Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 280 Battle Without Pets

Chapter 280 Battle Without Pets (Please Subscribe~)

Reid escaped through the teleportation circle between the bathroom and the hot spring.

Now its dog's eyes are wide open - it uses the "hellfire" that it saved so hard to carry out a sneak attack, but it failed to kill the human who opened the door, which makes it unacceptable.

"Could it be that my strength has regressed to this extent?"

"I can't even kill a single human, so do I need to go back to hell?"

"Or just die here."

"No, no, I'm sorry for the two heads I sacrificed."

Rhett pulled himself together and jumped onto the statue of the spouting fish in the middle of the hot spring—the spouting fish had stopped spouting.

In the middle of the fish's mouth, there are three collars.

Rhett stuck the dog's paw in, pulled out a collar, and put it on.Its skeletal muscles grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, from the size of a domestic dog to the size of a tiger.

After twisting the dog's head and feeling the power gushing out, Reid said to himself:
"Although it's inappropriate to borrow Gegeyou's power, but... there is no other way."

The collar was originally used by Gegeyou to control Red, and it could bring some benefits to Red, but it hurt his self-esteem too much. After the Golden City sank into the sand, Red never wore it again.

Until today, when meeting such a strange person as Su Ming, he reluctantly put it on.


Here, Su Ming is about to kick open the 24th door.

After the accident that the hammer passed the first door, he was highly concentrated, and finally felt something strange, reminding Su Ming.

"okay, I get it."

Su Ming told the hammers to retreat, found a bottle of fire bath potion from the backpack, and communicated with the hammers in their hearts:

"I'll try to catch the monster later, you guys are going to beat the monster."

Su Ming didn't want to let the fire-breathing monster escape, otherwise the monster would have been hiding from sneak attacks on the third floor and would be a threat after all.It's better to use the equipment skills to catch it earlier, no matter whether you can kill it or not, you must first know what it is.

After confirming that the three pets understood, Su Ming drank the potion and kicked open the door.

The flame erupted again, this time the flame temperature was higher, and the damage increased to more than 700 points per jump.

Su Ming saw the black shadow that had become much taller in the flames. Although he was puzzled, he still turned into a ball of broken light and rushed towards the black shadow with a "bang".


Su Ming's figure disappeared into the flames, which seemed to make the black shadow a little anxious. Its eyes turned wildly, looking for Su Ming's figure. The next second, Su Ming appeared in front of it, with one hand strangling its throat, Drag outward.

Su Ming saw it clearly, and thought: So it is really a dog.

Reid stopped spraying flames, and was shocked. With the help of the collar, it increased the power of "Hellfire" by 50%, and it couldn't hurt the human being in front of him.

Reid felt that there was too much difference in strength between it and Su Ming, so he decided to show it badly and not trouble Su Ming anymore.So he shook his head violently, throwing Su Ming away, and wanted to slip away through the teleportation array as before.

The portal was activated, and Rhett was about to rush in, but his hind legs were entangled by two tentacles. Rhett thought he was going to die, but he continued to rush forward two steps, and found that the tentacles did not seem to affect its actions...

Red's power attribute is greater than Su Ming's, so Su Ming can't pull it.

So, Reid rushed to the teleportation array with Su Ming.

One person and one dog disappeared into the teleportation array.


Xiao Hei was the first to notice something was wrong, it ran forward, trying to follow into the teleportation array, but it was too late.

Since Su Ming's maximum control distance was exceeded, and Su Ming's skills were all disabled, the three pets disappeared one by one, leaving Unicole alone in the end.

Wu Nicole tightened the cloth bag and called out to Su Ming, but without any response, she shrank her body and walked into the room cautiously.

Unico squatted on the ground, studied the place where Su Ming disappeared just now, and found a teleportation array. The characters in the array were arranged very regularly. Unico quickly matched these characters with the map marks at the entrance.

"I can't activate it, but the spores are still on the third floor." After reading it, Unico breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and ran to the location of the big hot spring.


On the big hot spring platform, a person and a dog came out of the teleportation array.

Su Ming received the system message that the summoning was cancelled, and his heart was half chilled.Without the help of pets, the animal trainer might be able to beat the blessing master, but what he has to face now is the level 34 dark gold boss, the weak hell three-headed dog Reid.

Reid has 50 blood, even with the help of Xiao Hei, Su Ming may not be able to fight, let alone now.

Rhett is as afraid of Su Ming as Su Ming is of it. In Rhett's heart, Su Ming is a powerful existence that is immune to its flame damage, so it dare not fight Su Ming at all.

The two were afraid of each other, so the moment they landed, they ran away with their backs facing each other.

Running, Reid noticed something was wrong, it stopped, and looked at Su Ming who was running away—from the aura from Su Ming, he was not strong... As for why he was not affected by his own flame...

After a green beetle bites Red, he knows why—the guy has sun scarabs.

It turned out to be a weak chicken, as long as you don't use the flame ability, you can easily deal with this guy.

So Reid immediately chased back and attacked Su Ming.

A flame ignited on Reid's body, and he quickly caught up with Su Ming. After catching up with Su Ming, it dissipated the flames from its body and swept across Su Ming's back with its sharp claws.

Hearing the wind, Su Ming immediately turned around and raised a small wooden shield to block it.

Reid caused a physical damage to Su Ming and an additional fire attribute magic damage.

Seeing that he couldn’t run away, Su Ming immediately swung the brush to fight back, but the speed of the magic ball shot by the paintbrush was too slow. Rui Dela moved away from his body and jumped deftly, dodging all of Su Ming’s normal attacks, and took the time to hit again. Su Ming.

Seeing that Reid was able to dodge his attack, Su Ming felt even colder—this is a tall AI boss, and seeing its teasing eyes, it might be at the NPC level.

"Haha, I was almost deceived by you, a human being. A listener without a pet, become the nourishment for me to open the gate of hell!" Reid spit out words, accelerated again, and rushed towards Su Ming.

Su Ming focused his attention on Red, and when Red was about to approach him, he used the "quick painting" skill to drive Red away, and then he poured all his normal attacks on the clone.
1802, -1768, -1922...

Seeing the number floating on the body of the clone, Su Ming was taken aback - the magic resistance of this boss doesn't seem to be high.

While attacking, Su Ming looked at Reid. He found that there was a collar on Reid's neck that was glowing, but it was already darkened by 1/10 of the circle.

"Weak three-headed dog..." Su Ming recalled that when he saw the black shadow for the first time, he seemed to be much smaller than Rhett now: "Either there are two monsters, or this collar made it bigger.

Maybe when I hold on until the collar is completely dark, Red will become weaker, just like the light on Ultraman's chest. "

Thinking of this, Su Ming put on a defensive posture, waiting for Reid to attack.

Reid was overwhelmed by the damage delivered by the clone, and became cautious again. It and Su Ming looked at each other, and after half a circle, it rushed over again. It approached faster, but it was a skill, it would The damage is converted to fire attribute damage, so it is useless.

With only the speed of sprinting, Su Ming could keep up with him. With a shield, he swiped his paintbrush at Reid, intersecting with Reid, and damage numbers appeared on both sides.

Su Ming's paintbrush changed the attack mode. Under normal circumstances, hitting the monster directly with a magic wand will cause physical damage. However, as long as Su Ming's paintbrush is painted, it can cause magic damage. It is also for Su Ming's defensive counterattack. The way of fighting brings a slight possibility of victory.

Reid has the advantage of blood volume, while Su Ming has the support of blood-sucking beetles and potions to drink, so in fact, it is almost the same.

One person and one dog began to fight for a long time next to the dry hot spring.

(End of this chapter)

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