Chapter 281 The One Who Boils Water (Please Subscribe~)

A bunch of poisonous snakes crawled out from Su Ming's feet and hit Reid, causing more than 6000 damage.

The skill attached to the Abyss Snake Eye Ring has a damage factor of up to 3.5, which is Su Ming's most powerful skill now.

After Reid was decelerated, his movements slowed down. Su Ming lowered his body, avoided the attack of Reid's sharp claws, and fled away.

Su Ming discovered that the attack distance of the vampire beetle is 100 yards. Within this 100 yards, it will automatically track the targets that Su Ming has attacked. As long as Su Ming can keep avoiding Reid's attacks for 21 minutes, he can gain 400 points. The damage frequency per second consumes Rhett.

If one or two damages that Su Ming occasionally steals are included, the actual progress is much faster.

Su Ming thought that fortunately the sun scarab would always follow him and would not cancel the summon.

After five or six minutes, it seemed that Su Ming had been running away, but Reid was the one at a disadvantage.

Reid is now much more anxious than Su Ming. The strength in the collar can only support it for 10 minutes, and now the time is more than half.

Rhett took a breath and made up his mind.

Under Rhett's control, four spikes protruded from the inside of the collar and pierced its neck.Reid howled, and his size became bigger again, and the corners of his mouth were drooling. There were two sarcoma wriggling on its shoulders, as if two heads were about to emerge at any time.

"Demon energy crystallization... is really a good thing."

By mobilizing the crystallized power in his body, Reid obtained a 50% damage bonus, an 80% movement speed bonus, and an 80% attack speed bonus. These bonuses can last for 20 seconds.

It was as fast as a gust of wind, sprinting to Su Ming's side, and its sharp claws seemed to be able to tear everything apart.

Sweeping down suddenly, only a ball of golden light was caught, the dog's paw hit the edge of the hot spring pool, cracking the edge.

Seeing that Su Ming disappeared, Rhett was not surprised. Although this human being was cursed by the second-floor banning speech, he could still use many strange magic items.

Reid couldn't make a single blow, so he immediately turned around and chased, just in time to hit the tentacles protruding from Su Ming's neck.

If it was the previous state, Red might be tied up and waste some time, but now he can easily dodge.

Reid went around to the side of the tentacles, and ran towards Su Ming again. This time, Su Ming couldn't dodge, and was hit by Rhett's claws, and the whole person was blown away.

Su Ming's blood bar dropped by half. Looking at Reid who was flying over, Su Ming fled away while drinking the medicine.

Su Ming knows that Reid is in Buff state through Reid's status bar, and he thinks:
"20 seconds, I won't be able to last. I don't know if I will leave the sandy abyss. Uniko is still in the pyramid. What should I do?"

Just as Su Ming was thinking about Unique, he saw a beautiful figure trotting over in the corridor in the distance.

Su Ming was overjoyed, and waved to Wu Nicole, shouting:

"Unique! Help me stop this dog!"

Unicle saw the big dog chasing after Su Ming at a glance, and with a kick of her eyes, Reid, who was still aggressive before, was frozen in place.

Su Ming glanced back, and continued to sprint to Wu Nicole's side.

Although Unico can stop Red, the countdown of Red's buff is also stopped, and the time stop will not consume Red's buff time, so it can't be careless.

Su Ming came to Unico and said to Unico:

"Stop when disarmed."

Reid moved again, he was a little puzzled, why did Su Ming teleport a certain distance suddenly?But it's too late to think about it, time is limited.

Su Ming suddenly shortened his body and hugged Unico horizontally to run away. Seeing the surprised eyes of Unico, Su Ming explained apologetically:
"Hug it first, so you can run faster. If the big dog is about to catch up, you can stop it, and then I will keep the distance, so that it can spend time catching up."

Wu Nicole nodded after listening to Su Ming's explanation, and focused on Reid behind Su Ming.

When Reid approached to a distance of two or three meters behind Su Ming, she started the time-stop. No matter how fast Reid was, it could not be faster than Unique's line of sight.

After immobilizing Rhett, Unique will wait for Su Ming to run for 7 or 8 seconds before releasing the time stop.

