Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 259 Single Hero Book

Chapter 259 Single Hero Book (14 more)

Wu Nicole ate biscuits in small bites all the way, and came to the copy door with Su Ming.

The media accounts behind Su Ming also followed along. Su Ming was helpless, but there was nothing he could do.

Su Ming bumped into the entrance of the dungeon, and found that he couldn't get in, so he let Unicle go ahead.

Wu Nicole walked into the dungeon, the scene changed, Su Ming came to the door of a big cave, surrounded by scorched grass leaves.

"It's so hot..." Wu Ni could fan the wind with her hand, took out the compass, glanced at it, and said to Su Ming: "It's inside, let's go in quickly."

After finishing speaking, Unicole was about to go into the cave, but was dragged behind a big rock by Su Ming.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"There will be sand thieves coming over later, we have to kill these sand thieves first, otherwise they will sound the alarm and we will be taken away." Su Ming patiently explained to Unicole, and then said: "It is very difficult here. Dangerous, you hide behind me the whole time, understand?"

Su Ming glanced at the difficulty of the dungeon... Hero level.

It really killed me.

He frowned and sent a message to Butterfly Whisper.

Butterfly Whisper knew that Su Ming had entered the dungeon with heroic difficulty alone, and gave a sharp reply—wait for death.

Of course, this was a joke of Die Xiyu, she said later that she would call with Su Ming next week, but Su Ming obviously couldn't wait until next week.

Unicole had been studying with Dama before, and most of her trips were to complete the "homework" given by Dama, and she rarely had the opportunity to go out with the opposite sex.

This time I acted together with Su Ming, although it was not long, but Wu Nicole really felt a sense of being taken care of, just like the biographical stories she likes to read.

At this moment, Wu Nicole looked at Su Ming who was getting serious, pursed her mouth happily, and nodded obediently.

Su Ming didn't pay attention to Unique's little expression. He summoned Xiao Hei, but even Zaemon didn't dare to summon him, for fear that the target would be too big and the monster would be alerted in advance.

Su Ming poked his head out from the stone, looked around and looked at the time above the dungeon.


At 30 seconds, 2 mountain patrolling sand robbers were refreshed on time in the distance.

Seeing the real appearance of two monsters, Wu Nicole thought to herself: There are actually sand robbers patrolling the mountain, the spores are so smart.

Sand Patrol Patrol (LV33, Elite): 40000/40000.

Their shape is similar to the common sand pirates in the wild, except that the clothes wrapped around their bodies have turned red, and there are black spar piercing out on both sides of their cheeks.

In the background story of the Pyro Bandits, the entire Pyro Bandits are infected with crystals.Except for a few powerful masters who still maintained their sanity, the rest of the minions had turned into monsters who could only rely on their usual habits.

The leader of the bandit group used his strengthened subordinates to sweep across the scorching mountain area, causing serious damage. In the Miracle Wilderness, they did a week's worth of missions before finding out their lair, killing them, and opening the dungeon.

"It's actually an elite monster..." Su Ming frowned.

In the normal, elite or difficult version, the first two mountain patrol monsters are normal monsters, with a blood volume of no more than 1. Players must kill them before they blow their whistle.

If you can't kill it, all the monsters in the dungeon will rush out to attack, and it will be GG directly.

It takes only 5 seconds from when they find the player to blowing the whistle, which has certain requirements for the player's explosive ability.

"Unique, wait until I attack the Sand Pirate on the right, and you can stop the Sand Pirate on the left, okay?" Su Ming asked.

Unico nodded sharply, and said softly:

"no problem."

"Okay, then wait for my order before taking action." Su Ming said.

Then Su Ming waited for the two elite monsters to move around, and when they reached a tree to fish, Su Ming used perfect tactics to send Xiao Hei there.

With a bang, Xiao Hei sat between the two Sand Pirates.

When the two sand thieves were attacked, they immediately raised their machetes to fight back. After they slashed twice, they realized that something was wrong and prepared to blow the whistle.

Seeing that the machete was about to fall, Xiao Hei shrunk into a real ball and bounced between the two sand thieves.

