Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 274 2nd Floor Colosseum

Chapter 274 Second Floor Colosseum (Please Subscribe~)

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The Soul Commander is quickly rummaging through the fragments.Su Ming's task progress has not been moved for 20 minutes, and the soul leader feels that he has the hope of surpassing Su Ming, so he digs harder and harder.

The entire strategy team is also in an active atmosphere at the moment.

"Come on, it's only the last piece."

"Get the puppet blueprint, you can fight for some abandoned cities in the wild, which is faster than building from scratch."

"There seem to be fewer monsters nearby, and the refresh rate has also slowed down."

"Maybe it is the characteristic of this area?"

"I don't think it's right. Didn't Edent say that Sogo kept the lost souls working all the time? The monster refresh slowed down. Is it possible that Sogo had an accident?"

"Isn't it? I don't think the task panel of the soul has changed."

"Not necessarily dead. For example, leaving this area or something."

The Soul Commander was sweating profusely, watching the discussion of the strategy group, he smiled and said:
"When I dug out the last piece, just go to Aidante and ask."

As he spoke, he dug out the last piece, put the piece on his mouth and kissed it, and immediately ran towards the location where the stars were drawn on the map.

A white puppet with thick legs, thick waist, and thick hands, about 8 meters high, stands in the dim light of the fire, and a brisk singing voice floats from above the puppet's head.

"Aidenke." The soul commander sat on the pseudo-skeleton dragon and flew to the side of the cab. When he saw Aidenke, he handed over the parts and said happily: "I have gathered all the parts, hurry up and defeat the Sogo, save your father!"

According to the sentence given by the strategy team, the soul commander tried his best to win Aidenke's favor.

"No need." Aiden took the parts and said with a bright smile: "My father has been rescued. You guys in the future are so powerful that you can defeat Sogo without a golem."

The soul commander was dumbfounded and asked:

"What do you mean?"

"It literally means that another future man has already defeated Sogo and went to the second floor of the pyramid. He seems to be looking for some gems. I wish him good luck."

After Aidenke finished speaking, the conditions in the soul command task bar also changed, and the entire task was in a settled state.

"Already defeated? When did it happen?" Soul Commander asked.

"About ten minutes ago, I was going to leave too, but I was worried that you would not find me, so I stayed a little longer to tell you the news." Aidenke said, "It's also a pity for you. I will give you the blueprint of 'Justice No. [-]', although it is much weaker than 'Justice No. [-]', it is still usable."

After giving the soul command blueprint, Aiden and his "Justice Ten" turned into white light and disappeared.

Justice No. 20 is a level [-] silver golem. Players with a little strength can dismantle it alone. It is completely incomparable with Justice No. [-].

Upon receiving the news that Su Ming had completed the task, the strategy team exploded.

"How is that possible? That's a level 38 dark gold boss! Without the help of a dark gold puppet, it's impossible for a single person to defeat it!"

"Are there other agencies on the map? Are you stuck in terrain?"

"The terrain on the first floor of the pyramid is destructible, and it is impossible to kill the terrain."

"Could it be the Unicorn next to him? Still hiding abilities that we haven't discovered?"


"The direction is wrong, we should have blocked the spores from the beginning, instead of looking for parts stupidly."

"The number of parts in the early stage is too much ahead..."

The strategy team checked for omissions and made up for the vacancies, and the soul leader asked:

"Then what do we do now?"

"Go to the second floor, what else can I do?"

"That's right, the second floor seems to be the Colosseum. The monsters may all come out alone. You have the advantage as a beast trainer, so keep going. If you don't encounter a task with a particularly good reward, go straight to the top floor and search the top floor first. gone."

"it is good."

The soul commander found a second-floor intersection that was relatively close on the map, and ran over.


Second floor.

Indeed a Colosseum.

After killing Sogo, Su Ming got a level 35 dark gold shoulder guard and the puppet blueprint, and got out from the entrance, and entered a cell with Unique...

This reminded Su Ming of what Aidenke told him. The entrances marked on the map were all secretly opened by the workers on the first floor who wanted to experience the upper class life. Some escaped successfully, and some entered the Colosseum In the preparation cell.

Su Ming was quite unlucky, he just chose the entrance of the cell.

Before he had time to observe the situation, an NPC named "Rubish" walked in outside.

Rubesh is the host, referee, and player guide of the Colosseum.

Rubesh is a bit rational, but unlike Aidenke who has a clear understanding of the outside world, he relies on his habits during his lifetime to maintain the operation of the entire second-floor Colosseum.

"Are there two newcomers here?" Rubesh looked at Su Ming and Unique, "Which of you two will go first? It's still the old rule, win three games and you will be free."

After Rubesh finished speaking, Su Ming triggered the system task.

System: You have triggered the random mission "Slave to Gamble for Life".

Mission brief introduction: You sneaked into the second floor of the Pyramid of the Golden City and were discovered by Rubesh. Rubesh recognized you as a slave who came to the Colosseum to gamble for freedom. Win three victories to complete the mission.

Mission rewards: 1 skill point, freedom of movement, 45 experience.

Failure penalty: Rubesh (LV35, dark gold boss) chase (only in the Colosseum).

Once the task is triggered, it is in the accepted state.This is a plot scenario task, and if you can complete it, you will be given a good reward, and most of the punishment for failure can be avoided.

Colosseum only.

These five words attracted Su Ming's attention.In other words, if you fail, you can run directly to the first or third floor. With Unique, it is very easy to run away. If you can complete the task, it is equivalent to picking up a skill point for nothing. Why don't you look at it first? Let's see who the next opponent is.

However, Su Ming also noticed that Rubesh was talking about him and Unico, and Unico has no fighting power, so he definitely couldn't go up and fight, so Su Ming asked Rubesh who was wiping the weapon next to him:

"Can I play instead of Unicorn?"

Rubeish glanced at Su Ming and said coldly:

"Unless you can fool the eyes of those grown-ups, it's best not to make this plan."

"My lord? Which lords?"

Rubesh gave Su Ming a weird look, pointed to the auditorium outside the cage, and said:

"Of course it's the orcs. Hurry up and get ready and choose the right weapon. Look at you with thin arms and legs. I'll pick some thin monsters for you."

After speaking, Rubesh left.

Su Ming looked outside, and there was no one in the auditorium. It was obvious that Rubesh was acting according to the pattern in his lifetime. In his eyes, the auditorium should be full of spectators.

Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Wu Nicole:
"I should be able to play instead of you, don't worry."

Wu Nicole nodded, telling Su Ming to be careful.

There was a sound of the iron door opening, and Rubesh's passionate hosting voice sounded outside:

"Let us welcome today's protagonist, the 'Mad Lion Lev' who has eaten a hundred humans and ~~~~~~
Lion Lev's one hundred and first meal, spores! "

 Thank you for the 100-point reward of "Gentleness is a sin".

(End of this chapter)

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