Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 296 Crusade against Gegeyou

Chapter 296 Crusade against Gegeyou (2)

Both Rainbow and the Angry Old Man have major elements entwined in them.

The Earth Element Warlock's "Earth Affinity" can make the spells he releases huge and can destroy the terrain. He wields a staff and sings quickly, stones, ground thorns, stone spears...

Various forms of spells were activated and bombarded Gegeyou, each blow could cause 3000+ damage. It seems that Gegeyou's magic resistance is lower than that of armor.

"Earth Elemental Warlock's big skills are all control, so they can't hit much output." Rainbow wiped out all the small skills, and then withered, and began to use ordinary attacks to shape stones to attack. The attack speed is very slow, and it takes an average of 1.3 seconds to hit one Remember basic attack.

The angry old man is completely opposite to the rainbow. The old man's body is flashing with lightning, and the lightning keeps bursting out of the staff. "Thunder Affinity" can reduce the cooldown time of the skill, and can make the skill have continuous static damage, so the main element of the thunder elemental warlock is persistent output.

The old man continued to explode, his robe was supported by his muscular muscles, and his concentration was not like that of a 50-year-old man.

The old man's consciousness is very good, and the skills cycle round after round without interruption, making full use of the blessing master's second consciousness to the maximum extent.

In the mage group, there is another person who is drunk and happy.

Although he is a summoner, most of the summoner's skills are magic damage. He majored in the two majors of thunder and fire, and went to the most violent route.

With the passive help of summoner Erjue's "Devil Fusion", Zhuojiu Jinhuan fused the two elements of thunder and fire.

Demon Fusion (LV1):
Passive: Summoners can fusion summon an elemental creature.

Active: The summoner can summon a "Demon Yemen" that lasts for 30 seconds to help him fight.Consumption: 1000 mana, cooldown: 4 hours.

The thunder and fire element summoned by the drunkard comes to Gegeyou faster than the melee profession, and attacks with the transformed thunder and fire swords. In addition, there is a "devil flower" like a sunflower under his command Breaking through the ground again and again, without disturbing his teammates, he accurately attacked Ge Geyou's abdomen without scales.

After taking the shot, the team's maximum single damage is increased to 8000+, which is the highest damage so far.

The creatures summoned by the turbid wine, whether it is the thunder fire element or the devil flower, have different appearances from ordinary summoners. They should all be the same as the cute tiger, and they have done strengthening tasks.

Soon, the melee team also approached Ge Geyou and began to output, but because Ge Ge You kept chasing Su Ming, the output was not very smooth, and it was easy to get injured...

Judging from the frantic treatment situation of the fish on land, she is indeed not very good at technology, she is simply equipped with good equipment, and the treatment target overlaps with Weiwei several times, wasting the amount of milk.

Fortunately, with the King of Spades, he quickly assigned the two targets to be responsible for according to the distance, reducing the amount of repeated operations, while he himself was shooting while checking for omissions.

Ge Geyou's damage is very high, more than 2 damage if rubbed, the front row can be rubbed twice, and the back row may be wiped out by just one rub, so the treatment must be timely.

As a huge creature, it will be judged by strength or physical strength attributes, and those who fail will be knocked back.

Most of the monsters like this were brought down by the iron guards by relying on the skill effect of "Immediate as a Mountain".

As there are more and more monsters of this kind in the game, the importance of iron guards is also becoming more and more prominent. Magic-riding iron guards seldom gain stamina, so they gradually cannot compete with iron guards. They are more often used as sub-tanks. Take damage at all times and buy time for Iron Guard.

For example, Lumen is doing this kind of work now.

Ge Geyou rushed to attack Su Ming, and Feixue Qianyue stood by Su Ming's side, blocking Ge Geyou with a giant shield as big as a person. After each frontal collision, he had to dodge Ge Geyou's subsequent attacks.

If you can't dodge it, the milk supply will be very tight, and the fault tolerance will be lost. At this time, you need Lumen to rush up to help carry it twice, and you will usually be beaten into the air.

At this time, he will use the gem sword to launch a "Bright Gem" to heal himself. The nurse will wait until the main tank is safe before he can nurse him. If the main tank is in danger during this period, as the sub-tank, he will die , but also rush forward to buy time for the main tank and nurse.

