Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 272 Mechanical Puppet

Chapter 272 Mechanical Puppet (please subscribe~)

The inside of the pyramid is very huge, and the orbs around the outside may have been stolen, so it was completely dark, but if you walk a little more than a hundred meters inside, the environment will brighten up.

The gigantic machinery rumbled, the gears snapped, the bonds worked, and it was not known what was keeping it going.

From time to time, the pipe will emit hot gas, with burn damage.

The ground is covered with mixed gray and black crystals of energy, and the confused souls, with their upper bodies naked, are throwing the crystals on the ground into the furnace that has been burning for hundreds of years.

These workers are in the corner of the huge machinery, so small, and their faces are numb. They should have lost their enthusiasm for life before they were alive.

The flames were imprinted on the faces of Su Ming and Uniko, who were somewhat sluggish because of the huge machinery.

"I didn't expect this kind of place to exist in the Golden City..." Wu Nicole held Su Ming's arm and looked at these blue souls timidly. She said, "The compass points upward, and there should be an ascending passage."

"Well, let's go." Su Ming came back to his senses, and took Unico to bypass these workers. From the previous incident with the little girl, he knew that he could not help these souls.

When Su Ming walked through the huge mechanical equipment, a worker who was shoveling crystal fragments suddenly raised his shovel and threw the burning red crystal fragments to Su Ming and the others.


The hammer appeared to block these fragments for Su Ming.

Seven or eight workers stopped their work and walked towards Su Ming slowly, forming an encircling circle.

After they were far away from the fire, Su Ming noticed that there was a hint of red in their blue souls, which was different from those souls in the city.

Previously, Su Ming thought that the red color was the light of flames.

When the workers walked towards Su Ming, their souls became more and more red, and their muscles swelled.

Based on the principle of attacking first, Su Ming summoned Xiao Hei and Zaemon, and asked them to stare at a monster to attack, while he himself stayed beside Unique and blocked some crystal attacks for her.

The level of these lost souls happens to be level 35, so Su Ming can still control one and help contain it.

A few minutes later, these lost souls fell one after another, turning into copper coins, memory fragments and several pieces of bronze equipment
Su Ming used up the memory fragments, and suddenly found that where the workers were, the monsters had been refreshed. The speed of spawning monsters really scared Su Ming.

He quickly pulled Unicole out of the range of hatred.

Next, Su Ming had to find out a safe path by himself before he dared to let Wu Nicole go.

After advancing for a while, Su Ming stopped and looked back suspiciously.

He felt that someone was following him.

Has the soul rule woke up?
"What's wrong?" Wu Ni asked when she saw Su Ming turn around.

Su Ming leaned close to Unicole's ear and whispered:
"About 10 meters behind us, someone was following us."

"Is it another adventurer?" Unique also asked in a low voice.

"I don't know."

"I will stop in that area, you go and check?"


Unicole started and stopped, and Su Ming took Xiao Hei quickly, and behind the thick steam pipe, he saw the soul of a little boy.

On the top of the little boy's head, there is no name and blood bar displayed, which proves that he is a wild NPC.

Su Ming turned around and said to Unico:
"It's not the command of the soul. It seems to be a soul with self-awareness."

Hearing the message from Su Ming, Wu Nicole released the time stop.

As soon as the little boy NPC was able to move, he immediately turned around and ran away, but his speed was too slow in the eyes of Su Ming, who was at level 32. As soon as Su Ming stretched out his hand, he caught the boy.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Su Ming asked.

The boy seemed to realize that he could not be Su Ming's opponent, so he gave up struggling and replied honestly:
"My name is Aidante. My father is a power boiler worker at the bottom of the pyramid. I came to find him and go home."


Su Ming glanced at the complicated pipelines around. It turns out that these are power pipelines, which probably provide power for some facilities in the pyramid.

"What's your father's name? Is he still conscious like you?"

Aiden shook his head and said:

"No, my father is dead."

When Aidante said this, he was not very sad. Su Ming guessed that he should have known the truth about his father's death a long time ago.

"Like those lost souls?" Unique asked, coming over.

Aidante did not answer Unique's question, he could directly see the shape of the soul of life, he pointed to Unique, and said doubtfully:

"Why are the bird people together with humans? Wait, don't talk about it, let me guess... You should be the same as the person just now, from the future."

