Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 275 Zaemon's new skill

Chapter 275 Zaemon's new skills (for subscription~)


From the cell opposite Su Ming, a faint blue lion soul jumped out.Its thick feet moved slowly on the ground, and its big eyes stared vigilantly at the iron door of Su Ming's cell.

Wild Lion Lev (LV33, Silver Boss): 180000/180000.

"Is it just a silver boss?"

After reading the brief attributes of Lev the Lion, Su Ming was slightly pleasantly surprised. The difficulty of this task does not seem to be high. It is just a silver boss. With Su Ming's current strength, he can easily handle it.

Su Ming summoned Zaemon and Hammer, and led Xiao Hei out of the cage.

The moment he stepped out of the cage, a gust of wind rushed towards his face, and Lev's speed was astonishing.It has rich combat experience and has faced various professions. Now that it sees Su Ming summoning a pet, it directly attacks Su Ming himself.

Zuemon, who was standing one step ahead of Su Ming, reacted quickly. It moved slightly, and its two swords crossed to hold Lev's broad palms.

Wild Lion Lev's damage is very high, taking away about 1/3 of Zaemon's blood in one pounce.

Zaemon exerted strength with both hands, using the blade to push Lev away, and then took advantage of the momentum to slash forward quickly.Lev jumped from side to side, dodging all of Zaemon's attacks.

"It's a boss with a high AI." Su Ming immediately ordered Zuoemon to use trample, and at the same time let Xiao Hei and Hammer outflank him.

Zaemon stepped on the ground, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye flew out, hitting Lev and slowing him down.

Lev was injured and immediately counterattacked forward, and was swept back by the hammer in mid-air.

After sweeping Lev back, Hammer swung his weapon in the air, waving two fireballs and chasing Lev.

Along with the fireball came Lev's slime, Zaemon's blade, and Su Ming's paint. After being decelerated, Lev faced the pincer attack and had no angle to dodge.

Seven or eight injury figures popped up on Lev's head.

Seeing that Lev was beaten and retreated steadily, without even a chance to fight back, Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief and thought:
"Although it is a BOSS, it seems that there is no control-free buff, and there is no difficulty at all. This task is stable, and a little skill point can be used for the second sense."

When Lev was hit to 1 point of blood, Lev suddenly locked blood and fell into a coma.Rubish jumped off the rostrum suspended in the air, and shouted to the empty auditorium with a microphone:
"Oh my god, the spore with the strange hat defeated Lev! Did the great Gaigyu give him strength? After defeating Lev, the next enemy he will face is the steel-bladed gorilla! "

Boom boom boom!
After the wild lion Lev was dragged down by Rubesh, the ground shook, the cell door on the upper right of Su Ming opened, and a soul gorilla stepped out of the shadows.

The body of the soul is covered with rusty red armor, and the sharp blades on the armor have become rusty and blunt.

Steel Blade Gorilla (LV37, Gold BOSS): 250000/250000.

There is a Debuff under the status bar of the Iron Blade Gorillas.

Damaged armor status: +20% movement speed, -50% attack and defense attributes, unable to use "sharp defense" and "steel tornado" normally.

Seeing the orangutan holding two machetes, Zaemon became excited and communicated with Su Ming:

"Master, I will deal with it alone!"

Under normal circumstances, high AI pets actively request combat interaction, which triggers growth events.

Although the steel-bladed gorilla is a golden boss, it has a very serious debuff. In the case of -50% attack and defense, it may be weaker than the previous lion. Su Ming has no reason to refuse his pet to become stronger. However, he still has an insurance policy:
"If you are in danger, I will intervene."

Dealing with growth-related events, whether it is consent or rejection, must be handled properly. With Zaemon's character, if he directly takes action without telling him in advance, it may affect his loyalty.

Now it is agreed in advance, and Zaemon has no objection, so even if Su Ming makes a move later, it will not affect him.

