Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 306 The Egg at the Bottom of the Lake

Chapter 306 The Egg at the Bottom of the Lake (Please Subscribe~)

The pig boss and no story found the sea snake cave through the treasure map, and then entered it through the vine man on the cliff.

The two of them used the special prop "giant cloak" to enter the invisible state together, avoided swarms of sea snakes, went deep in a straight line, and finally saw the scene of the hydra attacking wildly and the gravel splashing.

Looking at the five-digit number that often popped up on the head of the hydra, the two of them were a little curious and worried—since the damage would appear on the head of the hydra, it proved that it was not the NPC that was fighting the hydra, but the player.

After they approached for a certain distance, they found Su Ming's figure.

"Nimma, it's so exaggerated to single out a level 40 dark gold boss." The old monster pig stared at the battle scene intently. Upload him Qijiro, he is too energetic."

After sighing, the old monster pig turned around and asked about the story:

"Brother Gu, what if he robs us of the Dragon's Secret Treasure?"

"If we really want to grab it, we can only let it go. If we can change to a dark gold equipment, we still have a chance, but unfortunately it's only gold." No story scratched his head and said, "Look again, he doesn't necessarily come to find the Dragon's Secret Treasure of."

"Isn't the spore in Espine... why did it suddenly run so far, to this small island where no one usually comes?"

"Ghost knows..." No story said: "Have you recorded it? You can make money selling it to the media."

"I'm already working on it."


The two recorded for a while, and then Su Ming said that he had found them.

Hearing Su Ming's warning, the old monster pig rolled his eyes, and complained to No Story:

"Still robbing monsters, he doesn't look at his output, even if we want to rob, the killing line can't keep up at all."

After complaining, the old monster pig asked again:
"It has been discovered, do you want to go out and make friends with him?"

No story. I also read a lot about Su Ming on the forum, and learned that Su Ming rarely takes the initiative to PK others, so he shook his head and made a judgment:

"Let's ignore him and don't communicate, otherwise he will easily detect the news of the Dragon's Secret Treasure. As long as we continue to hide and don't make trouble for him, he probably won't make trouble for us either.

To be honest, without his help to deal with this BOSS, we wouldn't be able to enter the water. "

"What if he goes into the water after beating the boss?"

"Then let's talk about it after he gets into the water."

The old monster pig felt that it was true that there was no story to tell, so he continued to hide and wait and see what happened.


Su Ming could feel that there were two people in the cave. Although those two people had stayed where they were, Su Ming still didn't dare to relax his vigilance.

Su Ming slowed down the speed of output a little, and devoted a little attention to defending against possible emergencies.

The blood volume of the hydra was suppressed by 10%. It didn't go crazy like a normal boss, but threw off Xiao Hei and ran towards the lake.

The hydra gave up the attack, but exposed its flaws, making it easy for Xiao Hei to knock down 4 heads. Zaemon can also use the whirlwind to directly pull a line, dealing four times the damage.

Facing Su Ming, the blood volume of 12 was not enough to support it to return to the lake, and it fell down directly.

A piece of gold equipment, a piece of dark gold equipment, a bag of packed heads (mission items), and more than a hundred gold coins burst out on the ground.

Su Ming fished away two pieces of equipment and the head, and didn't want to pick up the gold coins one by one.He pointed the magic wand at the passage of the cave, and Zaemon and Xiao Hei guarded him, and walked out slowly.

When he walked up to Boss Pig and No Story, Su Ming deliberately paused, looked at their invisible position, and left without launching an attack.

Husband Zhu and No Story both saw Su Ming leaving and clapped their hands.

"I just said that this spore will not take the initiative to trouble us. He has a good temper." No Story excitedly said: "Hurry up, hurry up, even the gatekeeper BOSS has been taken care of for us, and the dragon's secret treasure is almost at hand."

Afraid that Su Ming would find it back, they followed the instructions of the treasure map, plunged into the lake, went straight to the edge of the lake bottom, pushed away a square stone (door), and a swirling blue portal opened. Appeared, making the lake cloudy.

After the stone is pushed to the end, it will slowly close by itself.

The old strange pig said happily after seeing it:

"Haha, it just happened to cover us."

Not long after the two broke into the portal, the bottom of the lake returned to calm.


After Su Ming came to a relatively safe area, he began to check his harvest.

First is the gold equipment, this is a top, definitely not as good as his epic outfit, but it is level 40, so it can be reserved for Xiao Hei.The dark gold equipment is a pair of pants.

Fearful Scale Trousers of Running Waves (LV40, dark gold):

+1250 Health, +120 Armor
+175 strength, +50 agility, +150 constitution
+12% Normal Attack Physical Damage

Rushing Waves: Passive: +15% movement speed, double bonus when underwater.

Durability: 100/100
Occupational requirements: none

This is a piece of equipment that is more suitable for swordsmanship apprentices and berserkers. It is very rare for non-weapon and jewelry parts to increase damage.

