Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 277 The Battle of Two Beast Trainers

Chapter 277 The Battle of Two Beast Trainers (Please Subscribe~)

There is more than one Colosseum in the second floor of the pyramid.After winning two victories in another Colosseum, Soul Commander frowned when he heard that his next opponent was Unique.

The strategy team is analyzing the possibility.

"Unique has no fighting power, but was able to win two games. It must be the spores that helped her."

"It's possible that the spores are directly acting on behalf of you. Soul, you should be mentally prepared."

"It's actually not good for you to change pets midway, because you don't have enough loyalty, and you will have problems fighting players."

"There are not many opportunities to catch a golden pet, don't worry, a loyalty of 60 is barely enough." Soul Leader responded.

The opponent in the second match of soul control is also the steel blade giant.

From the giant gorilla, the soul command saw the possibility of its growth - the armor of the giant gorilla was damaged, and if the armor was repaired, it might become stronger.

And... the gorilla has a debuff on it, which makes it easier to capture.

So it took a long time for the soul to command the second battle. He kept exhausting and successfully captured the giant gorilla. This may be the first gold boss captured by the player in Fate.

In order to catch this orangutan, the soul leader let go of a pseudoskull dragon. The pseudoskull dragon is huge, and one is okay. If two of them are together, they will look a little crowded.

If it is not for air combat, it is actually not easy to use.

The giant gorilla lived up to the expectations of the soul command, and possessed 5 skills, namely-jump and slam, heavy slash, air burst slash, sharp knife defense, and steel tornado.

5 skill pets, more than the best pets revealed on the forum.

It's just that the armor of the giant gorilla is damaged at this time, and the sharp knife defense is temporarily unusable, and the power of the steel tornado is also greatly reduced.

However, as long as you get out of the sandy abyss, you can repair the armor of the giant gorilla by finding all the materials. At that time, not only the skills will be restored, but the attributes will also increase by another 20%.

Sha Yuan felt that he would lead a wave of reincarnated beast tamers.

The soul commander followed his NPC in the Colosseum in shackles, walked through the dark passage, and came to the Colosseum where Su Ming was.

The NPC unshackled him and opened the cell door.

Seeing that Su Ming was standing in the center of the field, he was not too surprised, but showed an expression that really did.

The soul commander said with a smile:

"I've been wanting to have a PK with you for a long time, and today's opportunity is just right, whoever wins will bring Unicle to continue walking?"

Su understood him with a glance, and said:
"Where did you come up with the idea that Unique will go with you...Hurry up and finish the fight, I'm going to the third floor. By the way...your gorilla..."

Seeing Su Ming noticed his gorilla, the soul leader laughed and said:
"Have you encountered it? Then you should know that it is a golden boss, right? When I record this battle, I will be number one on the beast trainer list next week."

"The first place on the list is will be followed by reporters, so you can take it if you want. But how did you catch the golden pet?" Su Ming asked curiously.

The time for the soul leader to enter the second floor of the pyramid is definitely not more than one hour. In such a short time, it is very powerful to be able to successfully capture the golden boss.

Moreover, not only the orangutan, Su Ming knew that the soul commanded the other three pets, all of which were also at the silver boss level. If one did not use mission assistance to capture them, it would be too difficult for one person to catch four boss pets.

"Do you have equipment to increase the capture rate? Or special props?" Su Ming asked. When he was in school, he had the character of asking questions when he didn't understand, no matter whether others were stronger or weaker than him.

"Hmph, this is my secret, you can guess for yourself."

"Stingy. Beat you."

Su Ming suddenly launched an attack, teleporting Xiao Hei to the side of the soul leader.

Perfect tactics!

Xiao Hei hit the ground, causing damage to the soul leader and the two snake archers beside him.

"Sneak attack, it's too despicable. But you sent your pet to my door and beat me up!"

The soul commander reacted very quickly, and before Xiao Hei released the viscous liquid, he commanded the pseudo-skeleton dragon to rush down from the sky, grab Xiao Hei, and bring him into the air.

The pseudo-skeletal dragon flapped its wings and grabbed Xiao Hei like an eagle, trying to press Xiao Hei to slide on the ground.


Su Ming flicked the magic wand to help Xiao Hei get away from the grasp of the pseudo-skeleton dragon.

"Did you think it would be that easy to escape?"

The soul commanded the magic wand a little bit, and also used a perfect tactic. The pseudo-skeleton dragon was sent to Su Ming's side, and grabbed Xiao Hei again.


Xiao Hei opened his mouth wide, and ate the pseudo-skeleton dragon at once, and the blood volume of the pseudo-skeleton dragon dropped rapidly.

The soul commander frowned, thinking: "This slime is really stupid, it can't absorb too much firepower by it."

Thinking this way, the soul commander shot at Su Ming with his own two snake-man archers.

