Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 282 Dark Gold Gem

Chapter 282 Dark Gold Gem (Please Subscribe~)

Paging bell (special item): With this object, it will not be the target of the three-headed dog Red, and you can order Red to increase the water temperature.

Su Ming played with the bell, carried the sleeping Unicorn on his back, and followed Reid. He asked:
"You are a three-headed hellhound, why only one head."

"It's a long story." Reid regained his life after leaving the war, and now he is quite energetic: "I was caught by Gegeyou here as a waiter and boiler worker, and Gegeyou sent me energy to keep me alive. Life beyond the abyss.

But after the fall of the Golden City, I lacked a source of energy, so I could only cut off my own head to save energy expenses. "

After telling Su Ming his story, Reid also asked:

"What about you? A human, how did you end up in the fallen Golden City?"

"I'm here to take away the gems hidden in the pyramid and prevent Miu Mi from resurrecting Walsom." Su Ming didn't hide from Rhett, and revealed the real purpose of the trip.

Reid was captured by Ge Geyou, so he naturally had a bad impression of the three gods. After hearing Su Ming's words, he laughed and applauded:

"If I wasn't too weak now, I would have to help you. Now, I can only help you boil hot water."

Reid brought Su Ming to the big hot spring, it jumped onto the fish statue in the middle of the hot spring pool, and said to Su Ming:

"You come here to inject some energy, first clean the pool, and then I will heat the water."

Su Ming put Unico by the pool, walked over, and asked cautiously:
"You don't want to play any tricks, do you?"

"Hey, how can I, Rhett is not that kind of dog. It takes energy to heat the water, and energy to clean the pool. In my current state, it will take a long time to do it alone. With your help, it will be much faster.

It just so happens that I haven't enjoyed it for a long time. Anyway, I'm going to have bloodletting today, so I'll make it better. "

"What should I do?" Su Ming asked.

Reid pointed to a fish scale that was obviously brighter and said:

"Put your hands up."

Su Ming did as Rhett said, and received the system prompt.

System: Is magic value injected?
It's not mandatory. At this point, Su Ming has already believed in Rhett. Besides, he is banned from magic, so it's useless to keep his mana, so he chose yes.

Su Ming's mana began to decrease by 100 points per second, and the dry pool began to swell with the decrease of Su Ming's mana value.

The water was very turbid at first, and then halfway up, it began to become clear.

"The system inside the pyramid is quite reliable, and it can still be used normally after so many years."

Although the water was not full yet, Reid still signaled Su Ming to stop, then it swam to another place, activated another magic circle, and after draining the water, greeted Su Ming:

Su Ming drank a bottle of magic potion and filled the hot spring again.

Soon, the big hot spring was filled with clear water, and water started to spray from the fish statue.

When Rhett saw the fish statue touching the water, his heartbeat slowed down a beat - all its precious treasures were still in the fish's stomach!
As Rhett thought, the fish statue not only sprayed out water, but also sprayed out various coins, gems, necklaces, bracelets and other small objects.

After seeing these small objects, Su Ming caught three shiny gems with quick eyesight and quick hands, and all the rest fell into the water.

Reid quickly approached Su Ming in a dog-planing style, and shouted:
"Let go! These are mine! You can't take them!"

Su Ming was stunned for a moment and asked:

"Stole it from the guests here?"

"They let it go and don't want it. I just took it. How can it be called stealing..."

Su Ming glanced at the attributes of the gems, one dark gold and two gold, and asked:

"Leave one for me, and give you two back, how about?"

"The dog is under the eaves, so I have to bow my head. Yes, you can help me pick up other things, don't steal them."

"Okay." After getting the dark gold gemstone, Su Ming happily agreed.

Reid came to the fish statue, operated on the scales of the fish, turned off the water spray function, and then picked up the objects that fell into the water with Su Ming, and threw them into the fish's mouth.

"You leave the hot spring first, and wait for 5 minutes before entering."

After Rhett finished talking to Su Ming, he returned to the shore, and put the dog's mouth deep into a special device beside the wall. Judging from its bulging face, it should be breathing fire.

Su Ming guarded Unikea who was still sleeping, checking the dark gold gems he just got.

Nether Gem (LV35, dark gold):

+120~185 magic attack power

+60 Perception, +60 Spirit
Deep Cold: Passive: The magic damage caused by the owner will reduce the target's movement speed by 15% for 1.5 seconds, and cause 10% extra damage to the decelerated target.

