Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 295 Crusade against Gegeyou

Chapter 295 Crusade against Gegeyou (1)

The sandy abyss, white sand filled the sky, and the weather was much worse than when Su Ming came here.

In the white sand, there is a black figure about the size of a truck, which is Ge Geyou who is recuperating here.

At this moment, he has not yet awakened, and Su Ming and the others can check the HP attribute above his head.

Gegeyou (mythical boss, LV35): 5000000/15000000.

Compared with the last time, Ge Geyou's level has dropped a lot. Although there is still a blood limit of 1500 million, the actual blood volume is only 500 million, which is only equivalent to an epic boss.

In fact, even the upper limit of 1500 million, which is the attributes of the legendary boss, is far from reaching the mythical level. It seems that Ge Geyou was seriously injured and his recovery is not very good.

The 20-member team, assigned by the emperor, organized different teams according to their occupational positions, each with a captain.

Tank group: Feixue Qianyue, Lumen, Spore.

Front row physical output group: Kuangjian, Wisteria, Jianxilai, Sesame Sauce, Spore, Soul Command.

The physical output group in the back row: Yunbu, Anyi, Miaomiao spit bubbles, Jumping Bear, and Soul Commander.

Spell output group in the back row: Drunken Wine, Rainbow, Angry Old Man.

Auxiliary group: Spade K, Weiwei, Fish on Land, Do not believe in the Holy Light.

The first member of each group is the captain.

Su Ming and Soul Commander are animal trainers, so it is not easy to group them. According to their pet functions, they have multiple groups, and they are assigned to obey the emperor.

On the official website, there are some officially disclosed information about Ge Geyu, so everyone knows Ge Ge You's normal attack mode, and Ge Ge You has a way to recover blood.

In addition, the people here have more or less done their homework. Through various tasks and materials, they have unearthed the skills that Ge Geyou may have, and they are all prepared. Naturally, these preparations are hidden by themselves, and they are not told to others. .

"Little fish, buff everyone first." The emperor entered the state of playing, and said to everyone: "Gageyou has 3 normal attack modes, one is chopping, pay attention to dodging in the front row; the other is collision, don't be greedy in the back row Output, run when you need to run; the third is the most important, he can rotate the weapon, and every time he hits a person, he will return 1 points of life. , and if you get scratched again, points will be deducted."

What the Great Emperor said was the official information. Everyone knew it well, and after hearing what the Great Emperor said, they didn't have any opinions.

The fish on land chanted magic, applied the "Dawn Blessing" to everyone, and increased everyone's damage ability by 20%. She was well equipped, and her mental attributes were stacked to 1300+, so she also added 130+ self-adaption to the members. attribute, it is equivalent to everyone wearing an extra piece of equipment.

A good blessing teacher can greatly benefit the team.

The only pity is that the animal trainer's pet cannot eat the Blesser's buff.

But it doesn't matter, although Kuro and Zaemon can't get the buff, they also don't have the curse of "Shadow of the Fifth Demon King" on them. If they neutralize each other, maybe Kuro and them are more powerful.

In addition to the blessing of dawn, the fish on land also provided weapon blessings to the four spear shields and the four front row physical output, which can increase their output damage by about 10%.

Let's not talk about technology, the buff of this passer-by girl is still fierce. Normally, if the weapon blessing point is full, you can only bless 5 people at the same time, but she blesses 8 at once, which obviously increases the skill level.

After the two buffs came down, the team praised her for a while, embarrassing the girl.

Su Ming has an earring that can increase the attack power of his teammates, which also plays a role. This kind of buff equipment is also effective for pets and summoned objects.

A beast trainer once tried to get a bunch of such equipment to strengthen pets. After trying for a while, he finally came to the conclusion that it is not as good as directly improving attributes or changing pets.

Next, in the team, those who should stack Buffs should stack Buffs, and those who should eat food should eat food. When they are ready, they will wake up Ge Geyou.

"There may be a first-sighted kill, everyone be careful." The emperor stood at a distance of twenty yards from Ge Geyou. He didn't even take out his weapon, but his nails became very long, probably because of the characteristics of his hidden profession.

After being reminded, everyone also paid attention to keeping a distance, and they were very restrained, and did not perform additional output when Ge Geyou woke up.

