Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 261 Tower Defense Game

Chapter 261 Tower Defense Game (please subscribe~)

Just about to leave the house, Su Ming moved his ears and heard the sound of the door being pushed.

Su Ming quickly pulled Unicole to hide aside, and signaled Xiao Hei to jump to the other side with his eyes.

The door was pushed open, and Su Ming and Xiao Hei attacked at the same time.

Xiao Hei used the charged ejection to stun the sand thief who walked into the room, then turned on the bubble gun, and shot the bubbles at the sand thief.

Lazy Sand Bandit (LV35, Elite): 38797/48000.

A series of damage numbers floated up on Sand Bandit.Su Ming walked around to the door, looked outside, and made sure there were no other Sand Pirates coming, so he summoned Zuoemon, and asked Zuoemon and Xiao Hei to attack this lazy elite monster...

Sand Bandit recovered from the stun, and immediately brandished a machete, and launched a swift attack on Xiao Hei.It has a machete with wind, it is a range attack, and it is extremely sharp in a small room.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Hei lost more than 8000 blood.

Unicole's eyes turned into a silver clock, staring at Xiao Hei, the second hand turned backwards, and Xiao Hei's blood volume was fully restored.Wu Nicole likes Xiao Hei very much, and cares about Xiao Hei very much. She helped Xiao Hei to treat him without Su Ming's command.

Seeing that Xiaohei's state had recovered, the elite Sand Bandit immediately turned around and found Unique hiding in the corner of the room. Its blood volume dropped rapidly, and it knew that it could not attack Unique by ordinary means, so it threw the machete directly.

Seeing this, Su Ming immediately flickered over and lifted the small wooden shield to block, but the machete stopped when it was attached by Unico in advance, and was suspended in the air.

In the face of combat, Unicle is not a complete rookie.

"I can still handle this level of attack." Wu Nicole said with a smile to Su Ming who was standing in front of her.

"It's better to take precautions before they happen."

After Unico was safe, Su Ming rushed out, and together with Xiao Hei and the others, they dealt with the elite Sand Pirate.

Another red shard fell out on the ground.

When Su Ming picked it up, it was still a fragment of the magic wand, and now he has collected two pieces, which is very lucky.

"Let's go quickly to the next safe place." Su Ming said.

In the dungeon of heroic difficulty, the time allowed to stay changed. Su Ming didn't dare to stay for a long time, and continued to advance in the cave with Unique.

Every once in a while, Unico would take out the compass and take a look.

The direction is very clear, pointing to the location of the final boss.

The deeper you went into the cave, the more robbers there were. Finally, Su Ming and Wu Ni saw a large camp built in the cave.

At the gate of the camp, there are many sand thieves pulling goods. The shiny gold nuggets are exposed on the carts, attracting people's attention. As long as you attack these trucks, you can burst out gold coins, but you have to face the entire camp crazy monster.

Treasure is the bottom line of this group of sand thieves. If you want to pass the level, you must not touch it.

Su Ming killed the two sand thieves at the entrance of the cargo passage, and then hid behind the stone, watching the goods coming and going.

Waiting until a truck filled with wine barrels passed by, smelling like wine, before Unicle stopped it.

Su Ming rushed up, opened the lid of the wine, and sprinkled a pack of sleeping powder into it. Considering the difficulty of being a hero, the dose might not be enough, so Su Ming poured the remaining two packs of sleeping powder into it, and then shook it evenly.

After doing this, Su Ming put the lid on the wine again, hid back beside Unicole, and asked her to release the time stop.

The Sand Pirate carrying the wine came to his senses, and the Sand Pirate behind him had already caught up with him. He pushed it and motioned for him to leave quickly.

The Sand Bandit looked around suspiciously, and continued on without finding any problems.

This wine is for the final big boss. Boss, after drinking, will be unconscious for a period of time. At this time, players can forcefully rush to the camp and clean up all the mobs in the camp.

Of course, on normal or elite difficulty, the boss will get himself drunk and won't be alarmed by what happened at the gate of the village.

