Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 299 Crusade against Gegeyou

Chapter 299 Crusade against Gegeyou (5)

At the end of 3 seconds, Xiaohei said "wow" and spit out Gegeyou.

Ge Geyou was stunned. He just arrived in a mysterious space, and all his abilities were sealed.

"Who is it?!" Ge Geyou turned his head, looking for the instigator, and according to the remaining breath on his body, he quickly found Xiao Hei: "Slime?!"

Ge Geyou couldn't believe that he was interrupted by a slime, and this slime kept spraying bubbles, hitting him, causing more than 600 damage.

The damage is small, but the frequency is fast enough, so the total amount is also very considerable.

Ge Geyou roared and rushed towards Xiao Hei.

"Squeak~" Xiao Hei was knocked into the air, and it squinted one eye, aiming at the gap between Gegeyou's two axes, spraying viscous liquid.


After eating the epic equipment, Xiao Hei comes with a 5% damage bonus, combined with the 20% damage bonus of the animal trainer's "well-trained" skill, a mouthful of mucus can spray out nearly 1 of Geigyou's blood volume, It is even higher than the damage done by the emperor who stacked for a long time.

And after causing damage, he recovered 17% of his maximum HP. Among so many characters present, he was one of the few characters who could resist Ge Geyou's attack for more than three times.

Gegeyou wielded the double axes, and when he cut Xiaohei, the magic light flashed on Xiaohei's body and disappeared. Su Ming used the "Perfect Tactics" skill in the distance to land Xiaohei on Gegeyou's body.

In this way, Ge Geyou couldn't make a continuous impact.

However, when Xiao Hei landed on Gegeyou's body, he would be burned by the black mist that Gegeyou had just inspired, causing more than 200 points of damage. It cannot last long.

Xiao Hei charged Gai Geyou's back and bounced away.

Ge Geyou went to chase Xiao Hei, and Su Ming released the "motivation" skill, which increased Xiao Hei's movement speed, which could be delayed for a while.

Xiao Hei's devouring ability interrupted Ge Geyou's skills, which also made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. After Ge Geyou came out, he immediately started to output. Now that Ge Geyou went to chase Xiao Hei again, the output was more at ease.

Ge Geyou's life dropped by 50%. After the demonic energy emerged from his body, the cooldown time for sprinting and chasing was shortened a lot. Before, he chased every ten seconds, but now he chased every five or six seconds, which gave him a lot of pressure.

Gegeyou put a lot of pressure on Xiao Hei, and the people present also put a lot of pressure on Gegeyou.Everyone is a person with good skills. Even though Ge Geyou can dodge, everyone's skill hit rate is very high, and the damage is dealt very quickly.

Soon, another 25 damage was dealt. Ge Geyou paused, scanned the audience, and plunged the tomahawk into the ground again.

Wisteria and the others surrounding Ge Geyou quickly evacuated.

"5% HP." The emperor shouted while avoiding the phantom of the battle ax piercing through the sand: "The frequency of releasing skills has become higher."

As the captain, he recorded a lot of numbers in his personal channel, which were the remaining HP when Ge Geyou released his skills, and then calculated the approximate range to judge Ge Geyou's action mode.

"Xiao Hei's Devour still has a 6-minute cooldown." Su Ming shouted, "Shall I use the sealing sword first?"

"Okay, use it."

With the emperor's consent, Su Ming pulled out the sealing sword that had been hanging around his waist, and swung it vigorously, and the sealing sword forged from the essence of magic energy automatically searched for the enemy and pierced Ge Geyou's right shoulder.

After the piercing, a pile of demon energy crystals that did not belong to Gegeyou spread out from the wound. Gegeyou couldn't maintain the action of inserting the giant axe, and screamed up to the sky:

"Miao Mi, when I come out of the sandy abyss, I will be the first to kill you!"

As players, Su Ming and the others don't care about Ge Geyou's mental journey...

