Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 330 The Sea Monster Attacks

Chapter 330 The Sea Monster Attacks

The storm came as soon as it was said, the sea was set off by the mighty force of nature, and the big waves followed one after another.

Su Ming hid in the cabin, looked out the window at the violently shaking sea water outside.

He asked Leo, this storm has nothing to do with his crow's mouth or curse, the main reason is that he is about to enter the mysterious sea.

Leo, who had been to the mysterious sea in his prime, knew that there were storms in the mysterious sea all the year round. He asked Su Ming for direction, saying that with the performance of the "Dolphin", it would be no problem to sail in the storm.

"It's a pity, I can't go to the sea to level up." Su Ming turned over on the bed and browsed the forum.

On the forum, the two most popular videos recently are related to [-].

One is a member of the [-] Explosive Star Team.

After the video broke out, the fans who were burning like daylight planned to deal with Brother Guan Zi; while those who saw her unhappy took the opportunity to complain vigorously, saying that she was not worthy of her name and should not be ranked first in the weekly list of fighters.

However, no matter how much he was killed this time, the record before Burning Days is there, and no one can refute it.Although there are a lot of battle videos in which the Star Team encircled and suppressed a BOSS, and then let Burning Days act, as long as the part of the encirclement and suppression is not released and a better editor is found, Ruburning Days will look very powerful... …

The second video is the battle video between Su Ming and Zero Zero Two.

The entire video is not very clear and was shot secretly from a distance.

Brother Guanzi, who killed Team Stars, was defeated by Su Ming. Among the black fans who were burning like daylight, it was equivalent to Su Ming killing Teams. So Su Ming became their toolman for pulling and stepping on Team Stars, and he was very popular with them. ...

In the eyes of the fans who are burning like daylight, Su Ming avenged their idol, so their favorability towards Su Ming is not low.

In this way, Su Ming inexplicably won the double love of fans of Burning Day and black fans...

Su Ming doesn't like to watch these fans scold and fight, so when he encounters headlines related to these things, he directly ignores them. He prefers to read some strategies of animal trainers and pharmacists, and then actively search for them. Information about Uncharted, Ancestral Glory, Ghost Pirates.

"The other two have been contacted by players, why is there only an official background introduction for Uncharted Sea..."

Su Ming checked the official background of the mysterious sea area. It is said that this was once a mysterious country ruled by mermaids, but hundreds of years ago, a curse came to this sea, causing this sea to be shrouded in storms all year round, and the mermaid kingdom was destroyed. , Legend has it that whoever can find the crown of the Mermaid King can calm the storm and control the entire ocean.

"Controlling the ocean and other things should not be done by players. I guess it's like helping Miao Mi to help an NPC find the crown. This is probably the main line of the mysterious sea."

Su Ming played the game for three or four months, and he was also a bit groping for the way to find the main mission in "Fate".

Without any information about the mysterious sea, he went to search for the Mermaid Kingdom, the curse, and, by the way, the "Pirate King" that Brov said...

After the thinking diverged, I did find more content related to it.

Some of the official information, and some of the players' help-seeking information, are also asking how to do tasks with these keywords.

Very few people responded.It may be that the level of Uncharted Sea is too high, and players have less contact with it.

After all, he hadn't entered the mysterious sea yet, and the lowest level of monsters Su Ming found was level 40.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise behind Su Ming, and he immediately turned his head, staring at the empty room, feeling puzzled.

He closed the forum, got up from the bed, and walked to the round window.

Su Ming was looking at the rough sea through the window. Suddenly, a tentacle came out from under Zhonghai and slapped hard on the hull, and the loud "pop" sound came out again.

After one blow, the tentacles disappeared again.

Su Ming's expression tensed up. Due to the curse, he also checked some information about sea monsters in the past two days. The word "epic" is related to sea monsters.

Players have seen NPCs fighting sea monsters in the early stages of the game, and they are also the first epic bosses that players come into contact with, so players fantasize about going out to sea to fight sea monsters and explode their equipment when they are around level 40, but this idea continues until level [-] , also failed to achieve.

After discovering the sea monster, Su Ming immediately sent a message to Venus:

"Sister Venus, call back everyone who is half-hanging up, there is a sea monster attack!"

After sending the message, Su Ming ran out of the room, shouted loudly in the cabin, and told all the NPCs the news, telling them to prepare to manipulate the artillery and fight.

Soon, players are online.

After going online, the flustered atmosphere on the ship was diluted, replaced by a trace of excitement.

Encircle and suppress epic bosses!

Players don't know what fear is. After there is no worry about life and death, fighting is the most exciting thing for players.

"Everyone form a team! First go to the deck to see what's going on." Butterfly whispered.

After she joined Miracle Wilderness, she has been the commander of each dungeon in the guild. Recently, she has not released any particularly difficult dungeons. When she is free, she comes to Venus's ship to direct the players' actions.

Although the time to join was very short, the players in Miracle Wilderness were also accustomed to obeying the command of Butterfly Whisper, so they acted immediately, quickly divided into teams, and each sent people to the deck to scout.

Su Ming joined Butterfly Whispering's team and also came to the deck.

The sound of heavy rain poured into Su Ming's ears. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the surging sea water ahead of the deck.

A pointed squid head protruded from the sea, like a hill, and the head alone was bigger than the entire Dolphin.

A player raised his head, saw the name on the squid's head, and shouted excitedly:

Purple name!It really is an epic boss! "

Apostle Squid (Epic BOSS, LV45): 8000000/8000000.

Some players exclaimed:

"Damn it, the boss is even fiercer than the afterimage of Gegeyou! Can't our team configuration pass?"

After Gegeyu is killed, its afterimage will still appear in the sandy abyss. It is by far the most difficult boss that ordinary players can conquer. It has a full 300 million health points and generally requires 15 to 20 players. The team conducts a strategy.

The success rate of the strategy is very low, less than 25%.

For an open game content, only 25% of players can fully experience it, which is already very difficult.

Su Ming noticed that the sea water on the side of the boat was surging, so he shouted:

"It's attacking! Everyone be careful!"

Not long after shouting, a huge tentacle stretched out of the sea and roared down.

The Dolphin accelerated violently, avoiding the attack of the tentacles, but the bow of the dolphin on the deck was still scratched, smashed into pieces, smashed into the turbulent sea water, and disappeared in an instant.

Leo rushed out with a group of sailors, shouting:
"Yang Fan! Go full speed! You can't fight this beast in the ocean!"

The sailor NPCs recruited by Venus are all elites. Although they are afraid of this huge sea creature, they still rely on courage to operate in the heavy rain.

The speed of the Dolphin was pulled up by the operation of the sailors.

At this time, an unfortunate news came-the artillery room was destroyed by squid ahead of time, and it is now unusable!

 I still owe two chapters... It's not up today, Calvin, I don't know how to write big scenes, alas.

(End of this chapter)

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