"That person just now?" Su Ming described the appearance of the soul leader to Aidante, and got Aidante's confirmation.

"Sure enough, I followed, I hope it won't affect my search for gems..." Su Ming muttered.

"Big brother. Will humans and orcs live in harmony in the future?" Aident asked.

It's not easy for Su Ming to answer, but Wu Nicole answered for Su Ming:

"It can't be said that they live in harmony. It can only be said that they are on one side. The orcs in the human city must abide by the human rules; the human beings in the orc tribe must abide by the orc rules."

"Sounds pretty good." The Aidente kid nodded.

"Aidente, since you know that your father has become a lost soul, why do you still say you want to find him home?" Unicle leaned down and asked.

"Because the dead should stay where the dead should be, not continue to work here..." Aident said through gritted teeth: "Worsom built this pyramid to let human beings serve him during his lifetime, and he will continue to work after death." Serve him."

"Then how can we save your father?"

"Just kill 'Zogo', he is the manager of the bottom pyramid, damn it, he is a human being like us, but he wants to serve the orc nobles, even if he dies!

Let me tell you, this Sogo is a nuisance.The orcs asked us to work for five days and take one day off, so he took the lead to work for six days and take one day off. This was not enough, and he had to advise the orcs to cancel the holiday...

Also, if my dad works more hours, he should be paid extra, but this guy said something like 'the orcs gave you the opportunity to work, and you dare to ask for money', everyone I hate him so much...

If we are disobedient, he will fabricate a reason at will and sue people to the orcs. He acts as a dog for the orcs, and the orcs will naturally believe him and framed many people. "

Aidante hardened his fist as he spoke, and said:

"Just now, I asked another future man to help me make a robot that can kill Sogo. Do you want to help me too?"

System: Do you accept the random multiplayer mission "Aident's Justice Robot"?
Task introduction: Aidante was fed up with Sogo's exploitation. After he discovered the reason why his father couldn't really die, he started to create the "Justice" robot, intending to solve Sogo.

Among them, the robots "1~9" all failed, and Aidante designed a powerful "Justice Ten" robot after improvement.

Please help Edent find key materials in the dark, assist him in making the "Justice Ten" robot, and kill Sogo.

Mission reward: "Justice Ten" blueprint, 10 gold coins, 90 experience.

Justice No. 35 (Dark Gold, LV[-] Mechanical Puppet):

Health: 600000/600000
Physical Attack Power: 12000~16000
Armor: 6000
Magic resistance: 4000
Movement speed: 340
Consumption: 1 pure mana crystal/second

Skills: Justice Missile, Justice Hammer, Justice Pursuit
After watching the rewards, Su Ming went on.

A mechanical puppet like this cannot be carried after it is made, and it is actually not for single player use. In most cases, it is used to protect the guild territory.

1 unit of pure magic power crystallization costs 10 gold coins, which cannot be afforded by a single player under normal circumstances.

Su Ming thought to himself that he is also a member of the guild, and he is still the vice president. He must be responsible for the guild and the players who join the guild.With Justice Ten as a dark gold puppet, even if the players in the guild are not so powerful, they can still try to occupy a territory.

After the guild has territory, there are many benefits.

Seeing that Su Ming agreed, Aidante said happily:

"Great, with the help of the two of you from the future, I can definitely defeat Suoge!

But I only have one copy of Justice Ten's blueprint, and I'll give it to whoever kills Sogo.By the way, this is the bottom-level map. Go to the area I circled to find the parts. After you find them, go to the place where I drew the stars to gather. "

Aidante handed Su Ming a doodle map he hand-painted, and then slipped away.

Unicle leaned over and felt a little dizzy when she saw this messy map drawn with crayons. She complained:
"Who can understand this..."

"I can do it." Su Ming looked at Unikea with strange eyes, and asked in doubt: "Isn't this quite clear..."

He pointed to the three vertical and three horizontal steam pipes in front of him, and explained to Unico:
"Look here, doesn't it correspond to the place on the map? This map not only has the parts needed, but also has marked several roads leading to the second floor, which is quite detailed."

Wu Nicole looked at the pipeline in front of her, and then looked at the map... Even with Su Ming's explanation, she still couldn't understand it, but as long as she followed Su Ming, she didn't think too much...

(End of this chapter)

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