Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 298 Crusade against Gegeyou

Chapter 298 Crusade against Gegeyou (4)

"Everyone, I'm back."

Everyone hit Ge Geyou, who had just let go of his skills, Rainbow came out from the teleportation array, and he brought news from Miu Mi:

"The sealing sword can't be found. If someone dies again, each person can come in again at most. However, it's better not to die. If I lose two levels, I won't be able to wear the equipment. Now I'm using it just from the guild members. "Blackmailed" here..."

The emperor nodded to show that he understood, and said to Rainbow:
"When you died just now, we tested that Ge Geyou can be controlled, but every time he is controlled, he will counter-accuse the person who controlled him. If he reacts quickly enough, he can escape.

Duojiu, please demonstrate later. "

Zhuojiu Jinhuan responded loudly on the other side, and continued to control the thunder and fire element to attack. His output ranked third after the emperor.

The output of Su Ming, the Great Emperor, and Zhuojiu Jinhuan all went up to 500,000. Since the three of them, the output has shown a cliff-like decline. The output of remote players like Yun Zan and the old man is at the level of more than 6. , Melee occupations are really not good at output when facing Ge Geyou, and the data is very ugly. The data of Jian Xilai and Ma Jiang didn't even reach [-] figures...

If Gaigyu can deploy his own team, these melee classes should be optimized and replaced with iron guards and nurses who can reduce the pressure on teammates.

Gaigyu's blood volume decreased by another 5%, and the emperor shouted:
"Watch out for avoidance!"

"The sharp blade breaks the ground!" Ge Geyou roared, and once again plunged the ax into the ground. With previous experience, everyone dodged skillfully, and they were no longer as embarrassed as they were when they were attacked for the first time.

After Ge Geyou finished playing his skills, he immediately randomly selected a target to attack, and he turned around and rushed to enjoy the wine.

Zhuojiu Jinhuan held the magic wand in his hand, tapped the golden summoning book, and said with a smile:
"It came just fine."

I saw a devil flower drilled out in front of Zhuojiu Jinhuan, and after being illuminated by the light of the summoning book, it quickly became huge and entangled Gaigyou in place.

Gegeyou's skin was green and he was in a poisoned state.

"No one can stop me!" Ge Geyou's muscles swelled, directly tore the flower stems, and performed the second round of twirling thrusts. When he broke free from control, a lotus-like black crystal appeared under his feet. .

Zhuojiu Jinhuan jumped back, and after leaving the lotus, the lotus quickly closed and failed to bite anyone. He waved the magic wand again to let the devil flower display the "regeneration" skill.

The broken devil flower squirmed and reorganized, and approached Ge Geyou during the reorganization, and held Ge Geyou at the limit distance, interrupting his two advances.

At the moment of interruption, another crystalline lotus flower appeared under Zhuojiu Jinhuan's feet. After Zhuojiu Jinhuan landed, he immediately bent his knees and jumped up, avoiding the bite of the lotus again.

Jiujiujoan said to Rainbow:
"Gageyu will release lotus flowers under the controller's feet after being controlled. The damage is more than 1, which is not very high. The trouble is that he can't move, and he will become the target of Gegeyou's attack. But just jump away. "

Rainbow nodded, expressing understanding.

Later, when fighting, Rainbow began to use skills such as "rock protrusion" and "mud binding" to interrupt Ge Geyou's advance, which made the team's output time much longer, and did not need to waste time adjusting the battle position.

In this way, Ge Geyou was worn out by 50% of his blood volume, and after another charge was interrupted by the rainbow, he did not release the lotus, but stopped in place.

Seeing Ge Geyou's abnormal behavior, the emperor reminded:
"Maybe you have to use your skills again, everyone be careful, don't get too close."

"Mortal, let's see the power of wind and sand!" Ge Geyou shouted his lines, a storm rolled up on his body, and then he plunged his giant ax into the sand.

Seeing this familiar movement, everyone dodged subconsciously.

After Su Ming successfully dodged, he was suddenly swept into the sky by a whirlwind.

