Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 273 The Free Boss

Chapter 273 The Boss for Free (please subscribe~)

"Master~ I found another part." Xiao Hei got out from the crystal fragments in the ground, and jumped towards Su Ming with a gear with a diameter of [-] cm.

On Su Ming's side, there was a lost soul dragging a residual blood.

After Xiao Hei jumped over, Zaemon harvested the lost soul with a sword. After the monster died, it was quickly refreshed at the place where Xiao Hei had collected it before, and continued to work.

Su Ming put the parts on top of Xiao Hei's head into his backpack, and the task progress became:

Collect the Power Unit Parts (2/5) (4/5).

Collect weapon parts (3/5) (1/5).

Collect Defense Parts (1/5) (2/5).

Kill Sogo (0/1).

The mark on the front is Su Ming's task progress, while the latter is commanded by the soul. As long as one of the two people completes the conditions, the other's task progress will stop being settled.

When the progress of the 3 tasks is all settled, you can go to Aidante to make the Justice.

It seems that Su Ming's progress is behind the soul command, but in fact Su Ming started late, and his efficiency is much faster than the soul command.

"It seems that we have entered the area of ​​power parts. It's a bit of a loss. We need to find weapon parts first."

Su Ming found the most weapon parts. After finding 3 weapon parts, he found 2 power parts. Since these parts appeared consecutively, Su Ming guessed that the parts in the same part were probably in the same area.

Su Ming retreated to the place where he found the weapon parts just now, lured away the monsters in an area, and sent Xiao Hei out.

As a slime, Xiaohei's body can become like water, and he can move quickly under the crystal, making it easier to find parts.

After receiving the message of "no parts" from Xiao Hei, Su Ming will write down the area, place a bottle of worthless life potion on the edge as a mark, and then change direction.

More than ten minutes later, the parts of the fifth weapon were found by Su Ming.

Su Ming quickly scanned the task bar, and the progress of the defense parts seemed to be easier to catch up, so he took Xiao Hei and the others to the area where the defense parts appeared.

After arriving at the destination, Su Ming still pulled the monster to find parts according to the method just now, but this time the monster pulled over was a hunchbacked worker without a shovel in his hand.

This monster was attacked by Su Ming and turned around. The two protruding eyeballs like toads were a bit scary. When it saw Su Ming, it roared angrily:
"Don't go to work! Lazy here! Be careful, I will sue the orcs!"

Su Ming was taken aback, and quickly called Xiao Hei back.

Xiao Hei stepped on the broken spar and jumped over, asking:
"What happened to the master?"

"We seem to have met Sogo."

Sogo continued to scold Su Ming:

"Where's the shovel in your hand? You've lost all your work tools, how dare you hang around here! Are you in charge of that area? Call the team leader who is in charge of you! Let's get the whip together!"

As Sogo said, he took off the coiled whip around his waist, and whipped it towards Su Ming.

Until then, Sogo's name and blood bar were displayed on his head.

Sogo (LV38, dark gold boss): 650000/650000.

Su Ming rolled over and avoided Sogo's normal attack, thinking:

"With 65 HP, I definitely can't beat it. It depends on Aidante's robot to beat it. Cut off the hatred first."

After thinking about it, Su Ming yelled at Unico:
"Unique, stop Sogo now and then we run away."

"Okay." Upon hearing that, Unico immediately attacked Sogo.

Unexpectedly, when Suoge saw Unique, he was terrified, and knelt down directly:
"Excuse me, you are the Harpy-sama, why are you interested in coming to the bottom..."

Before Suoge finished speaking, he was stopped by Unique.

Su Ming was a little puzzled when he heard what Sogo said before he was pinned down, and stopped running away. When he came to a safer location, he signaled for Unique to stop.

After Suoge was able to resume his activities, he raised his head and took a look. He could still see Unique, and continued to kneel and tremble.

"It seems to be afraid of me," Unique said.

"From Aident's description, Sogo seems to be very afraid of orcs."

Unicole puffed her face and said unhappy:

"What are you afraid of me doing? Am I ugly? And I'm obviously human now."