Su Ming ran a distance of 7 or 8 seconds, and Reid could catch up with it in two seconds, so he stopped ten times in total before completely using up Reid's buff time.

Seeing that the buff on Reid's status bar had disappeared, Su Ming stopped, and said to the slightly tired Unique:
"You take a break, I'm going to teach the dog a lesson."

Unicol stopped using it continuously, and the breath adjustment time was short, and she felt a little sleepy. She was too tired to speak, and she nodded slightly, which was considered a response.

Su Ming turned to face Reid. After Reid's eruption ended, the collar dimmed. Su Ming found that Reid had directly degenerated from a dark gold boss to a golden boss.

Its maximum health has dropped to 25, including the blood that was beaten by Su Ming before, and now it only has about 9 health left.

"Come get the puppy, let's fight again." Su Ming pressed his fist, turned his attack, and chased Reid.

"If you dare to hit me! I'll hit that woman!" Rhett yelled as he stepped back.

Rhett could see that Unique couldn't use her abilities continuously, and she wasn't very energetic at the moment.

Just when Su Ming was hesitating, Unique's voice came from behind Su Ming:
"Spore, beat it!"

A clock symbol enveloped Su Ming, and the seconds on it moved rapidly.

Unicole activated the time acceleration ability, which increased Su Ming's movement speed and attack speed in an all-round way, not weaker than Reid who just stimulated the crystallization power of magic energy.

Now that Unicole believed in him, Su Ming no longer hesitated, rushed up to catch Reid who was trying to bypass him, and then scratched on Reid with a paintbrush.

In just 15 seconds, Su Ming beat Reid down to 2 blood. During this period, most of Reid's counterattacks were dodged by Su Ming, whose movement speed skyrocketed.

Reid was beaten hard, and flames ignited on his body to fight Su Ming, but it was useless.

Facing the 75% fire attribute damage reduction, it would be difficult for Reid to injure Su Ming even with his violent potential.

It wanted to trouble Unicole, but it was entangled by Su Ming and couldn't get away. Now that Su Ming had as much blood as it did, it could ignore some of its persuasive attacks and forcibly interrupt its progress.

Su Ming had the blood-sucking beetle returning blood, but Rhett didn't, so it was defeated quickly.

Su Ming looked at Reid, who had only over 6000 blood left, and waved the paintbrush faster, thinking: "I don't know whether to settle according to the dark gold boss or the golden boss..."

However, just when Su Ming was about to kill Reid, Reid suddenly shouted:

"You can't kill me!"

Su Ming held back his hand and asked:

Reid glanced at the signs of curse surrounding Su Ming and Unicole, and said proudly:
"Because you want to lift the curse, you must ask me to boil the water!"

Su Ming felt that what Reid said was very credible. The current appearance of the third floor did not seem to have the appearance of a hot spring. Like Rubesh, Reid should be the steward of a hot spring.

Seeing that Su Ming was deep in thought, while the blood-sucking beetle was still biting him, Rhett hurriedly shouted:
"Quickly stop your beetle! I'm going to die!"

At the critical moment, Su Ming issued an order to stop, keeping Reid's three-digit blood volume...

"Scared the dog to death." Reid, like Unique in the distance, collapsed on the ground...

"Haha, I'm sorry. I'm not very proficient in controlling it yet." Su Ming squatted down, turned the paintbrush upside down, and tapped Rhett's dog's head lightly, causing about 10 damage to maintain the fighting state. Su Ming said: "Since you It is responsible for boiling water, so hurry up and boil it."

"You keep beating me, how can I burn!" Reid glared at Su Ming.

Su Ming ignored the anger in Reid's eyes, wondering:

"But if you don't hit you, won't you recover? At that time, you will hit me again."

"Do I look like that kind of dog?!"

"You can hide in the bathroom and sneak attack, I think it's very similar." Su Ming didn't mean to stop at all, "As long as you boil water and lift the curse on Unique and me, I will let you go. Don't worry Well, I will control the strength and not kill you."

After the curse is lifted, Su Ming can summon Xiao Hei and them, and he can use skills, so he is not afraid of Rhett.

"I'm really scared of you, take this bell, don't knock on my dog's head, I'm really going to die..."

(End of this chapter)

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