Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 294 Election of the Captain

Chapter 294 Choose the Captain (please subscribe~)

Most of the players in the lobby are professional players who have been famous for a long time. They have experienced a lot of virtual games, and they all know that it is not easy for the team in the lobby to deal with Ge Geyou.

"The punishment after failure seems to be quite serious." Kuang Jian chatted privately with the people of the Emperor's Guild: "The professional configuration is messy, this time it will be severe."

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." The emperor seemed calm.

"Even if you are very strong, boss, it's too much to fight the world boss alone."

"Hey, hey, who said I'm going to be singled out." The emperor said helplessly: "It's easier to fight with a good team configuration, and it's more difficult to fight with a poor team configuration. You must be useful. But 5 How will the sealing sword be distributed?"

As soon as the emperor expressed his doubts, the sesame sauce beside him asked Miao Mi this question:

"Master Miu Mi, you said that the sealing sword is given to the top five people in strength, so how to judge this strength? Do you want to PK?"

"How can there be so much time, whoever collects the most magic energy essence will be the most powerful." Miao Mi replied.

Everyone opened the frozen leaderboard and found out the 5 people who collected the most magic energy.

1. Great Emperor #1.

2. Ease #326356.

3. Spore #4432.

4. Meow meow spit bubbles #332.

5. Jumping Bear #2128.

Among the top five, those three unattended players actually occupied three seats.

Sensing everyone's surprised gazes, An Yi proudly raised her head and said:

"There are 3 sealing swords in our team, hahaha, is it too fierce?"

"The boss is mighty." Leaping Bear shouted.

"Boss domineering." Spitting bubbles echoed.

Ma Jiang frowned and said:

"In fact, 20 of us are a team, and the sealing sword belongs to everyone."

An Yi sat on the mecha, squinted at the sesame sauce, and said:

"Weakness at number 19, don't talk to me."

"Crazy." Ma Jiang gave An Yi a blank look, and in the next second, three machine guns were aimed at Ma Jiang.

An Yi looked at Ma Jiang and said:

"You try to scold me again?"

Ma Jiang snorted coldly, fulfilled An Yi's wish, and cursed again:
"Crazy, it's like shooting your grandfather."

"Hmph, I won't be fooled by the aggressive method." An Yi suddenly retracted the machine gun, glanced at Miao Mi who was sitting on the throne, and then at Ma Jiang: "PK your little grandson will definitely be kicked out of the team by the NPC , Grandpa, I am not fooled."

"Boss is smart." Hopping Bear shouted.

"Boss is witty." Spitting bubbles echoed.

Ma Jiang gave An Yi a middle finger, and cursed secretly:

The angry old man not far away looked at it and shook his head. I haven't seen this boss yet. The team started arguing first, so let's quarrel. How did the idiot Gunshield manage to spawn monsters? He was able to beat many players, taking 3 out of the top five.

After the four people quarreled, Rainbow, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said:
"Majiang is right. We are a team, so we should choose a captain to be the commander. Everyone can't fight on their own."

Rainbow's words were unanimously approved by everyone.

An Yi spoke first:
"I have three sealing swords, and I should be the captain."

His two little followers immediately agreed.

But no one paid attention to the three of them, and they could only laugh at themselves.

"As for the captain, I think the Great Emperor is the most suitable. He has good skills and enough experience." The members of the Great Emperor's Guild have not spoken yet, but the angry old man recommended the Great Emperor first.

The emperor smiled slightly and said:

"If you want to talk about experience, who can have enough experience, but since you want to choose me, I can't shirk it. How about it, everyone who wants to be the captain can say it, and then we will vote to decide."

He glanced around and asked:

"Apart from An Yi, me, who else wants to be the captain?"

Jian Xilai and Su Ming stood up.

The two looked at each other.

Jian Xilai frowned and said:

"Why are you out to join in the fun?"

"I'm not just joining in the fun. I've been the captain many times." Su Ming said, "This team is just like Brother Zhuojiu said. It's a mess. I'm sure I can feel at ease when I lead it myself."

Zhuojiu Jinhuan gave Su Ming a thumbs up and said:
"Not bad, very active, I will vote for you when the time comes."

Jian Xilai recalled Su Ming's information, the only thing related to his command ability was probably organizing classes for cultural performances, sports games and other things, but this is completely different from commanding battles in games...

The reason why he doesn't want Su Ming to come out is because if Su Ming comes out, he will lose one vote... No, it's two votes less. Support Su Ming.

