Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 260 Help Unica Cool Down

Chapter 260 Helping Unika Cool Down (Please Subscribe~)

The interior of the Bandit Cave is very spacious, with torches lighting the way, and defensive buildings such as sentry towers occasionally appear.

There are 2 types of normal monsters in the cave.

One is an ordinary Sand Bandit minion.In dungeons of normal difficulty, these minions will be lazy, and most of them are sleeping. Players can often eliminate one or two before starting the fight to reduce stress.

But in the heroic difficulty dungeon, these minions' eyes are like copper bells, and they are very responsible.

Su Ming wanted not to cause a chain of hatred, so he could only hide in a dark corner and sneak attack when they changed shifts.Inside the cave, the temperature was extremely high, and the monsters maintained their habits before they were alive. The shift frequency was about once every 5 minutes, with two people at a time.

Another kind of monster is the leader of the sand bandit patrolling in the cave.In the normal difficulty, they will wake up the sleeping sand robbers. In the hero book, they don’t need to supervise the sand robbers, so they can observe the cave wholeheartedly. The range of hatred has increased by 50%. Su Ming didn’t know it at first. As soon as I entered the cave, I encountered a fierce battle, but fortunately I survived.

Two kinds of ordinary monsters with greatly increased strength caused Su Ming to advance very slowly.

If you advance slowly, you have to endure the torture of high temperature.

However, because Su Ming has Xiao Jin, he didn't feel the heat in the cave. When he passed the dungeon yesterday, he easily passed some threatening skills of the boss.

"With 75% fire resistance and Unique's special ability, it's not impossible to beat a hero."

Su Ming waved to Unicole, and quickly ran from one hidden point to another.

Unicole was out of breath, raised her shoulders slightly, turned her head, and wiped off the sweat streaming down her cheeks.

Su Ming handed her a bag of water and encouraged her softly:
"There is a house for the robbers to rest in front of, and there is a magic circle to cool down inside. If you hold on, you can go in and cool off."

Unicole nodded, but didn't speak, she was so hot that she was a little confused.

There is still a big difference between NPCs and players. Players feel hot, which affects operations at most, and attributes such as health will not be affected; NPCs are different, and may affect their health.

Su Ming didn't dare to be greedy for rewards, and he just bypassed the monsters he could avoid.

More than ten minutes later, Su Ming brought Unique to a small wooden cabin.

This is a supply point, as long as the player eliminates the monsters, they can rest here, replenish blood, mana, and find some medicines that increase fire resistance.

Su Ming deliberately waited until the handover of a team of Sand Pirates was over before picking up a piece of gravel from the ground and smashing it at the wooden door.

The sound of the stone hitting the wooden door alarmed the sand robbers in the wooden house. The sand robbers chatting happily in the ice magic circle looked at each other and walked out together.

There are 5 in total.On normal difficulty, they don't wear armor and don't carry weapons because of rest, and their attributes are very low; on heroic difficulty, even if they come out to investigate, they are fully armed and very cautious.

Su Ming, who had been hiding for a long time, launched an attack from behind them.

Ordinary monsters only have 2 blood, and Xiao Hei and Zaemon can kill them all in seconds, but that is in the case of shooting.

The AI ​​of the monsters on heroic difficulty is not low. The moment they are attacked, they yell and separate, and each escapes from different directions, preparing to report.

If a team comes, it is best for each person to block a monster to prevent them from running away.

Although Su Ming is only alone now, his damage is high enough and he has displacement skills. As long as he operates properly, he can keep these 5 sand robbers alone.

Xiao Hei and Zaemon quickly KO two Sand Bandits, the hammer suddenly appeared and blocked one Sand Bandit, Su Ming "screamed" fear of a Sand Bandit, then flashed in front of the other Sand Bandit, using " Looking Glass" Fear one more.

The two sand thieves ran towards one point. Su Ming saw the timing and ordered the hammer to swing the hammer to gather the three sand thieves together.

After gathering together, Xiao Hei and Zaemon rushed up to make up for the damage, and successfully dealt with the three Sand Pirates.

After solving the sand thief, Su Ming took the hammer back to the pet space. It was too big to stay permanently.

There were two pieces of bronze equipment on the ground. Su Ming picked them up and threw them into his backpack, then waved to Unico in the shadows:

"Unique, come here quickly."

Wu Ni ran to Su Ming's side and asked:

"Can I take a break?"

Su Ming nodded and said:
"Can rest for 5 minutes."

It happened to be the time for the Sand Pirates to change shifts.

Walking into the wooden house with Unique, Su Ming made a copy of the dungeon time and sent it to the team channel for recording.

Then Su Ming closed the doors and windows, and skillfully turned on the ice magic circle. The cool water elements filled the wooden house, like turning on the air conditioner.

After entering the wooden house, Su Ming left Unico aside and rummaged through the room.

Wu Nicole looked at the skillful Su Ming in a speechless manner—how does it feel that the spores are more like robbers than robbers...

However, taking advantage of Su Ming not paying attention to her body, Wu Nicole quietly opened the neckline to let the cool water element run into the clothes.

The feeling of frost made Unicle narrow her eyes comfortably.

"Unique, here is a cooling ointment, you can apply it on your body, and it shouldn't be hot." Su Ming took out a bottle of white ointment from the drawer, turned and said to Unique.

Flame Bandit Secret Potion: After use, +20 fire resistance, -5 degrees body temperature.It cannot be traded, and copies cannot be taken out.

At this time, Unicle is trying to let the water element run into the pants...

Wu Nicole blushed and was about to scream when she saw Su Ming put her fingers on her lips anxiously. She realized that the two of them were still in danger, so she hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands and did not make a sound.

Su Ming heaved a sigh of relief, walked to Wu Nicole, handed her the ointment, and said with a smile:

"It's okay, I did this kind of thing when I was a child, and I won't laugh at you."

"Uh...thank you." Unicole snatched the ointment and began to apply it. It was indeed very effective. It felt similar to essential oil, but it had no smell.

Su Ming continued to rummage, and dragged out an earthen jar from under the bed. When he opened it, there were 500 gold coins in it.

"It's 5 times more difficult than normal."

Su Ming accepted with a smile, the whole room was almost turned over, he compared the time and found that he could stay for 2 minutes.

Players will not stay here for a long time, they will leave after searching for things, but there is Unique, if she wants to rest for a while, she can rest for a while.

Su Ming, who had nothing to do, sat on the edge of the bed and watched Unico apply the ointment—arms, calves, thighs, all the way, her white skin seemed to be oiled, smooth to reflective.

"Spores, I can't apply it on my back." Wu Nicole said to Su Ming with the ointment.

"Then let me help you." Su Ming took the ointment, came behind Unicole, and helped her apply it.

Touching Unique's smooth back, Su Ming thought to himself: The clothes on Unique's back are almost hollowed out, and the heat can be unbearable. The cave is really too hot. Fortunately, I have Xiaojin, otherwise the operation may be difficult. out of shape.

After wiping it quickly, Su Ming asked Unicole:

"how do you feel?"

"Feeling...feeling?" Wu Nicole didn't expect Su Ming to be so bold, so she said shyly: "It feels good... It's a bit like Grandma Dama bathing me, but your hands are more delicate, unlike Spores. Grandma Dama's hand is so rough, it seems to be more comfortable..."

"It's not like this, I'm asking if it's cool?"

Wu Nicole laughed twice to hide her embarrassment at the moment:
"That's the question, it's already getting cold."

"Okay, then let's start again." Su Ming said.

(End of this chapter)

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