Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 253 Level 30 Skills

Chapter 253 Level 30 Skills (Please Subscribe~)

Su Ming checked the information on the forum and found that near Sibeiwei City, there is a monster called "Sand Dragon", which will drop the level 30 skill book of the animal trainer.

The sand dragon looks like a centipede magnified hundreds of times. It has many legs. It runs fast in the desert and will attack travelers passing by. However, after the player arrives, they have no chance to attack travelers again...

Now a level 30 skill book, depending on the occupation, the in-game price is about 500 gold coins, if you buy it directly with RMB, it will cost about 3000 yuan.

Direct cash transactions are a tax avoidance method used by players under the heavy taxation of more than 50% of the game...

If you exchange it with gold coins, the price is still 1 yuan per gold coin, but you don't even get half of it...

Since the skill book is valuable, there are crowds of people near every monster that can explode the skill book, and Sand Dragon is no exception.

Su Ming came to Shadilong's territory, and from night to day, there was no decrease in the number of people.

There are a lot of people from the studio here to cooperate with spawning monsters. Their way of spawning monsters is like an assembly line. The remote responsible for attracting monsters is responsible for attracting monsters, and the one responsible for gathering monsters is responsible for gathering monsters. Then the elementalists group brush.

A team of people can occupy the refresh point of a dozen monsters, and a leveling area can probably include a hundred teams.

For the sake of efficiency, Su Ming did not spawn monsters while refining medicine this time.

He is a team by himself. After learning the play styles of various studios, Su Ming also started to assemble.

Su Ming will work with the hammer to attract and gather monsters, and then hand them over to Zaemon and Xiao Hei for instant killing.

It has to be said that this style of play with a clear division of labor is indeed much faster than doing all the work by one person.

Su Ming saw a group of people going offline, and a monster refresh point appeared. Just as he was about to go to grab the monster, a group of people appeared directly and occupied the refresh point. The fireball of the hammer hit them, and there was news of a malicious PK.

"Sorry. I see they are offline..." Su Ming said.

The other party waved his hand, saying that it doesn't matter. They often encounter this kind of situation, so it's not surprising. They are in the same studio as the players who went offline before.

Su Ming retreated to the area he occupied and continued to spawn monsters, thinking:

"Unique needs to prepare for two days. If it doesn't show up at noon tomorrow, I will trouble Sister Venus. I don't know if I can receive it."

Su Ming was thinking like this, when he killed a sand dragon, an egg exploded on the ground, Su Ming was pleasantly surprised, and walked over to pick it up.

In his backpack, there is another egg that is exactly the same.

Use this egg to hatch a sand dragon mount, which can gain 500% movement speed in desert terrain, and the price is 1000 gold coins.

"Two, it would be great if the luck of exploding eggs can be placed in the exploding skill book."

Su Ming thought silently. After brushing for a while, a voice suddenly came from a distance:
"It's shipped! 'Partner Power'! I'm willing to pay 600 gold or 3800 RMB quickly, otherwise I will lose it to the auction house and sell it slowly. Don't come to me if you want to bargain, thank you for your cooperation."

It is produced and sold now, and the price is higher than that of the auction house, which is to understand the anxiety of animal trainers like Su Ming who come to brush up the skill books.

Su Ming rushed over, and even used his flashing skills to arrive first, and initiate a transaction request to the caller.

"Hey, boss spore, move fast enough." The other party agreed to the transaction, put the skill book on it, and asked, "Gold coins or RMB?"

"Gold coins." Su Ming marked 600 gold.

After the other party agreed and confirmed, Su Ming also agreed and confirmed, and got the new skill book.

After completing the transaction, Su Ming said:

"If I haven't gotten another skill book for the Beast Tamer when it comes out, leave it to me. It's also 100 gold higher than the market price."

"Okay, no problem."

Su Ming let the pets continue to spawn monsters and used the skill book himself.

Partner Strength (LV1):
Passive: Pet bar +1.

