Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 305 One-on-One Dark Gold Boss

Chapter 305 One-on-One Dark Gold BOSS (please subscribe~)

In the deepest part of the Sea Snake Cave, there is a lake.

A black hydra with a height of seven or eight meters and four heads was sleeping on the shore.To be precise, there are two heads sleeping, and two heads fighting to eat a big fish.

Unlike sea snakes, the hydra has four limbs and is very thick, with a long tail that helps it move through the water.

As a top predator, Su Ming was spotted by the hydra as soon as he approached.

The hydra was originally a brutal creature, but this one had magic crystals growing near the corners of its eyes. Being affected by the magic energy, it became even more ferocious. Even the passivity of the animal trainer could not prevent it from attacking Su Ming.

The two sleeping heads opened their eyes, the hydra stood up, shook its slender neck, and attacked Su Ming.

Su Ming took a step back, retreated behind Xiao Hei, and drank the "Water Elemental Explosive Potion", and the water elements around his body immediately became active, as if wrapped in water mist.

Then Su Ming waved the flame wand and launched a normal attack.

Affected by the "Gem of the Abyss" inlaid on the weapon, the originally white magic ball was mixed with a trace of blue.

After the magic ball was stimulated by the magic wand, the water mist around Su Ming surged and wrapped around the magic ball, increasing its power.

As the player's equipment gets better, even normal attacks become fancy...

The blue and white magic ball collided with an impacting head, and the mist covering it exploded, causing additional damage.

It's a pity that the area damage of the explosive potion did not affect the other head.

Four-headed sea snake (LV40, dark gold boss): 1197552/1200000.

A dark gold boss with 200,000 health points would be very difficult to defeat under normal circumstances, but Su Ming had a reminder from the village head that the four-headed sea snake would take multiple damage.

He ran to avoid the sea snake's attack, and directed Xiao Hei to reach between the two heads and explode the mucus.

The slime spread to both heads at the same time, causing double damage.

"The four heads are too far apart, it's hard to do quadruple damage, it's a pity."

After Xiao Hei took the damage, Su Ming also found that the "Slime" mark from the coordinated attack appeared on the top of the two heads, and the head attacked by him at the beginning still had a "claw" mark .

"Each head should be calculated independently."

Realizing this, Su Ming also knew why the four-headed sea snake would continue to attack him and Zuoemon after being beaten by Xiao Hei for more than [-] blood.


Su Ming pulled Xiao Hei back and let him release a rapid ejection.

Xiaohei quickly bounced between the two heads it hadn't hit before, and each bounce could cause more than 3000 points of damage. After 12 bounces were exhausted, it hit more than 3.6 damage, and the hatred of these two heads Also attracted.

The four heads attacked Xiao Hei at the same time, and they collided rhythmically alternately, forming afterimages.

Xiao Hei turned on the bubble gun mode, quickly jumped in a small area, and was able to avoid most of the damage. If he failed to dodge, he would lose about 1.2 health points.

Under the attack of the hydra, Xiao Hei couldn't find a good opportunity to attack, so he could only rely on Su Ming to release viscous liquid to attack.

When the four heads attack in turn, each head will be staggered, but Su Ming can still find a chance to hurt two heads, or even three heads at the same time.

The heads of the hydra can be regarded as separate targets. As long as two heads are hit, Xiao Hei can recover 1% more life than usual, and three hits can directly restore 27% of the maximum life. This life recovery speed , no worse than a Tiewei with milk.

Moreover, besides Xiao Hei being able to restore blood, Su Ming was beside him to give the shield, restore blood, and help move.

After exploring in the Espine area, Su Ming has many ways to help pets recover.

The first is the skill "Pet Food". With the addition of the Flame Magic Rod and the Blinking Bracelet, although no skill points have been invested, it has reached level 3. It can restore 13% of the pet's maximum HP, and 26% after two times .

There is also the affinity skill that comes with the flame magic wand, which can also restore 30% of the pet's maximum health.

Finally, there is the celebration top that Su Ming got recently, which can recover 15% of the maximum HP.

With the assistance of these three skills, Xiao Hei can persist for a long time under the attack of the hydra.

The AI ​​of the Hydra is not high, and it is the most typical "warfare animal husbandry" type monster.

After Xiaohe resisted, Zaemon went around to the side of the hydra and slashed, but the hydra ignored it.

Without any interference, Zaemon performed two normal attacks per second, and each attack could cause more than 2000 damage to the hydra. The flat attack was mixed with skills, just like driving a stake, and the damage poured out quickly.

Only Xiao Hei is powerful, a skill can hit more than [-] output, otherwise he really can't hold back the hatred...

After entering the battle rhythm, the hydra's health began to drop rapidly, and after 6 minutes, only 60% of its health remained.

Su Ming noticed that the hydra's attack frequency slowed down for a moment, and his spirit tensed up immediately - the hydra probably had to release its skills.

Su Ming's guess was right, the hydra stomped suddenly, stunned Xiao Hei and Zaemon, then flashed to Su Ming's side, biting him with four heads.


Su Ming reacted very quickly, but the head with the best route successfully bit Su Ming, causing critical damage and taking away 2.5 of his HP.

Fortunately, Su Ming's flashing skill is used, even if he takes damage, it will not be interrupted.

Su Ming flashed behind the hydra, ran towards the lake, and by the way helped Xiao Hei out of the dizzy state, allowing him to stand against the hydra again.

As for Zaemon, he needs to honestly wait for the 5-second stun time to end before he can act.

With a control time of 5 seconds on one foot, the hydra is still quite powerful.

After the hydra released the ability to attack the back row, it returned to the normal attack mode.

Through fighting, Su Ming figured out the setting of this skill - every time 10% of the HP drops, it will be released once, and each time it will flicker to the unit farthest away from it to attack. When attacking, the head will turn red. Each head will deal double damage.

After figuring out the settings, before the hydra released its skills, Su Ming would switch places with Zaemon, using Zaemon as bait.

When the hydra attacks Zaemon, he will use the "partner power" to exchange the positions of Kuro and Zaemon.

The fear effect attached to the partner's power can not only interrupt the attack of the hydra, but also allow Xiao Hei to hit 4 snake heads in one go.Using this skill by a hydra is equivalent to deducting more than 5 life points from yourself.

If the hydra were a little smarter, it probably wouldn't always choose the target farthest away from it, but what if...

In this way, Su Ming fought fiercely with the dark gold boss with millions of blood all by himself. Just when he was about to kill the hydra, Su Ming's keen attribute came into play, and he felt that two people were watching him in the cave.

"Is it a thief?"

Su Ming asked Xiao Hei to pull the hydra to adjust its position, forcing the hydra to the lake, and he blocked the entrance by himself, so that he could feel it more clearly.

"You don't move at all, you shouldn't be able to grab monsters..." Su Ming thought to himself, and then shouted threats into the passage: "I am a spore. Hit you."

Now Su Ming's reputation among the players is also great, and directly mentioning his name can also serve as a deterrent.

(End of this chapter)

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