The high damage figure appeared on Su Ming, and Weiwei in the distance and the fish on the land gave milk to Su Ming almost at the same time, but if he couldn't get rid of the whirlwind, then the milk would definitely not be able to keep up with the boss's damage.


Su Ming broke away from the wind and sand, and the next second, the wind and sand appeared under the emperor.

The emperor reacted quickly, and immediately turned into a puddle of blood, escaped the wind and sand, and guessed at the same time:
"The whirlwind may appear in the output order, everyone pay attention!"

As soon as the words fell, there was wind and sand at the feet of Zhuojiu Jinhuan, and he hurriedly shouted:
"Sister Yuyu, save me~"

"Know it."

Zhuojiu Jinhuan was swept up into the sky, and the fish on land were reminded, ran to him, and rescued Zhuojiu Jinhuan with "be kind to others".

Soon it will be the turn of Yun Zan, who ranks fourth in output...

"Damn, this is really going through the whole team. Normally, the sealing sword should be used in this place."

He activated the automatic acceleration skill of the equipment, and the mecha spewed out flames, pushing him to avoid the whirlwind of sand and dust. After he dodged, the whirlwind went to the old man.

"Oh, old man, I don't have the means to save my life." The angry old man ran to avoid the whirlwind, but his moving speed was much lower than the whirlwind, so he was quickly caught up and swept into the air. The roll is dead, and I can't hold the milk at all.

After the old man, Cyclone went to find the soul leader, and his two snake-man archers also silently produced a lot of output.

"I'll try to control him." Rainbow yelled, and he raised his staff to aim at the motionless Gaigyu, and a huge square stone was ejected from the tip of the staff.

Stone of truth!

The level 30 skill of the earth elementalist can repel monsters regardless of size, and is called the most overbearing control skill by players.

The Stone of Truth collided with Gageyu, and with a bang, it shattered into tiny stones, which could also cause damage. Gageyu was knocked back fifteen yards, and the giant ax plowed a ditch in the sand, However, it did not interrupt his skills.

Although it didn't interrupt the skill, it was still useful. Ge Geyou looked at the rainbow and changed the trajectory of the whirlwind...

Rainbow looked at the wind and sand that was coming, and was shocked:

"Don't come here, I've already died once, I can't die again!"

At this time, Spade K ran towards him quickly.


He flew to Rainbow like a bird, picked up Rainbow, used "Dance Practice" to reset the cooldown of "Wandering World", and shouted at the furious sword closest to him:

"Crazy Sword, come and pick it up!"

When Kuangjian heard it, he immediately ran towards Spade K. When the dust was about to roll up Spade K, the magical brilliance flashed on Spade K again, turning into a phantom, lightly and quickly crossing over 20 The distance of yards, escaped the attack of sand and dust.

After Sha Chen chased for more than ten yards, he began to choose to output the sixth-ranked Wisteria. Wisteria is a stalker, and he can run fast, but he doesn't need help.

The emperor looked at the spinning dust and frowned. This skill should indeed be the same as what Yun Zan had judged. It would take everyone to be beaten before they would disappear, but the sealing sword should be used.

It's just... now it's only 50% HP, the lower the BOSS HP, the more frequently the skill will be released, just two swords, is it really appropriate to use this skill that seems to be able to escape?

While he was thinking, the yellow sand in the sky suddenly disappeared, and Ge Geyou's position was replaced by a huge slime.

Su Ming held the sealing sword and said to the emperor:
"After Xiao Hei's devouring skill is over, check to see if there is any wind and sand, if there is, I will interrupt his skill first.

If you die, you will drop two levels. If it is not for a control profession like Rainbow, the effect of resurrecting will be greatly reduced.If you are going to die, you have to use the second sleep before you die and play the first set before you die..."

The emperor was stunned for a moment. The spores were more decisive than him. If you think about it carefully, it does make sense. If you die for one round now, you will most likely not be able to fight it if you come back to life later. It is better to solve the current problem first.

"Okay, just do as you said, how long will this skill of your pet last?"

"3 seconds."

(End of this chapter)

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