"Aidente was able to directly see your real body just now, so it's not surprising that Sogo can see it."

Su Ming looked at the trembling Sogo, and had an idea—if he killed Sogo before the robot was built, would it count as completing the task?
So Su Ming hit Sogo.

As a dark gold boss, Sogo has a high magic resistance, and Su Ming didn't even deal half of the damage.

Suoge was attacked, raised his head, glared at Su Ming, but did not attack.

Su Ming hit another ten times, Suoge stood up, and roared:
"Even if you are an orc, you can't beat me for no reason!"

Soge sprinted towards Su Ming.

Su Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he was about to run away when the blood-sucking beetle flew over and bit Sogo head-on. Seeing the attack of the blood-sucking beetle, Sogo's angry expression was replaced by panic.

It slid and knelt on the shattered crystals, prostrated itself on the ground, and said in a trembling voice:
"Master Miu Mi, why are you here..."

Su Ming blinked. This Sogo seemed to recognize him as Miao Mi because of the sun scarab. No matter how Su Ming beat him this time, Sogo didn't dare to get up.

To me, this boss seems to be given for nothing?

In order to ensure safety, Su Ming kept attacking at a safe distance and did not let Xiao Hei and the others attack.


Just when Su knew who to prostitute Sogo, the soul leader opened the live broadcast view, and under the guidance of the strategy team, he worked hard to find the parts of the puppet.

He received the task earlier than Su Ming, but due to various reasons, the progress has not been fast.

For example, that map that looks like a ghost drawing...

The strategy team spent more than ten minutes matching the map with the actual situation...

After searching for a long time, I found that these parts were buried in crystals.

After groping for a while, the strategy team also came up with the same method as Su Ming, pulling the mobs first, and then digging through these broken crystals, but the AI ​​of pets commanded by souls is not high, so they can only pull monsters, Can not help the soul command search.

He can only take a shovel to find it slowly.

At this time, it was actually okay. He found two defensive parts, and finally met Sogo. Fortunately, the soul commander was lucky. His two snake-man archer pets triggered petrification in succession, fixed Sogo, and successfully escaped the battle.

After finding the next piece of parts, he got the news that Su Ming was participating in the mission, and suddenly became urgent.

At this time, the strategy team analyzed the surrounding environment, judged the type of parts in the area from the shape of the nearby machinery, and analyzed the area where parts were easier to get out-the closer to the machine, the easier it was to get out.

Since the parts area of ​​the power part has the most machines, they suggested that the soul unit should take the lead in aligning the power parts.

When looking for the power part, the soul leader watched Su Ming quickly find one piece after another...

Hearing the system prompt that the weapon parts were ready, the Soul Commander stuck the shovel into the ground and said depressedly:
"What the hell, how did he find it..."

The voice of management came to his ears through the voice channel:

"Stop whining, dig faster, can you send a snake-man archer over to dig? They are all humanoid monsters. You start the task half an hour earlier than the spores, how can the progress be equalized? ?”

"How do I know? Maybe he is lucky. Doesn't Spore always have lucky luck?"

In the channel, the person in charge of the potion shop of the Great Emperor Guild and part-time story strategy team member deeply felt the same way:

"Indeed, his luck has always been good, first the magic potion, then the dark breath potion, now the fire bath potion and the small experience potion, the second station is on the outlet of the dungeon, who can compete with that Venus in this way? .

There are people talking about business talents, I bah, it's just a pig on the wind. "

Seeing this person complaining loudly, the management quickly stopped him:
"Don't blame luck for everything, find out more about your own reasons. Hurry up and dig your soul, I think the progress of the spores seems to have stopped."

The person in charge named "Hollow Man" snorted coldly, did not reply, and only complained silently in his heart: Looking for your own reasons?Didn't Lao Tzu manage the emperor's potion market share to the second place now?
"The luck of the dog will always be used up." Soul Commander went down with a shovel, dug out a power part, and finished a task progress, he said with a smile: "Now it's my turn."

(End of this chapter)

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