The emperor commanded:
"Zaojiu, you and the spores are under control of the damage, and the others should also pay attention to the output. The skill cooling of the dragging spore slime. Be careful when dragging, and don't be returned to the blood by Ge Geyou."

Everyone expressed their understanding, and the output became restrained.

After Gegeyou finished yelling, the hatred was no longer on Xiao Hei, and he began to pseudo-randomly select targets to attack.

Everyone quickly saw that Ge Geyou selected targets according to distance. Under the organization of the emperor, several frontlines adjusted their battle positions in an orderly manner, taking turns to use Ge Geyou's collision skills, delaying time.

After receiving the news that Su Ming Xiaohei's devouring skill cooldown was over, he immediately accelerated the output and knocked down Ge Geyou's blood volume to the level of releasing the skill.

As soon as Ge Geyou released his skills, he was interrupted by Xiao Hei, which was considered to have solved a big problem.

But the emperor was also thinking, if there is no Xiao Hei, how can he survive these rounds of attacks from Gegeyou?If you use 5% of your HP to release a skill once, even if you have all 5 sealing swords, it will not be able to cover the whole process.

After much deliberation, he couldn't figure out how to solve it under the current team configuration. It is estimated that the only way to overcome it is to adjust the team's professional composition. If there is no Xiao Hei's devouring skill, the probability of this first challenge is to fail.

After repeating this three times, Ge Geyou's blood volume dropped below 35%. He is in a bit of a mess now, with injuries all over his body. Every time he takes a step, the white sand on the ground will be stained red.

Ge Geyou closed his eyes and stood still. The black crystals centered on him and spread out like vines. On the crystalline vines, a lotus flower would bloom at regular intervals.

No one in the crowd expected that Ge Geyou would release two skills in succession. The few people who were waiting in the front row to output were immediately restrained when they touched the black crystal.

When a target is restrained, the lotus on the Vineman will slide to the target, swallow the target, and explode, causing high magic damage.

Everyone was aware of the crisis, and the two berserkers, Berserk and Majiang, immediately activated their second senses, entered a state immune to death, and fled.

Lumen also activated the second sense, and immune 50% of the magic damage to Jian Xilai, Wisteria, and Feixue Qianyue who were close, barely saving these three people.

The superstar ruled by the soul was not so lucky. He died instantly after being blown up by the lotus flower. It was just a pet, so the problem was not too big.

After Zaemon avoided death by relying on self-improvement, he was rescued by Su Ming, and Xiao Hei directly blocked the damage with the invincible ejection of the charged force.

However, the crystallization doesn't just attack nearby, it keeps spreading thousands of yards away, almost killing all the enemies within Gegeyou's field of vision. It is a real full-screen damage skill.

The emperor directly turned into a pool of blood, avoided the spreading crystals, found a gap to settle down, and dared not move;

The method Su Ming used was similar to that of the Great Emperor, except that he found a safe place by directly using the blinking;

The golden summoning book that was drunk and drunk was shining, making him enter an invincible state, and he avoided it by relying on the invincible skills attached to the equipment;
Rainbow once again used the "God Stone Body Protection" skill to resist the damage;

The angry old man turned on the second sense "Thunder Incarnation", and directly transformed into a huge elemental body, immune to magic damage. Originally, in this state, his output would be very explosive, but now he really dare not output, for fear of damage. Moth, it can only be used as an evasion skill.

Spade K used the feign death skill to avoid the damage.

As for Yun Zan, Wei Wei, Fish on Land, Do Not Believe in the Holy Light, and Soul Commander, they suffered head-on damage. Except for Yun Zan, who survived jumping out of the mech, the other four all died.

The spreading crystals lasted for 10 seconds before gradually dissipating, and Gaigyu resumed his normal attack mode.

Several people who hung up left messages one after another:

"I'll come as soon as I fix the equipment." Weiwei said.

"Me too." Fish on land.

"+1." Don't believe in the Holy Light.

"+1." Soul command.

(End of this chapter)

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