Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 292 A Team of Seven

Chapter 292 A Team of Seven

In the Miu Mi Temple, there are many maids in cool clothes cleaning the aisles and gardens.

Wearing a badge, Su Ming entered the temple directly from the back door of his house without being followed by the media.

The house that Miao Mi gave to Su Ming was originally part of the temple...

Therefore, Su Ming was the first player to arrive at the lobby.

There is no one in the hall now, only a cat lying on the seat in the middle of the hall.

Although Miracle Wilderness has settled in the Golden City, the consul of the Golden City is actually Miu Mi, but Miu Mi delegates power enough, she hardly cares about things, just like when the Golden City was just built, she also handed over the Golden City to Gegeyou as in management.

"Human beings are finally here." Miao Mi glanced lazily at Su Ming, hooked the cat's paw at Su Ming, and said, "Come here and give me a massage."

"Hey, here we come."

It is said to be a massage, but it is actually a cat massage. It is hard to say who will take advantage of who...

"Master, I want it too~" Xiao Hei also jumped onto the seat, occupying one of Su Ming's palms.

Su Ming opened his bow left and right, and the two pets he touched were purring and screaming.

"Miu Mi, I have something I want to ask you."


Su Ming recently chose the method of quickly upgrading to level 35 in order to prepare for dealing with Ge Geyou. Using this method, Su Ming's strongest combat power can be strengthened - Xiao Hei.

During this process, Xiao Jin also rose to level 25, but apart from the increased damage and blood-sucking ability of the blood-sucking beetle, the rest of the attributes did not increase.Originally, Su Ming thought that the number of worm houses would increase as the level increased, but in fact it did not.

Therefore, Su Ming wanted to ask Miao Mi how to improve Xiao Jin's strength.

After hearing Su Ming's question, Miao Mi first touched the scarab on Su Ming's body, and after confirming that there was no problem, she replied:

"You use it a lot, you don't need it, how to improve..."

"How much?"

"It's the same as improving your own skills. Don't you have to use it many times before you can improve? Scarabs live on you, which is different from ordinary pets. You are it, and it is you."

Su Ming understood, what Miao Mi said was the setting of "skill proficiency".

He immediately opened Xiaojin's attribute panel, and found that under the "Flying Insect Attack" and "Brood", it was the same as the player's skill, with a little proficiency, and the "Parasite" skill also had a little proficiency, which should be eating As for adaptive evolution, gems are eaten without any proficiency at all. It seems that fighting blood-sucking beetles can't increase its proficiency.

"There are no system prompts at all. If I don't ask Miao Mi, I guess it will take a long time to find out." Su Ming thought to himself: "I don't know if I need to invest skill points when my skill proficiency is full. Xiao Hei just ate it for me yesterday." 4 skill points, save it to see the situation."

Afterwards, when Su Ming was waiting for the rest of the mission players to arrive, he licked the cat and called the worker insects to carry out normal attacks. The proficiency increased very slowly, and he might not be able to level up in seven or eight days. He wasted a lot of time before. .


At 7 o'clock, at the entrance of Miu Mi Temple, many players were blocked, some were watching the fun, and some professional media were preparing to write reports.

Yesterday, the task of building a sealed sword was over, and the top 20 players who collected the essence of magic energy have also been announced. Everyone knows that these players will gather in the Miu Mi Temple.

"The Great Emperor is here!"

Suddenly a player shouted, so all the players looked over.

A handsome gray-haired man in a blood-red robe walked over with three players. His skin was horribly pale, far exceeding the extreme value of the system's modification of appearance.

"Hello, Great Emperor. I heard that you have changed your job to a hidden job. Is it true?" A reporter blocked the Great Emperor with something similar to the topic.

The emperor smiled, nodded and admitted that there is nothing to hide. From the perspective of skills, others can easily see that he does not belong to any of the 18 occupations. Instead of hiding it, it is better to take this opportunity , directly speaking, it would also create a wave of momentum for the guild.

"It is one of the branches of elemental warlocks, blood warlocks, without the burst of elemental warlocks, but the ability to continue fighting is stronger."

The emperor not only talked about his profession, but also the characteristics of his profession. As for whether these characteristics are true, only he himself knows.

"We have received news that your Emperor's Guild was also frantically searching for the mission of the Golden City some time ago. May I ask why the Golden City fell into the hands of the Miracle Wilderness? Did it fail in the fight? Excuse me, but the one in your guild is performing the mission. Which member of the

This kind of problem may have a negative impact on the guild. If the emperor told the truth, the "reporters" might write exaggerated titles like "The president of the emperor's guild admits that he is not as good as the miracle wilderness guild"... …

So the emperor talked about him from left to right, avoided answering such questions, and successfully led the three players behind him into the Miu Mi Temple.

With NPC guards blocking them, they will not be harassed by the media.

After entering the temple, a man with a muscular body holding a big sword beside the emperor said:
"These people really know everything..."

This man is called Kuang Jian, and he is a Berserker.

"The media, they always pursue traffic, they are pervasive." The emperor smiled, and said to a man with a cold expression behind him: "When you first recruited this spore, your attitude could be as obsessive as these media."

This man with a cold expression was Yun Zan, who was brought by Su Ming to level up at the beginning. He once recruited Su Ming, but because Su Ming said something about intermediaries in a serious manner, he gave up directly. He was a little depressed. said:
"Who knew he would grow so strong. If I had known earlier, let alone add one intermediary, even if I added ten, I would have added."

"And that intermediary is Venus." Kuang Jian added a knife to the side: "Your vision is really bad enough, no wonder you chose a job twice before you chose the right one."

"My mother..." Yun Zan raised his fist and said, "K you."

Kuang Jian's strong chest muscles trembled twice, his eyes lit up:
"PK, okay! Come on!"

Kuang Jian is a PK maniac...

"Stop making trouble, the guards around are staring at us, so you can't learn from 'soul', be quiet, how nice, you say, soul?" The emperor bumped Su Ming's old acquaintance with his shoulder "Soul Command".

After leaving the sandy abyss, the soul leader got 4 powerful pets, soared into the sky, and achieved a good result of 20th in this mission. He was flattered, a little excited and excited to do the mission with the big guys in the guild. I'm a little worried that I'll drag myself back...

The emperor rubbed his shoulders for the soul leader and said:

"Relax, the beast trainer has a lot of operations. If you are so nervous, you won't be able to display half of your strength."

Seeing the emperor talking to him, the soul leader was quite moved. The emperor was as amiable as the rumors said. A smile appeared on his stiff face and said:
"Not nervous, not nervous at all."

With that said, he began to take a deep breath.

The emperor saw that the soul command started to adjust himself, so he didn't bother him anymore. He believed that the soul command could be adjusted, because the soul command was a member of the Great Emperor's Guild.

 Thank you "Zheng Huaiyuan is me" for the 100-point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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