Ge Geyou woke up from a deep sleep, saw the crusade team of 20 people, and sneered:
"Miao Mi recruited you people to attack me. It's ridiculous. I just need to swing my claws——I can kill you."

Ge Geyou's body matched his words and raised his right hand to make a fist. A huge claw formed under the foot of Spade K, and he followed Ge Geyou's movements to grip the claw.


At the same time that many people raised their voices to remind, Spade K used the invincible frame of the "rolling shot" skill to hide.

Spade K, as a ranger, has certain auxiliary abilities, and was assigned by the emperor to be the captain of the auxiliary team, mainly to lead the two local tyrant passers-by, the fish on land and the non-believers in the Holy Light.

It would be a headache if he died.

After evading Gaigyu's sudden attack, Spade K said:

"I'm fine, don't worry, everyone, he attacked me, it should be because of the strange reason I drove."

On the other side, Gegeyou finished his lines and officially entered the fighting state. He glanced around, saw Su Ming, and said:

"It's you, if you didn't suddenly appear to interfere with me last time, now that Espine is under my control, I would know you first!"

As he spoke, Ge Geyou picked up the half-moon battle axe, turned around and rushed towards Su Ming.

"Event hatred! Tiewei card position! The spores cooperate with Tiewei to move!" The emperor shouted: "Bless the master to open the second sleep, everyone explodes for a round first! Pay attention to control skills and don't have promiscuity. Points are deducted. The rest of the nannies pay attention to Tiewei blood."

The so-called event hatred is like now, the boss knows someone in the team and has a hatred. In this case, the boss does not apply the traditional hatred model. He will lock the person who has the hatred, and it is difficult for others to take away the hatred .

It is precisely because of the stability that the emperor is relieved to let everyone pour a round of output.

The fish on land opened their second consciousness and flew into the sky. The magic staff was as bright as the sun, and the platinum light was fluttering. It swayed on every friendly soldier within 200 yards, doubling the effects of the dawn blessing and weapon blessing up.

Since Ge Geyou is still in the process of charging, close combat is not very good, so I am willing to use long-range output first.

Three black mechas and one silver-white mecha stood in a row. The machine guns in their hands were spinning rapidly, smoking and spouting flames, and they were the first to deal damage.

Gun shield fighters can use this brand new weapon after they become full-time war machines and learn the "mecha pilot" skill.

Mech Pilot (LV1): Passive: Gunshield can drive mecha, +100% ammo capacity.In the standing state, +100% ammunition reloading speed, +20% skill damage, +30% skill cooling, when the mecha is destroyed, the gun shield can be ejected, immune to death, and cannot drive the mech again within 10 minutes.

The gun shield on the mech can be said to be the most powerful output machine. With the machine gun under the double hundred bonus, the bullets will hardly run out.

They can deal tons of damage with just normal attacks.
1861, -1166, -1269...

The damage comes out with the constantly thrown shells, even with the addition of the Blesser, the damage is not very high.

An Yi scolded:
"Damn, this armor is almost tens of thousands, right? It can't even hit half of my usual power."

"Boss, there is a blessing teacher, but there should be no such thing in 1/3 of the time." Tiaotiaoxiong corrected rigorously.

"Damn, less than half means including 1/3. Turn on overload and continue bombing! Take the top position in output, and then I will be the number one gun shield on the weekly list!"

"Yes, boss!"

The overload that An Yi mentioned was actually Gunshield's tenth-level skill "Speed ​​up the rotation!", and overload was the abbreviation of the player.

Seeing the three of them shooting guns like robbers, Yun Zan couldn't help frowning—this style of play is too rough, if the bullets can hit one part continuously in a short period of time, it can trigger the hidden armor-piercing effect.

He reminded him, but was choked back by these three people:
"Is your output as high as the three of us combined? If not, don't point fingers, why are you so professional in general attack?"

Yun Zan is about to vomit blood, these three people are really thick-skinned, compare the output of the three with him alone, but there is no mistake, Yun Zan is too lazy to reason with them, anyway, the whole team does not rely on the output of only the four of them .

After them, it was the mage group who contributed.

(End of this chapter)

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