Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 270 Message Exchange

Chapter 270 Message Exchange (Please Subscribe~)

Su Ming took Unico to hide on the slope of the triangular roof to spy on the soul leader, and learned the soul leader's occupation, level and some damage data of his pet.

"The damage figures of these pseudo-skeletal dragons are not right. They are higher than the current hammer. The hammer is from a bronze boss and has just been strengthened." Su Ming was quite surprised. Definitely longer than me."

"Spore, do we have to wait for that adventurer to finish the fight before we go there?" Unicole didn't have any complaints about the soul leader's magic wand beating the harpy, but felt that the beating was a bit too slow.

Su Ming nodded and said:
"He should have been active in the sand abyss a long time ago. He is more familiar with us than here. We followed him quietly. Maybe he knows how to open the pyramid."

So, the two have been hiding on the roof motionless.

After the soul leader beat the harpies, he let the pseudo-skeleton dragon fly to Su Ming's hiding place first from the air, and told Su Ming in advance that he had found him.

Two pseudo-skeleton dragons hovered in the air, surrounded Su Ming, and then the soul commander rushed to them. They were quite surprised to see two people...

His keenness only senses one person, and from the feeling point of view, it is more like the NPC next to Su Ming.


Although Su Ming hides his name by relying on fashion, the little black on his head still reveals Su Ming's identity.

"Hello." Su Ming greeted the soul leader and asked, "How long have you been playing here? Your four pets seem to all come from the sandy abyss."

"Three weeks." The soul commander asked the pseudo-skeletal dragon to return to him, and after quickly passing the message "the person he met is a spore" in the discussion group, he raised his head and asked, "How did you get in? Did you get out?" No way? I'm trapped and I can't get out."

Su Ming looked at Unicole and asked her if there was a way to get out.

"Do you want to leave the sandy abyss?" With the help of Su Ming, Wu Ni Ke jumped onto the ground and said, "I can help you, come here, I will draw a reverse magic circle for you, it should be You teleported to the vicinity of Blaney City..."

Seeing that Unicole was approaching him, the soul leader quickly took a step back, the ghost wanted to leave the Golden City... There are treasures everywhere here, and he is willing to stay until level 40.

His discussion group quickly asked him to avoid him, and reminded him that if he acts with Su Ming in the future, he must be careful of the NPC Unico, so as not to be sent out accidentally...

The soul commander shook his hand and said with an embarrassed smile:

"No rush, no rush..."

Su Ming raised his eyebrows. He saw that the soul commander was not a frank person, so he asked Unic to come back first.

"How did you get into the sandy abyss?" Su Ming asked.

"I fell down near the Poda Sand Falls in Vilne, and then I came in." The soul commander told the truth.

Su Ming didn't think there was any surprise in this, but Wu Nicole asked in shock:
"You fell from the Great Sand Waterfall, and you're still alive?"

The soul leader nodded triumphantly.

Su Ming asked Wu Nicole where this place was, and Wu Nicole briefly explained it to Su Ming.

The Great Sand Falls of Villignepo, also known as the scar of the earth, stretches for tens of thousands of meters and is hundreds of meters wide. The sand flows into the cracks like a waterfall. No one knows how deep it is, and no one knows where its bottom leads.

Unique had never heard of anyone who fell into the Great Sand Falls and survived.

"What about you? How did you get in?" the soul commander asked.

"After receiving a mission, Unicole brought me in." Su Ming didn't tell the soul commander the specific information.

In the soul command discussion group, through the screenshots passed by the soul command, the people inside quickly recognized Unique's identity.

After reading it, the soul leader asked:

"What's the relationship between Unicorn and Dama? Why do they look exactly the same?"

Unico stuck out her tongue and said:
"This is a secret, I can't tell you."

This made a group of people in the discussion group start to think again, and began to send people to Dama's divination house to spy on the mission, but they should not be able to spy on anything.

Su Ming chatted with the soul leader for a while.

Su Ming found out that the soul command is a family of words, and he has to think for a long time every time he says a word. He looks uneasy and kind, thinking that it is better not to act with the soul command...

However, it is not up to Su Ming to decide whether to separate or not. When Su Ming leaves, the soul command will follow.