Active: Swap the positions of any two pets. After the swap, deal (2+100AP) magic damage to enemies within 0.8 yards of the landing point, and make enemies within the range fear for 1 second.

Cost: 300 mana.Cooldown: 15 seconds.

Adding the number of pets to this skill can also cause range control, and a proper large-scale nuclear skill is equivalent to an enlarged version of the perfect tactic.

The fly in the ointment is that the range is too small, only 2 yards away.In many cases, even if you fight with a melee professional, the distance is more than two yards. After all, this is a magical world, and there are many weapons that cannot be explained by common sense.

For example, a giant sword with a length of 3 or 4 meters...

In reality, absolutely no one will use this kind of weapon, but in the game, in order to pursue coolness and attributes, not only will it be used, but many people will use it...

After the pet bar was added, the first thing Su Ming did was to catch the sun scarab in the spine.

Although it is now sleeping without deducting its attributes, it has always been Su Ming's big worry.

When preparing to capture, Su Ming found an embarrassing problem, that is, he couldn't choose the sun scarab...

The sun scarab was attached to Su Ming's spine, and Su Ming couldn't see it at all, let alone use skills on it.

I searched the forum and found no similar cases.

Su Ming closed the forum, and accidentally saw the reflection of Zaemon's blade, so Su Ming came up with a solution.

He took out the "Looking Mirror" and let the hammer hold it. After adjusting the angle, Su Ming successfully saw the sun scarab in the mirror, and released the beast taming skill on it.


Perhaps it was because the scarab was already parasitic, the progress bar of the capture increased rapidly, without encountering the slightest obstacle, and it succeeded in one go.

System: The beast taming skill has been activated successfully. The mythical creature, the sun scarab, has become your pet. Its attributes have been corrected. You can check the pet attributes in the pet bar.

"Mythical creatures? Hukou is so powerful, I hope the attributes are not too bad."

It is said that the more powerful the monster, the more attributes will be modified after becoming the player's pet clock.

With apprehension, Su Ming opened the property panel of the sun scarab.

Sun Scarab:
Rating: 1
Loyalty: 100/100
Health: 1
Mana: 1
Physical attack: 1~1
Magic Attack: 1~1
Armor: 1
Magic resistance: 1
Movement speed: 10000
Parasitic (LV1): Passive (cannot be turned off):

Effect 1: The sun scarab lives and dies with the host. Before the death of the host, the sun scarab is not affected by any external force.

Effect 2: When the sun scarab needs resources (health points, magic points, etc.), it will consume the same amount of resources as the host.

Effect 3: The loyalty of the sun scarab is constant until the host is reincarnated.

Effect 4: Host +150% health recovery speed, +150% mana recovery speed, the host is equivalent to a female insect.

Effect 5: The host gets 75% fire attribute damage reduction.

Current host: Spore #4432.

Consumption: 300 life upper limit/day, or items that permanently increase physical fitness (at least 30 points)/day (0 points settlement per day).

Brood (LV1): Passive (cannot be closed): Your sun scarab is a female insect, has a insect room, and can produce worker insects to fight.More insect houses will bring more worker insects.

Current number of bug houses: 5.

Number of habitable worker insects in the insect house: 4.

Current number of workers: 20.

Current production capacity of worker insects: 2 per second.

Consumption: 250 mana/piece (if the mana is insufficient, double the life will be consumed).

Active: Worker insects can be consumed to increase damage. For each worker insect consumed, damage increases by 0.5%.

Adaptive evolution (LV1): After the sun scarab eats special items, it can produce special soldiers to assist in combat.

Current Special Bug: Vampire Beetle (Oasis Crystal):

The blood-sucking beetle will attack the target the host is attacking at a speed of 1 per second, causing 200 real damage to the target and restoring 100 HP to the host.

When the host is attacked, the blood-sucking beetle will immediately fight back against the attacker, causing 200 true damage, and then restore 100 health to the host.

Insect Attack (LV1): ..., Cooldown: 1 minute.

(End of this chapter)

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