Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 293 A Team of Seven

Chapter 293 A Team of Seven

Su Ming saw four players from the Great Emperor's Guild walk into the assembly hall, and put Miao Mi down.

Su Mingchao was a little stunned by the four members of the Great Emperor's Guild who took the initiative to talk:
"Hello everyone, let's fight Ge Geyou together later."

The four members of the Great Emperor's Guild entered the hall and saw Su Ming sitting in a high position, but they did not react for a while.They even thought that what Su Ming and they were doing was not the same task...

It wasn't until Su Ming spoke that the emperor came back to his senses, smiled, and said:
"Well, let's work hard together."

"Aren't you that Yun Zan? Do you still remember me?" Su Ming looked at Yun Zan with the eyes of a child, and said, "I was the one who took you to level up, and in a blink of an eye, your level is higher than mine."

The four members of the Great Emperor's Guild are all level 37 characters, and they are all the players with the highest level in Fate. Su Ming's level 35 should belong to the second echelon.

When Su Ming was about to ask the emperor why his skin was so white, another group of people walked in from outside.

The leader had a golden summoning book hanging around his waist. When Su Ming saw this summoner, he greeted him happily:
"Brother Duojiu!"

The player with the golden summoning book was the first friend Su Ming met in the game, and he had a good time with the wine.

Zhuojiu Jinhuan was also very happy to see Su Ming. He didn't expect that a cute newcomer who was pointed out at the beginning would now be able to participate in the top tasks.

Because he knew that Xiao Hei had a god-level skill, Zhuojiu Jinhuan knew that Su Ming could have a place in "Fate", but he didn't expect it to develop so well.

When old friends reunited, the two temporarily ignored the Great Emperor's Guild and the four players following behind him. They walked to the side of the hall and chatted.

The three players behind the drunkard are two elemental warlocks and one mad warrior.

In fact, Su Ming also knows this crazy war. He is the sesame sauce he met in the "Oasis Environment" dungeon before. He is the only person in the God of War Guild who has obtained the crusade qualification.

But there's nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, apart from the Great Emperor's Guild and the Miracle Wilderness Guild that has been in the limelight recently, only one person in other guilds can get the qualification at most.

For example, these two elementalists were from the fourth and fifth ranked guilds, the angry old man from the "Jianghu" guild, and the rainbow from the "Star" guild.

Both of them are holding flame weapons from the Fire Bandit dungeon, but the difference between the two can be seen from the attribute damage gems inlaid on it.

There are 4 bright yellow gemstones rotating around the tip of the red staff of the angry old man, and there are lightning flashes inside. It is obviously a thunder-type elementalist.

The rainbow is on the main body of the staff, inlaid with 3 thick earth elemental gems, it is an elemental warlock of the earth system.

Elementalists are divided into fire, thunder, water, and earth. Among them, the fire type is the easiest and the gameplay is the most brutal, while the thunder type focuses on continuous output, the water type focuses on control, and the earth type has a little bit of both.

As the name suggests, the angry old man is a middle-aged man in his fifties. He is also a legend in the game industry. He is the last professional player of traditional keyboard and mouse games and the earliest professional player of virtual games. He is still active in the game industry. for more than 30 years.

Seeing him, everyone in the Great Emperor's Guild took the initiative to say hello to him.

The old man can also have a good chat with these young people.

Su Ming also greeted the old man under the introduction of Zhuojiu Jinhuan, and behaved politely.

Soon, another group of people walked into the hall, this time a total of 11 people walked in, and they were all present.

It can be clearly seen that this group of people is divided into four small groups.

The Miracle Wilderness led by Jian Xilai, followed by a guardian named "Weiwei", and wisteria.

Weiwei is the secretary who sent materials to Jian Xilai before, and her game skills are also good.

Wisteria...she is a professional in robbing bosses and treasure chests. "Creating a sealed sword" gave her an environment where she would not be scolded for robbing monsters.

Tiewei Feixue Qianyue, Spade K, and Tiewei Lumen, who are mainly idlers from various trade unions.

Feixue Qianyue is the president of the Dreamland Guild, and she also knows Su Ming, and Spade K also knows Su Ming... As for Lumen, she is the vice president of the third-ranked Shiguanghe Guild.

These three were obviously in the same circle before and had more common topics, so they walked together.

Then there are two casual players, the curser does not believe in the Holy Light, and the blessing teacher is a fish on land, and the fish on land is a girl.

The experiences of these two casual players are relatively similar. They both hired someone to take the quest materials. There are many such people. When the swipe is at the end, only two of them are entered. The two of them must spend the most money...

The final three players are very ostentatious, riding a black half-mech-a robot with only two legs and half a stomach.

This is not a special prop, in fact it is just the weapon of the gun shield warrior's second-rank professional war machine. Yun Zan also has it, but he only rides it in the fighting state.

The names of these three players are "An Yi", "Meow Meow Spit Bubble", and "Jumping Bear". Among them, Miao Miao Spit Bubble is a girl.

These three players are also three, but they still have a lot of silver equipment on them, and they don't seem like the kind of people who can ask someone to bring materials.

Zhuojiu Jinhuan observed the people in the hall and couldn't help rubbing his temples.

Su Ming saw the movement of enjoying the wine, and asked:
"Brother Zhuojiu, why do you look like you have a headache?"

Zhuojiu Jinhuan explained to Su Ming:

"We're going to fight the boss, but look at the configuration of this team... The output accounts for more than half of it, two tanks, two milks, and a rich woman and sister, I think it's difficult..."

Jian Xilai, who was standing beside Zhuojiu Jinhuan, nodded in agreement and said:

"Indeed, random members are probably the most difficult part of this mission. If you can form a team by yourself, it will be much easier."

"It's all up to Weiwei at that time." Zhuojiu had a playful smile on his face. Like Su Ming, he was very familiar with himself, but he was a foreigner and a sullen...

After Jian Xilai entered the hall, he naturally met Su Ming. After the meeting, he quickly became acquainted with Jian Xilai.

"There are 3 grandmas." Su Ming waved his hand at Spade K, calling him over from the Emperor, and Feixue Qianyue also followed.

Spade K hugged Su Ming and said with a smile:

"This is the second cooperation, but this time there is no baby in the team."

"What baby?" Feixue Qianyue asked curiously.

Spade K talked a little bit about his encounter with Su Ming before, and everyone smiled knowingly. People like them have not experienced similar game experiences for a long time.

Miao Mi in the distance saw that the time was almost up and everyone was here, so she turned into a human form and said:

"Quiet! I'm going to talk about something, meow!"

Everyone stopped talking.

Miao Mi cleared her throat and said:
"First of all, I am very glad that everyone can work hard to protect the Espine area. Well... the existence of Gaigyu will hinder the development and... peace of the Espine area, and then..."

Miu Mi spoke intermittently, and the maid who didn't know when came out next to her kept reminding Miu Mi's follow-up lines in a low voice. Miu Mi was so annoyed that she forgot the words, so she skipped the long speech and said:

"In short, I asked Rubeish to create 5 sealing swords, and I plan to give them to the strongest 5 of you. The sealing sword can silence Ge Geyou's skills. You all need to use them well. Just help me beat Ge Geyou down. Meow.

If you lose, there will be no punishment, because Ge Geyou will do it himself.

Rubesh!Where are you?Hurry up and bring up the sealing sword! "

The maid whispered in Miu Mi's ear:

"Master Miu Mi, Lord Rubeish will arrive in three minutes..."

"Really...then you just have to wait another three minutes."

(End of this chapter)

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