, but in order to be able to play for a long time, the pet position must be reserved for scarabs.

Afterwards, Su Ming stayed in the hut for a while, asking how he should help Unico and when he would come to help Unico. After getting the exact time, Su Ming left.

(End of this chapter)

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