Arrows rain!

The two snake-man archers used their skills at the same time, and the two gray-white magic arrows rained almost half of the area of ​​the Colosseum, making it impossible to dodge.

Hammer put a shield on himself, and used his arm to help Su Ming stop the rain of arrows. A series of damage numbers appeared on his body, his blood volume dropped by half in an instant, and his body was petrified.

Soul Commander seized the opportunity and ordered the snake-man archer to concentrate their firepower, first with the hammer, and he himself fired a magic ball, which hit the hammer and marked it.

Gravel Arrow!
The snakeman archer uses the second skill, which can cause 1.75 times the damage to the petrified target. Combined with their attack speed of two arrows per second, it can cause huge damage.

However, when the snake-man archer was shooting, Zaemon had already dispatched.

One of its blades rushed to the side of the snake-man archer, and smashed the two sword blades on the snake-man archer, interrupting the snake-man's normal attack.

Mud Shield.

Zaemon put a shield on himself, ignored the snake man's melee dagger attack, and continued to attack.

"Superstar, protect the snake archer!" The soul leader named the orangutan a superstar. Since the superstar's loyalty is not high, the soul leader only gave it simple tasks.

The superstar carried out the order, roaring and rushing towards Zaemon.

At the same time as issuing the order, the soul commander also invoked the skill of protecting the master to pull away the attacked snake-man archer, and at the same time moved with two snake-man archers, preparing to kite Su Ming.

Zuemon glanced at the superstar rushing up, ignored it directly, twisted his toes slightly, turned into a whirlwind, and rushed towards the snake-man archer who had been beaten to half blood by it.

Although the soul command had never seen Zaemon's skill, he still reacted quickly and released a scolding at Zaemon's advancing route.

A piercing sound wave rang in Zaemon's ears, its whirlwind was interrupted, and a ghost image representing a state of fear appeared above its head, but this ghost image didn't even exist for 0.1 second, and was immediately caught by Zaemon's body. The rising blue light dissipated.

Listen to your heart!

Su Ming helped Zaemon get rid of the negative state in seconds, and at the same time activated the "partner power" to change the positions of Zaemon and Xiao Hei.

Zuoemon came to Su Ming, and was terrified by the pseudo-skeleton dragon spit out by Xiao Hei, while Xiao Hei used rapid ejection, and instantly approached the soul leader, and ejected between him and the two snake-man archers.

The damage skill of 3400+ on the panel may not be a big deal when facing monsters, but it is already very high for players, and this is only the damage of one ejection.

The full-level rapid ejection can eject 12 times, with a total damage of more than [-], which can cause a devastating blow to pets whose attributes have been weakened.

The soul leader watched a group of black shadows scurrying between himself and the two pets. The blood volume of the archer was also dropping rapidly, and the soul leader also used "partner power".

While exchanging the positions of the residual blood archer and the superstar, while controlling Xiao Hei, he also protected the residual blood archer.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a huge hammer fell from the top of the bloody archer and was smashed to death.

That's the "Meteorite Hammer" from Hammer.

The output of the two archers and the soul leader was interfered by Zaemon and Xiaohei, and he failed to kill Hammer immediately. Su Ming threw two cakes to Hammer to bring his blood to a healthy state. For blood pets, let the hammer do the trick.

The Meteorite Hammer has an AP bonus of 1.2, and has a fixed maximum AP damage. It also hit nearly 2000 points of damage and successfully took away an archer.

An archer died, and Xiao Hei rushed in next to him. The soul command threw all the skills on Xiao Hei, and he retreated while fighting, only to find that Xiao Hei had 3.6 health points, which directly made him swear:

"Fuck me, my superstar is only in the early 2 blood range. Is this slime screwed up?"

The strategy team was also very puzzled when they saw the battle screen transmitted:

"The data of this slime does not match the data on the forum."

"And the skills seem to have grown."

"Don't say that the data of this slime is not right, and the data of that fire element is also wrong. Although it has only increased a little bit of mosquito legs, it is unscientific if it is not right. The growth attributes of pets should be all Just fix it."

"The only one that was right was the wild boar...but it seems to have a new skill? Why did the Whirlwind Slash just now look like a Berserker skill? It seems to have an invincible frame..."

"And there is also a problem with his coordinated attack skills. You can see that the slime pattern appears on the soul's head, and the wild boar pattern and primitive marks appear on the bone dragon's head..."

"He doesn't seem to have a fourth pet?"

"Yes... Didn't you just wonder what he used to open the pyramid before?" A meticulous player in the strategy group slowed down the battle screen, cut out a picture of a green beetle, and said:
"This should be a close relative of the sun scarab, right? Although it's not very strong, I haven't heard of where this monster will spawn, and I don't know where the spores are caught... Does anyone have his latest activity route? Let's study together .”

(End of this chapter)

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