Water Walk: Passive: The owner has 30% deceleration resistance, and an additional 20% movement speed when moving in water.

Mountable parts: weapons.

A gem, with magic attack power and double basic attributes, two passive skills, with both control and damage, it is simply invincible.

Due to the reusability of gemstones, the value of this gemstone is much higher than that of dark gold equipment of the same level.

"I earned it. After I reach level 35, I will inlay this gem into the flame magic wand. The flame magic wand will be used as an output weapon, the paintbrush will be used as an auxiliary weapon, and a dagger can be used for melee combat."

Su Ming now has three dark gold weapons to choose from, the rich ones are very rich.

When checking the properties, the hot spring water was already steaming slightly. Su Ming noticed that Wu Nicole's eyelashes moved slightly, opened his eyes, helped her up, and asked:

"Are you okay?"

Wu Nicole yawned and said with a smile:

"It's okay, but I still can't activate the ability now, by the way, where is the big dog?"

"I'm here~" Reid didn't know when he came behind Unico, it suddenly made a sound, which startled Unico, and Unico shrank into Su Ming's arms, and asked Su Ming with doubtful eyes thing.

Su Ming briefly told Wu Nicole what happened just now.

Unico covered her mouth in surprise and said:

"I didn't expect that most of that story was true."

Unico became interested, chatted with Reid, and learned a lot about the ancient history of the Espine region, as well as some knowledge in the abyss.

Su Ming listened quietly by the side, trying to dig out some tasks, but Unique and Reid were talking about local customs, and there were no tasks to dig out.

This kind of knowledge is difficult to mine for quests, but it may be more helpful when encountering quests, just like the quest Venus did in Wendy City before.

Soon, the hot spring will heat up.

With a sound of "Wuhu", Reid dived directly into the water and splashed water. It emerged with a dog's head and said:

"Come down quickly, both of you, the curse will be lifted after soaking for 5 minutes, which is very comfortable."

When Rhett spoke, his eyes kept looking at Unique.

Wu Nicole realized something was wrong, and said angrily:

"Sex dog, what do you want to see! Can't you open a single bathroom? You must build a big hot spring!"

"He asked me to do it." Reid pushed the blame to Su Ming.

"I don't have one." Su Ming immediately threw the pot away, and then persuaded Reid to quickly open a single bath for Unico.

Rhett was puzzled and said:

"I don't have energy. Why don't you wait two more days?"

As it said that, it also raised an eyebrow at Su Ming, implying that Su Ming should not make trouble.

Su Ming asked:

"How did you accumulate energy before?"

"Before?" Rhett said, "Some souls on the second floor got lost and came up, so I ate them, so that there would be energy."

"Then I'll help you attract some souls to come up. After you absorb the energy, you can open a single bath for Unique." Su Ming thought that if Rhett disagreed, he would soak for 5 minutes to lift the curse, and then You can watch Rhett and let Unicle soak for another five minutes alone.

Reid thought for a while, between beauty and restoring strength, restoring strength is more important, so he agreed, he said:

"At least 10."

Su Ming recalled the patrolling guards he encountered when he came up from the second floor. It seemed that there were only 5 of them, so he asked Rhett if 5 were okay, and Rhett immediately agreed.

Seeing Red's appearance, Su Ming felt that it would not take much power to open the bathtub...

But having already agreed, Su Ming stopped bargaining and walked towards the entrance on the third floor with Unique and Red.

Then Su Ming and Unicole brought the patrolling guards over to Red to deal with. After Red was full, he changed from a gold boss to a dark gold boss. Although his strength became stronger, he did not regret it. A single bathroom can be opened.

"Red, go away, spore, stay and protect me..." Unique said standing at the door of the bathroom.

Reid was shocked when he saw Su Ming who was being dragged into the bathroom by Unicole and still looked embarrassed.

It said how could Su Ming refuse the request to soak in the hot spring together with an upright face just now, this guy must know in his heart that Wu Nicole will invite him to wash together for nothing...

"Humans like you who dare to bathe with orcs would have been hanged from the city gate in the past..."

Reid let out the mournful cry of a single dog, and sadly went to enjoy the big hot spring alone.

(End of this chapter)

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