"Hydras deal all physical damage, so it's reasonable to explode a piece of equipment that is suitable for physical occupations."

Su Ming thought so, so he replaced this piece of equipment. Although it is suitable for physics professions, but after all, the level of equipment is there, it is still much better than what he wears, and it also has a 15% movement speed bonus Woolen cloth.

The only attribute Su Ming can't use is the 12% normal attack damage.

After changing the equipment, when Su Ming walked out of the cave, he suddenly found that the aura of the two people had disappeared.

Su Ming glanced back at the quiet cave, he was puzzled:

There is no fork in the cave, and he has already killed the valuable monsters. Instead of leaving, the other party disappeared directly. Did they go back to the city?Or is it too far away?Or, is there a hidden map in this cave?
After going through all the possibilities in his mind, Su Ming stopped and started to return the same way.

After walking for a while, Su Ming thought to himself:

"The distance is getting closer, but I really can't feel these two people anymore. The opponent's concealment method is very rough. If I'm still in the cave, I shouldn't be able to feel it."

"These two people either used the return stone, or entered the hidden map."

"If there is a hidden map, the other party took action after I left, so it should have gone to the lake."

Su Ming started to run, handed over the accidentally attracted monster to Xiao Hei, and rushed to the lake by himself very quickly.

The wet footprints in the mud by the lake confirmed Su Ming's idea.

"Hey, I almost missed it."

Both Su Ming and Zaemon drank a bottle of underwater breathing potion, plunged into the lake, and looked for the entrance to the hidden map in the lake with the help of the dim light.

Hidden maps, since they are discovered, they must be fought for, and the rewards inside are usually very good.

However, Su Ming does not have a treasure map, so it is not easy to find the entrance.

After swimming in the lake for more than ten minutes, Su Ming couldn't find any place like an entrance. Suddenly, he saw several large eggs among a pile of aquatic plants.

Su Ming thumped his feet and approached the big eggs, and found that the eggs were of different colors and sizes, some were older and some were newer, but without exception, they were all crushed.

"Do hydra still eat eggs..."

Turning over the pile of broken egg shells, Su Ming found a complete egg inside. This egg was transparent blue, with a gradual white round spot in the middle of the egg.

"Master, look quickly!" Xiao Hei was opposite Su Ming, with a surprised expression on his face.

Su Ming swam over and found that there was actually a tooth embedded in the egg.

"It's the tooth of that monster just now." Xiao Hei was very sure, because it had been bitten many times just now...

Xiao Hei looked indignant:
"This hydra is really bad, stealing other people's babies to eat!"

Su Ming touched the egg, and found that the egg moved suddenly. He was so frightened that he let go of his hand.

An extremely long blood streak appeared on the egg...

It is the kind of protective blood bar with "1" as the unit. No matter how much damage this kind of blood bar receives, it will only forcibly deduct 1 point of blood.

Su Ming opened his eyes wide and clicked. There are about 100 blood bars, but now there are only about 10 drops left.

"It's still alive... is it about to break the shell?"

Su Ming continued to observe, and forgot about hiding the map...

Every time the blue egg moved, the blood bar on the top of the head would disappear a little bit, and when there were only single-digit blood bars left, there would be no movement.

Su Ming looked at the breach in the eggshell and thought:
"I don't know if it's the blood bar of the eggshell or the blood bar of the creature inside the egg. If the blood bar of the eggshell is fine, it means that the little guy inside the egg is about to come out. If it's the life value of the little guy inside the egg, Then it will be..."

Su Ming thought for a while, but he still didn't want to leave the egg alone. The way he wanted to save the egg was very simple. Just catch it as a pet, and any monsters with blood bars could be caught by players...

"An egg that can't even bite a dark gold boss, it should be quite powerful, and it's still in baby form."

Although the players of the animal trainer haven't figured out the specific conditions for the growth of pets, they still have a few clear exploration routes, such as the situation Su Ming is currently encountering.

These unborn or newly born pets usually have higher growth than adult pets, and their attributes are not too bad.

After Hammer left last time, Su Ming realized that no matter whether it is a powerful pet or an ordinary pet, they all have feelings for the animal trainer.

Electronic pets are also pets...

After the Hammer incident, changing pets at will would make Su Ming feel guilty, so after Hammer left, Su Ming decided not to catch the transitional pet, and he wanted to be responsible for the pet that was taken.

Su Ming stretched out his hand, released the animal taming skill on the quiet egg, and said silently in his heart:

"Be my pet, I will take good care of you and raise you up."

Perhaps it was because the other party hadn't been born yet, so the rebellion was not strong, and the progress bar filled up quickly.

System: The animal taming skill is activated successfully, and the level 30 "unhatched egg" has become your pet. You can check the pet attributes in the pet column.

 Thank you for the 666-point reward from "Magnetic Self-Explosive 100".

(End of this chapter)

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