Instead of chatting with Su Ming, the soul commander approached Unique, with the strategy team behind him, he and Unique talked about various things related to Dama, and then fed back to the strategy team.

Seeing that Wu Ni didn't feel disgusted, Su Ming didn't stop her.

Chatting and chatting, the soul leader found that Unique was tight-lipped and did not disclose any information about the mission...

According to the information collected by the strategy team from the forum, Su Ming seems to have an "adulterate relationship" with this NPC, and can have physical contact. The rapport should not be low, and he cannot complete the strategy for the time being...

So, the soul command changed the target of the attack to Su Ming, and he asked:
"You have a mission, right? How about doing it together? I'm very strong."

"No, we are both animal trainers, and the rewards will conflict." Su Ming directly refused.

"Then you want to enter the pyramid? Me too, how about together?"

"I don't know the method yet." Su Ming said.

"How is it possible? I don't know the way, what are you doing in the sandy abyss? Apart from this pyramid, there is nothing else to explore in the Golden City." The Soul Commander looked determined to Su Ming.

"I really don't know."

"Haha, I know, I know, you don't know the method, but Miss Unico knows, right? Stop playing word games with me."

"I don't know either." Unique said rather distressed: "The compass only tells us the location of the orb, but it doesn't..."

Unico covered her mouth and whispered to herself:

"Oh, it's too bad, Grandma Dama didn't let me tell others..."

The eyes of Soul Commander lit up, and immediately reported the new information, and then asked:
"Compass? What compass? What orb?"

"I don't know anything, don't ask me." Unicole jumped to Su Ming's right, away from the soul leader.

The resurrection of Worsom was very scary. Dama specifically entrusted Unikele not to leak the news, but because the chat was too happy, she still leaked the word. If Grandma Dama found out, she would be beaten.

However, it's so far away, Grandma Dama probably won't know...

Wu Nicole didn't know that at the same time she said this, Dama, who was far away in Sibeiwei City, was asked about it by the players of the Great Emperor's Guild. As a result, Dama became furious and drove everyone out , and now I am picking a feather duster that is handy.

Seeing the soul leader, Su Ming began to think about the next question. He felt that if he didn't kill the soul leader, then he wouldn't be able to get rid of the soul leader...

However, Su Ming would definitely not PK people for no reason. The soul command is just a little annoying, but he is still very friendly.

Su Ming thought that the soul leader had been here for so long, so he should know more or less about the pyramid, so he planned to exchange his mission information for the information the soul leader knew.

Anyway, the task is on him, as long as he doesn’t share it, even if the soul commander knows the task information, he can’t take away the task. Su Ming still trusts Wu Nicole. After all, the two have been together for so many days, and Su Ming also feeds him. so much to eat...

Simply use these useless task descriptions to exchange for some soul commanders to know the news.

After Su Ming said this idea, the soul leader stroked his chin, communicated in the discussion group for a while, and said:
"I know some, but I want you to share the mission first, and I'll tell you later."

Su Ming shook his head.

The soul commander sent the news of Su Ming's rejection to the discussion group.

"Tell him, the information is useless anyway."

"Yes, Miu Mi's scarab is needed to open the pyramid. I can't find Miu Mi now. This information is useless at all. Why don't you come over with some new information and see if there is a new way."

After most people in the discussion group agreed, the soul commander told Su Ming how to open the pyramid.

"Have you seen all three statues on the square?"

Su Ming nodded.

"At noon, Miu Mi's shadow will be imprinted on the pyramid. Summon the sun scarab in the shadow to open the entrance of the pyramid." The soul leader felt green bugs flying by from the corner of his eyes, and he waved his hand to drive them away. Insects, I feel strange in my heart—how can there be flies in the Golden City...

"The sun scarab is a mythical creature controlled by Miu Mi. Without Miu Mi, it is impossible to enter the pyramid. I have told you everything I know. Now should you share the task with me?" said the soul commander.

Su Ming nodded, copied the content of the task briefing, and sent it to the chat channel.

"Is this how you share the task?" Soul Leader's eyes twitched wildly.

Su Ming blinked his big eyes and said innocently:
"Sharing is not sharing."

(End of this chapter)

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