However, they have already come out, so let's forget it... It's okay to give up the position of command to the emperor.

The emperor asked:

"Only four people?"

"No, three." Jian Xilai stepped back and said, "Suddenly I don't want to be the captain anymore."

He couldn't win anyway, so he decided to vote for Su Ming.

"Okay, one person one vote system, you can't vote again after you voted, and you can abstain. Do you have any opinions on this rule? If you don't have an opinion, you can start voting." The emperor looked around again, and seeing that everyone agreed, he said: "Then Raise your hand if you want to choose An Yi as the captain."

Except for An Yi's two little followers, no one raised their hands.

"I'm so pissed! When you fight Gegeyou, you will regret it after seeing my strength!"

Seeing that An Yi was angry, the two little followers hurried to appease her. With Rainbow's fart, An Yi returned to normal...

Seeing An Yi's performance, Ma Jiang thought to himself: "It turns out that you are really brainless, and you didn't mean to target me..."

"Then, those who choose spores, please raise your hands." The emperor said, he put himself last, with absolute confidence.

Jian Xilai, Weiwei, Wisteria, and Zhuojiu raised their hands happily.

Su Ming signaled Spade K and Feixue Qianyue to support him with his eyes, only to get two slightly apologetic smiles.

'Squeak! "Xiao Hei jumped onto Su Ming's head, and transformed into two tentacles, which were regarded as raising hands, and it also pulled Zaemon to raise his hands together.

When the emperor saw it, he laughed and said:
"Your pet's AI is so high, it can understand what we are talking about."

"Xiao Hei and Zaemon are very smart, and there is no problem in normal communication." Su Ming was not too unhappy when he lost. The Emperor is very powerful, and he should be okay as the captain. He is the third candidate in Su Ming's mind. up.

The second choice is naturally Brother Zhuojiu.

The rest of the people voted for the Great Emperor, and in this way, the Great Emperor became the captain of the team.

After becoming the captain, the emperor opened a team and pulled everyone into it.

"I don't know if everyone can accept the team punishment mechanism? If more than 2/3 of the people can accept it, I will open it."

Su Ming whispered to the people around him what is the team punishment mechanism.

Zhuojiu Jinhuan explained to Su Ming:

"It is a means of controlling the team. If someone in the team makes a mistake, they will be fined. The amount of the fine will be determined according to the degree of the mistake. Many guilds like to use it, and some wild groups that pursue efficiency will also use it."

When Zhuojiu Jinhuan explained, the emperor had already launched a vote, and Zhuojiu Jinhuan clicked to agree.

Su Ming saw that he had agreed to it, so he agreed. He felt that this method seemed to be able to restrict the combination of the three idiots of "An Yi"...

This time it was unanimously approved, and the penalty mechanism officially came into effect.

The rules applied by the emperor are the ones in their guild:
One point for small mistakes that do not affect the team; two points for those that affect the team but do not cause downsizing; one extra point for each person downsizing; double the points for group destruction; each point is fined 500 RMB or 100 gold coins.

If the task is performed according to the captain's order and still affects the team, the points will be counted to the captain.

In fact, this mechanism relies more on the conscious implementation of players, and there are many loopholes that can be exploited, but in the case of voluntary consent, no one will intentionally exploit loopholes, unless it is shameless.

"Please send me your own attributes, so that I can assign tasks when I fight the boss." The emperor always spoke politely.

When everyone was posting attribute panels in the team channel, Rubesh came in with five swords on his back, and distributed the swords to everyone under Miao Mi's command.

Then Wu Nike ran out from nowhere, greeted Su Ming, and opened the teleportation array leading to the sandy abyss.

Gaigyu is still hiding in the sandy abyss.

Everyone lined up and walked into the portal.

When it was Su Ming's turn, Wu Nicole stopped Su Ming:
"Spore, wait a minute and go~"

As a result, Su Ming was pulled out of the team, and the others looked at Su Ming curiously, and walked into the portal under Unique's arrangement.

After everyone else left, Unicole stuffed a round stone into Su Ming's hand and said:
"It can be used when in danger."

Random Teleportation Stone (Deep Abyss Special Edition): A teleportation stone that can be used in the sand abyss, after use, it will perform random teleportation.

Su Ming has entered the sandy abyss, and he knows that the city teleportation stone cannot be used normally in it. With this stone, it is equivalent to having a means of saving his life.

"Thank you, Unique."

"It's okay, let's work hard."

Su Ming nodded and walked into the portal.

(End of this chapter)

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