Chapter 278 Forbidden Curse (please subscribe~)

During the passionate discussion of the strategy team, the soul command fell into a hard fight.

The pseudo-skeleton dragon was cut to death quickly by Su Ming, Zuoemon, and the hammer; the archers and superstars around Soul Command were defended by Xiao Hei alone, unable to kill and escape, it was very uncomfortable.

When Su Ming supported Xiao Hei, the soul command was defeated.

Since the Colosseum could not surrender, the Soul Commander fought until the last drop of blood and fell into the state of "invincible stun" before he escaped from the sea of ​​suffering.

From the beginning to the end, the command of the soul did not pose an effective threat to Su Ming.

"Is this the strength of the leaderboard..." The self-confidence of the leader of the soul was a little bit hit, and he doubted whether his own gameplay was correct. He thought to himself: "Is it possible to catch a pet and keep cultivating it to be a beast tamer?" the correct way to play?"

A similar thought only occurred for a moment before being erased by the command of the soul. He quickly had a new idea:
"My gameplay is definitely correct, but it must be combined with the spore gameplay. First, keep rotating pets until you catch a pet with cultivation value. For example, the superstar I just caught has a certain cultivation value.

The spores just had the luck of a dog, skipped the rotation link, and every pet they caught happened to have room to grow.But this space is always limited, he is strong at level 30, will he still be strong at level 40? "

When the soul leader was thinking, he was dragged away by the collar of another NPC in the Colosseum. Since he was in a state of dizziness, the soul leader spoke in words:

"Spore, just wait! A traditional animal trainer like you will be eliminated one day!"

Su Ming saw the speech of the commanding soul, and was a little puzzled, what traditional animal trainer?Could it be that the soul leader has such a high probability of catching pets because he changed his job to a hidden job?

Su Ming thought that the NPC was well-informed and should be aware of it, so he asked Rubesh who flew down:

"What is the profession of the person who fought against me just now?"

Rubesh looked at Su Ming with a foolish look, and didn't bother to answer, and went to open the door of the cell where Unicole was.

Su Ming followed behind Rubeish, persistently asking:

"You have presided over so many battles, have you ever seen someone with the same profession as the soul leader?"


The iron door opened, and Rubesh said to Unique:
"Now you are free, be careful after leaving the Colosseum, and don't be caught again. Especially this guy, he seems to be not in a good mind."

The reason why Rubesh said this is because Su Ming has been chanting words such as "beast trainer", "listener", "mutant", "derivation", and "expansion" around him now, plus the previous Su Ming It was only after Ming directly destroyed the magic circle that Rubesh felt that Su Ming had some mental problems...

The NPC feels that the player is sick, but in fact Su Ming is trying to trigger the mission by hitting key words...

After trying for a long time, it still didn't work out. Su Ming was dragged away by Wu Nicole's arms.

The two stood at the official entrance of the Colosseum, waiting for the stone gate to open.

Su Ming couldn't find a reason from Rubesh, so he turned to Unique, who thought carefully for a while, and gave a definite answer-the soul leader, like Su Ming, is a listener.

In short, Su Ming cannot solve the mystery of the high arrest rate led by souls for the time being.

Walking out of the gate, Su Ming saw a desolate scene - dilapidated and rusty iron cages, shackles thrown around, and collapsed and rotten stall tarpaulins.

The Colosseum on the second floor of the pyramid is like a movie theater, you can watch the battle, it's cool to watch, and you can buy some "peripherals" in the slave market outside.

As soon as they came outside, black brush marks appeared around Su Ming and Wu Nicole. These marks faded and then solidified again and again.

Curse of Forbidden Words: You are blessed by a curse and cannot use skills (only valid for characters below LV35).

"What the hell is this?" Su Ming opened the property panel of Xiao Hei and the others, and found that Xiao Hei and the others could no longer use their skills.

However, although the character skills cannot be used, the equipment skills can still be used, which makes Su Ming a little relieved, at least he has the ability to protect himself.

Unico looked around, and then reached out to touch the "brush". The brush spread like ink, and if you took your hand away, it would condense again. Unico said:

"This is a slave market, this curse should be used to prevent slaves from escaping."

"Is there a way to undo it?" Su Ming asked.

Unico stuck out her tongue and said:

"There must be, but I don't know."

"Then can your ability still be used?"


Su Ming leaned against the door, thinking about the countermeasures. The only person nearby who could ask questions was Unique, and only Rubesh was left.Rubesh is inside the Colosseum, the door is closed again...

Su Ming took two steps back, looked up at the huge Colosseum, sank into his dantian, and shouted:

Seeing that Unico seemed a little surprised, Su Ming explained to Unico:
"I want to ask Rubesh if he knows the way."

Wu Nicole suddenly realized, and shouted with Su Ming:


The voices of the two were superimposed, and the penetration was greatly enhanced. The gate of the Colosseum rose, and a gloomy Rubesh gradually appeared behind the gate. He cursed:

"Two idiots, what are you shouting! Don't you think you died fast enough?"

"Hey..." Su Ming rubbed his head in embarrassment, and asked straight to the point: "Rubish, there is a curse on Unicorn and I, how do we get rid of this curse?"

Rubish glanced at Su Ming and Unicole, saw the ink-like brush, and said impatiently:

"Idiot, didn't you experience this curse when you were arrested? You will disappear automatically when you leave the pyramid. If you have nothing to do, get the hell out and don't bother me with these trivial things."

"Is there a way to lift the curse without leaving the pyramid?" Su Ming asked.

"Don't leave the pyramid?" Rubesh sneered: " go to the third floor of the pyramid to take a hot spring, and it will be relieved naturally. If you think you are not dying fast enough, then go."

Rubeish originally thought that Su Ming would retreat in the face of difficulties, but he didn't expect Su Ming to be excited after hearing this, and immediately ran away with Unique after thanking him...

Rubesh stood at the door blankly, feeling a strange feeling in his heart—it seemed a little different from usual today.

Rubish shook his head, shook off his strange thoughts, closed the gate, and went back to the Colosseum to wait for the next battle.

When the gate was halfway down, Rubesh suddenly looked back, looked at the deserted street, and tried to walk outside the Colosseum.


Perhaps the trafficked slaves have no obsessions, so there are relatively few lost souls on the second floor. There are only a few orcs who used to be the street managers on the second floor, patrolling around with iron forks.

Rubesh just reminded Su Ming and Unique not to be caught back, probably to tell them to be careful of these patrolling soldiers.

The number of patrols is small, and the patrol route is long, so Su Ming and Unicole can easily avoid it, and the two quickly headed to the entrance of the third floor according to the guidance of the compass.

And the soul leader is still in the Colosseum, fighting without any rewards, and the battle with rewards has been interrupted by Su Ming...

 Thank you for the 500 point reward from "Leisurely Wandering".

(End of this chapter)

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