Zaemon rushed out and fought with the steel-bladed gorilla. The giant ape was not as smart as a lion, and his hatred was sucked by Zaemon.

Zuoemon is fast, and he is quick to draw and close his sword. He dodges while attacking; the giant gorilla is powerful, and its attacks are wide open and closed, and its power and defense are integrated. However, due to the decline in attributes, it cannot cause too much damage to Zuoemon. What a hassle.

Xiao Hei looked at Zaemon and the giant gorilla who were hiding around, and complained:
"How long is this going to last. You idiot Zaemon, let's all charge up together and settle the battle with a snap..."

Su Ming laughed and rubbed Xiao Hei, and said:

"Just think of it as Zaemon buying time for us to rest."

Although Zaemon avoided most of the steel-bladed gorilla's attacks, when the battle lasted long enough, injuries were inevitable.

After more than ten minutes, Zaemon's blood bar was only 1/3 left.

The Gorilla Steel Blade didn't feel good either. It lost about 10 health points by Zaemon. If Zaemon had a boss template, the Gorilla Steel Blade would have died two or three times.

The steel-bladed gorilla roared suddenly. Seeing it holding the machete flat, Su Ming was a little worried and couldn't help reminding Zuoemon to be careful.

Zuoemon did not respond to Su Ming, and suddenly imitated the steel-bladed gorilla, and raised the two swords horizontally, but after raising them, Zuoemon frowned—it felt that this way of exerting force was not suitable for it.

The steel-bladed gorilla began to spin its body, and the tattered blades on the armor shook and fell off, leaving only the two huge machetes it held with some power. While spinning, its arms slid up and down. When it rotated fast enough, the A circle of blade armor is formed, which can both attack and defend.

This is a weakened version of the steel tornado. If the armor of the steel blade gorilla is intact, its power will be even more terrifying.

Zaemon stood there, frowning, as if he couldn't see the steel-bladed gorilla approaching.

This made Su Ming break into a cold sweat. He wanted to remind Zaemon aloud, but Su Ming saw that Zaemon seemed to be thinking about something, so he gave up the idea of ​​reminding Zaemon. He just held his brush tightly and was ready to draw Zuemon Weimon pulled away.

Suddenly, Zaemon changed his movements, and the sword blades that had been raised horizontally to both sides suddenly returned to the same side. The moment he was about to touch it, Zaemon swung his blade away.

Zaemon turned into a whirlwind and brushed against the steel-bladed gorilla.

The steel-bladed gorilla's body jumped three times in a row with high critical strike damage.

System: Your pet "Zaemon" comprehends the new skill "Double-bladed Whirlwind" through the battle with the steel-bladed gorilla.

Double-edged Whirlwind (LV1): Can be used in the form of the wild boar. Zaemon rotates his body and enters a short-term invincible state. Use the blade to cut the enemy's vital parts on the 12-yard path, causing 3 times (150+1.2AD) Point of physical damage, this skill damage must be a critical strike.

Cost: 400 mana.Cooldown: 20 seconds.

System: Your pet "Zaemon" is in a state of epiphany, -99% skill cooling time.

Under the surprised eyes of Su Ming, Xiao Hei, and Hammer, Zaemon turned around in the Colosseum, and the bloody red critical damage numbers kept jumping out of the steel-bladed gorilla, all of which overlapped together.

Zuoweimen knocked Lan empty and exited the state of epiphany, and the blood bar of the steel-bladed gorilla was also hit to a drop of blood, just like the wild lion Lev, the blood was locked.

Su Ming received the system notification again that the double-edged whirlwind that Zuemon had just mastered had been upgraded to LV2, the base damage increased by 50, the bonus factor increased by 0.1, an additional 10% critical strike damage was added, the consumption increased by 50 points, and the cooldown decreased. 1 second.

Zaemon stood in the center of the field, his body was steaming hot, the golden weapon in his hand was chopped off by it for a long time, and it was broken...

Zaemon looked at Su Ming, raised two broken swords, and asked for help:


(End of this chapter)

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