However, in this team, Feixue Qianyue's skills are very good, Lumen does not need to fill up the flatness, and just silently outputs from the side, relying on the skill mechanism that can be refreshed, the output ability of the Iron Guard is still good.

When the duration of the second sleep of the fish on land expired, the entire team dealt over 10 damage within 70 seconds. On average, each person's second damage should reach more than 3500 points.

However, there must be fewer people and more people here, because melee occupations cannot continue to output, and there are healers and tanks, the output pressure is greater than imagined.

"You annoying ants..." Ge Geyou kicked Feixue Qianyue flying away, causing 4+ damage with one kick. If it wasn't for Feixue Qianyue being the iron guard, he would have been killed in seconds up.

Feixue Qianyue flew out and bumped into Su Ming, and the two rolled twice on the sand together.

Suddenly, the Great Emperor, who was wandering around with blood bats, immediately shouted:

"Attention everyone, prepare life-saving means, the hatred will be transferred!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ge Geyou abandoned Su Ming, turned around and rushed towards An Yi who was still shooting.

"An Yi, get out of here!"

"Go! Such a speed! How to hide!" An Yi shouted: "It's time for you to see how powerful my 'An Yi' team is. Mecha fit!"

Following a burst of intense white light, the mechas of An Yi, Miao Miao, and Jumping Bear merged together to form a huge robot, which fit the image of the mecha even more.

This is the dark gold weapon that the three of them found in an ancient ruins. After fusion, the attributes of the three will be superimposed. From the player's point of view, it is super powerful. They also rely on their super attributes. Swept the leveling area, got a good ranking and entered the task.

However, for Ge Geyou, even if the attributes of the three players are superimposed together, it is not enough to see, he said with a smile:
"Where did the scrap copper and rotten iron come from!"

In the meantime, Ge Geyou sprinted to the front of the trio's mecha, and swept the half-moon giant ax left and right twice, taking away half of the mecha's HP, then his eyes flashed red, and he raised the half-moon giant ax to sweep around , not only crippled the HP of the mech, but also had a healing data of +10000.

"Run! Nurse, take milk!" the emperor shouted.

K of spades gives immediate feedback:

"Can't get on, they can't be healed after transforming..."

"Hahaha! Die!" After recovering [-] HP, Gegeyou charged forward again, pierced through the mecha, and the mecha exploded, and the three of An Yi fell to the ground. Gegeyou turned around and raised the giant ax again , scratched a circle, and directly took these three people away.




Everyone could see that Ge Geyou could restore 1 HP for each unit hit by swinging the giant ax with this move.

"Damn it, the sealing sword is still on these three fools!" Ma Jiang, who had been at odds with An Yi and the other three, immediately noticed a troublesome point.

"An Yi, the three of you resurrected to find Miao Mi, see if you can still come in." The emperor sent a message to the three of them in the team channel.

But in the next second, these three pushed out of the team, leaving a paragraph that made people's blood pressure rise after reading:
An Yi: This boss is too powerful. It can't even beat my Super Demon God Invincible Mecha, and you guys can't beat it either. Don't waste your efforts.Once killed by this boss, level 2 will be deducted, and the durability of the equipment will explode, and I am dead. I guess you are already thinking about how to deduct my money, so I will go first, and you can continue to play if you want to play.

An Yi quit the team, and his two followers naturally also quit the team.

As soon as they left, they took away three sealing swords...

"Fuck me! I felt something was wrong when I was in Miu Mi Temple. I should have killed these three idiots and snatched the sealing sword." Ma Jiang said.

The emperor took a deep breath and said:
"We still have two sealed swords, which are the key skills of Kaygeyu, and there is still a chance to fight them."

"But it's our first time playing, it's hard to judge which skill is the key skill..." Ma Jiang was discouraged.

Looking at Xiao Hei, who was hiding at Ge Geyou's feet, constantly spraying bubbles, Zhuojiu enjoyed himself, smiled and cheered up the team and said:

"It's okay, just don't get wiped out by the group. Look at Ge Geyou's blood volume. He has just recovered 4, and he has been defeated now. As long as the output is enough, there is no boss that can't be defeated."

After listening to the words of drunkenness, everyone noticed that Su Ming's damage has climbed to No.1 without knowing it, and it is still rising rapidly...

 Thank you "Zheng Huaiyuan is me" for the 100-point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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