Chapter 271 Sneaking away (please subscribe~)

Two moons hung in the sky, and even the monsters went back to sleep.

Su Ming sat on the bench, browsed the forum, and peeped at the guild members chatting by the way.

There is nothing new in the forum, Oasis Illusion and Flame Bandit are still the hottest topics, and there are all kinds of gossip about star players, Su Ming doesn't like to read these, he himself is the victim...

"Damn gossip reporter..."

Venus and Miracle Wilderness teamed up to temporarily monopolize the acquisition of sleeping pills and useless scarecrows. They were scolded by the players, scolded and scolded, but the money was still earned.

After the popularity of the Abandoned Temple Dungeon disappeared, the market share of the Venus Pharmacy dropped for a while. However, after the opening of the Flame Thief dungeon, the Fire Bathing Potion combined with the small experience potion that was just put into production, took back all the potion market in the game, and There are also improvements.

Under the guidance of Venus, Su Qiaoqiao has already started to buy a new house for Su Ming... just wait for Su Ming to wake up. However, Su Ming's condition is stable and there is no sign of waking up at all, which makes Su Qiaoqiao quite worried. .

In the guild, after Huo Yanyan and Naixiao were taken over by Su Ming, they began to guide the newcomers in the guild to pass the book. The two couples who fell into the light river and Huahuo annihilation were also one of the main force to guide people. When the number of times was used up, they used the training mode ( There is only normal difficulty, no rewards and penalties) to teach, but in the past two days, three or four teams have been formed specifically to pass the book.

Su Ming was busy with his own affairs and didn't have time to take care of them, but Venus noticed their active performance, turned them into elite members, and gave them the position of team leader.

Other than that, nothing really matters.

Wu Nicole is now sleeping on the bench next to Su Ming, with a thin blanket covering her body, her sleeping face is very cute.

The time came to 4:00 in the morning.

Su Ming stood up and stretched, closed the forum, thinking:

"I don't have materials on me, otherwise the experience value of the potion will increase a lot, and the time will be wasted. It's a pity."

Then Su Ming ate the gems that must be eaten every day, walked to Unico, shook Unico's shoulders, and called softly:
"Unique, wake up, it's time for us to go."

Wu Nicole sighed, slowly opened her eyes, and said coquettishly:

"Give me a moment...I can't get up..."

"Okay, then hurry up." Su Ming glanced at the semi-offline soul leader on the square.

Yesterday, after Su Ming exchanged information with the soul leader, he asked people he knew to find the high priest of the Flint tribe, Granny Dama, and Obert in the Traveler's Oasis.

These three NPCs are all NPCs who know the news about Miao Mi and are connected to the main line.

Judging from the news gathered by friends, the pyramid is indeed opened by the sun scarab, but it doesn't have to be at noon to be sure.

In order to ensure that he can get the gems in a safe manner, Su Ming wanted to avoid the command of the soul and sneak in when he was offline, so he specially let Unicle go to bed early yesterday.

After waiting for a while, Unicle came over. Her eyebrows were covered with drops of water, and her face was moist. She should have washed her face with the fountain near the square. Although the Golden City has disappeared for so long, the city’s infrastructure is still there. is running.

After washing her face, Unicole felt much more energetic, and said to Su Ming very vigorously:

"lets go!"

So Su Ming and Unique came near the pyramid.

Under the moonlight, the statue of Miu Mi has two half-overlapping shadows
These two shadows are useless... Relying on memory, Su Ming memorized the position of Miao Mi's shadow at noon yesterday, and he contacted Xiao Jin in insect language, wanting to ask how to open the pyramid.

Xiao Jin still sent Su Ming an incomprehensible whisper...

The communication between Su Ming and Xiao Jin is a bit like communicating with the common language and the local language. Xiao Jin can understand what Su Ming said, but Su Ming can't understand what Xiao Jin said, and Xiao Jin can't understand the common language either.

Although they didn't understand, the vampire beetle received Xiao Jin's instructions and took Su Ming to find the entrance, and finally flew around in front of the high stone bricks.