After administering the medicine, Su Ming took Monica to the front of the camp, ready to attack.

In front of the camp on heroic difficulty, there are 5 arrow towers.

There are only 2 seats on normal difficulty.

These arrow towers are a great threat to players, but they can also be a boost to players.

Su Ming observed the positions of the five arrow towers, and found that the three extra arrow towers did not change the layout of the original two arrow towers, so the play style may be the same as the normal difficulty, but the requirements for operation have been increased.

Su Ming observed the movements of the patrolling sand bandits, found a gap, and said to Unicol:
"You stop the arrow tower on the far left, and then I will run over with you."

"it is good."

Unico immediately activated the ability, and Su Ming summoned the hammer, let it take Unico, and rushed to the leftmost arrow tower with him.

Such a big movement was naturally discovered by the patrol mobs.But they are not in a hurry to attack Su Ming. In their consciousness, the arrow tower will solve Su Ming.

It wasn't until Su Ming rushed halfway that there was no response from the arrow towers, and they realized that there was a problem, and rushed to Su Ming, trying to stop Su Ming from advancing.

But it was too late, Su Ming had already sprinted to the bottom of the arrow tower.

Su Ming quickly climbed up the arrow tower along the ladder.On the arrow tower, there are two giant crossbows and two mobs manipulating the giant crossbows, but none of them can move.

The hammer threw Unicole, and Su Ming caught her firmly on the arrow tower, and put her on the ground. Su Ming canceled the hammer's summoning, and then summoned Zaemon.

As soon as Unico lifted the time stop, Su Ming, Xiao Hei, and Zaemon burst out and instantly killed the two monsters.

At this time, those fast-running sand robbers had come to the bottom of the arrow tower, ready to climb.

Su Ming asked Zuoemon and Xiao Hei to guard the entrance of the arrow tower, then he turned the direction of the crossbow arrow, loaded the crossbow proficiently, and shot.

The target is the mob on the other arrow tower closest to him.

Since the layout of the two arrow towers is the same as the normal one, Su Ming skillfully killed two monsters on the arrow tower with one shot.

After those two monsters died, there was no existence that could threaten Su Ming.

It's hard to imagine that Su Ming is so proficient in shooting after only three dungeons.

This part is the most difficult part of this dungeon, and it is also the easiest part.

The rare thing is that many people are inaccurate in shooting. For example, when Su Ming took Huo Yanyan and Naixiao in the guild yesterday, he tried to teach them how to operate, but they learned for a long time, and the shooting was not very good. Help them gather monsters below to hit the target.

The simple thing is that if you shoot accurately, you can deal with all the monsters by yourself, and other teammates just need to help pass the arrows.

Su Ming handed over the task of handing the arrow to Unicole. While operating, he thought to himself:
"Fortunately, I practiced twice in advance, otherwise it would be really difficult."

When Su Ming played for the first time yesterday, he also spent 5 or 6 minutes learning...

If no one taught him and let him figure it out by himself, it would probably take longer.In the normal difficulty, the density of monsters is small, and you can keep trying, but the monsters in the heroic difficulty rush in like a zombie siege, and they will shoot out when they ask for an arrow, and there is no time to aim.

While cleaning up the monsters, Su Ming glanced around, and found that the operation monsters on the third arrow tower started to rush towards the second arrow tower, and the monsters on the ground who found that they couldn't get up also started to chop off the feet of the arrow tower, like The monsters in the normal book are much more full.

The arrow tower began to shake, and Unicole also brought bad news to Su Ming—there was no arrow.

"This is only 30 pieces... 15 pieces less than normal difficulty."

Just when Su Ming was about to abandon this arrow tower, ready to cut off the hatred and come back later, sparks burst out from the arrow tower furthest away from Su Ming, hiding in the darkness.

A black cannonball crossed a perfect arc, spanned a distance of hundreds of yards, and hit the arrow tower where Su Ming was.

(End of this chapter)

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