Rapid ejection! -


There are a total of 12 bounces, and each Sand Bandit will receive 6 bounce damages, and the two Sand Bandits will be hit with 1.5 damage each!

Then Xiao Hei burst out with viscous liquid, and each hit two monsters with nearly 9000 blood points.

That is to say, the elites on heroic difficulty can resist Xiao Hei's set of explosions and survive. In the wild, these two monsters may owe Xiao Hei their lives.

The two sand thieves were a little dizzy from being shot, so they gave up attacking and were going to get the whistle hanging on their waists.

Su Ming summoned Zaemon, used "Listen to Your Heart" to speed up Zaemon, and said to Unico at the same time:
"Time to stop!"

Unicole's ability is activated through the eyes, very quickly. When Su Ming gave the order, the movement of the Sand Pirate on the left was suspended... It is also fortunate that Su Ming has never watched any weird movies, otherwise he would see a strange movie. People who are immobile will definitely think crookedly.

Zaemon sprinted and kicked the ground, and the vegetation behind him was vibrated by the shock wave. Zaemon and Xiao Hei crossed each other, slashing the double blades at Sand Bandit's chest.

Blade Fang!

After the two swords tore open the sand thief's chest, Zaemon immediately raised the two swords and slashed down.

Double-edged gouge!

Sand Pirates had less than 5000 HP left, and Zaemon and Xiao Hei joined forces to attack, together with Su Ming in the distance, successfully finished the battle within 5 seconds.

At this time, the hammer has also moved within 7 yards of the other sand thief, and can output.

Kuro opened holes on both sides, and the bubble gun was ready; Zaemon turned into a wild boar, ready to charge.

"Stop when it's released." Su Ming said.

The Sand Bandit moved, and the three ready-to-go pets plus Su Ming immediately bombed it. Damage numbers of various colors appeared, and they were successfully killed before the Sand Bandit whistled.

On the ground, a fiery red fragment fell out. Su Ming's eyes lit up, and he ran to pick it up.

Flame Affinity Magic Rod Shards (Dark Gold): Collect all 5 fragments to synthesize Flame Affinity Magic Rod.

Sure enough, it was a fragment of the flame weapon. Su Ming cleared three copies yesterday, but he didn't see a single fragment. He didn't expect that it would come out after fighting two mobs today, and it was a fragment of his profession, so he was lucky.

After collecting the fragments, Su Ming waved to U Nicole and said:
"Come with me, you can go in."

Unicle ran to Su Ming's side, and asked with admiration:
"That's awesome, how did you know there would be Sand Bandits patrolling?"

"Because I've been here before." Su Ming said honestly, in the eyes of NPCs, dungeons are the dust of history, but the historical dust of the Flaming Bandit has just appeared, so it's normal for Wu Ni to not know.

Su Ming thought about waiting for the pet's skills to cool down, so he told Unique in detail about the difficulties he might encounter in the cave.

"You investigated these last night?" Unique asked.

"That's right, Grandma Dama handed you over to me for protection. I must do better. After all, I swore before that I could snatch the gem from Miao Mi, but I failed..."

"I... I didn't give it to you..." Wu Nicole lowered her head and kicked the dirt with the toe of her shoe, her voice was so soft that she couldn't hear it at all.

"What did you say?"

"No, nothing."

"If you find something strange, you must tell me." Su Ming said seriously.

"I know, I will definitely tell you."

"Well, you take these potions first. You all know the effects of these potions, right?" Su Ming gave Unico a lot of red potions, blue potions, and resistance potions.

"I know them all."

"Well, drink it when you are in danger. I am a pharmacist, and there is no shortage of medicine, so you don't need to save it." Su Ming knew that Unique's body was fragile, and this was a heroic dungeon. He was afraid that Unique would die. ...

If it weren't for the fact that attribute food doesn't work on NPCs, Su Ming would definitely treat Wu Nicole to a good meal.

After wrapping Unique's crosscloth with potion until it was bulging, Su Ming carefully took Unique into the cave.

 Thank you "Super Big Quail" for your 100-point reward

(End of this chapter)

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