Su Ming raised his head, but couldn't see anything special about this stone brick, so he reached out to touch it.

When he touched the middle of the stone bricks, some sand powder was rubbed off. Su Ming's eyes lit up, and he immediately pulled out the magic dagger at his waist, gently scraped the place where the sand powder fell, and then wiped the remaining dust with a paintbrush. After cleaning it up, he took a final breath, and a hole in the shape of a beetle appeared in front of Su Ming.

The blood-sucking beetle flew in and lay down for a while, then flew to the back of Su Ming's neck and stopped.

Su Ming understood what it meant:
"This hole is the keyhole, and Xiao Jin is the key. Put Xiao Jin in and the door will open."

Su Ming summoned the hammer, let it lift itself up, and then adjusted the position to embed Xiaojin in it.

Two seconds later, there was a loud bang from the pyramid, a door rose from the tight wall, and the inside of the pyramid was pitch-black.

"Successful!" Unicole happily took out the compass, looked at it twice and said, "The direction of the compass has been updated."

"Well, let's go in quickly." Su Ming glanced uncomfortably at the soul commander who was hanging up not far away, and asked Xiao Jin if there was a way to close the door. I guess it means nothing...

"Soul Command will go offline after two o'clock. It should not be online soon. We must find the gems quickly."

Su Ming and Unicole ran into the pyramid.


Because Su Ming had a mission, the soul leader had been a follower for a long time.

However, Su Ming wandered around the city all day. Not only did the soul commander miss the mission, but he also told Su Ming the locations and rules for refreshing special bosses in the Golden City.

At night, when he saw Unique sleeping directly on the recliner, he was also speechless.

The spore guy took the NPC to do the mission, but he didn't even buy a tent. What's more, the NPC didn't seem to have any complaints about sleeping on the bench.

This reminds the soul leader of the missions he has done before with NPCs following him.Those NPCs are very temperamental, and they are either old men or fat women. If they do not provide adequate service, they will deduct rewards. It is really incomparable to the young and beautiful Wu Ni Ke...

Of course, the soul command is not without any gains. After following him for a day, he found out that Unik is an NPC with no combat power. He only has a skill similar to the hold technique, which makes him more careful to please Unik, for fear that Unik As soon as Nicole got angry, she pinned him down and sent him out.

Then, Su Ming guards Unicole, and the soul leader guards Su Ming...

Stayed until two o'clock, and the soul leader couldn't stand it anymore, so he went offline first...

At the suggestion of the strategy team, he wore a game helmet to sleep, and gave the supervision rights of the account to the members of the strategy team, so that the members of the strategy team seemed to be watching the surveillance, as long as Su Ming had any movement, he could call Call him.

When Su Ming woke up Unicole, the phone of the soul leader rang, but he was too tired to hear it. After Su Ming entered the pyramid for more than half an hour, he trembled and was awakened by the phone.

I glanced at the time... Nima had only slept for two and a half hours at [-]:[-], and the soul leader felt that he was about to die suddenly.

"Grass, why are you sleeping like a dead pig! The spores have entered the pyramid! Go online soon." The voice of the management of the Great Emperor Guild came from the phone.

"Miao Mi is here?" The soul commander was still a little unconscious.

"Meow what, he didn't know how to open the pyramid. The latest clue, if he can reach the highest point of the pyramid, it is very likely to gain control of the Golden City. You have to win that spore, and the strategy team will give it to you." Your greatest support."

The soul commander replied in a daze, "Oh", and then he trembled again... How did the guild management attack the strategy group?
Control of the Golden City?A semi-finished guild territory?This reward is incredible, and I don't know where the strategy team got the news.

The management voice continued to come from the phone:
"Be serious. If the final reward is really the control of the Golden City, and the guild lacks a team manager, then it's up to you."

Team management?It is said that there are some dividends, and the annual salary starts at 500,000. If you do well, it may reach one million.

The Soul Commander was instantly relieved of his fatigue, and vowed that he would reach the highest level of the pyramid before Su Ming.

"Stop talking nonsense, go online!"

"Uh... yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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