Chapter 331 Introducing Monsters into the Sea (Please Subscribe~)

There are far more powerful monsters in the sea than on land, so cannons are very important equipment for sailing on the sea.

Previously, the cannon on the Dolphin could deal more than 2 damage to the golden boss, so it can probably also deal more than [-] damage to the epic boss.

The most important thing is that monsters like the apostle squid are huge and will eat dozens of shells at once. Under the firepower of the Dolphin, each round of salvo can destroy nearly a million of its health points.

Before Venus went to sea, he did research and knew that sea monsters might spawn in the sea, so he specially strengthened the firepower of the Dolphin to make it capable of dealing with epic bosses before going out to sea.

However, I didn't expect this apostle squid to be so smart that it would hide in the sea, first quietly destroy the artillery room, and then appear to attack the ships.

Now, there are only a few cannons available, occasionally making a muffled sound in the howling wind, attacking the cunning apostle squid.

The apostle squid will slap the tentacles onto the deck again. Su Ming moves on the bumpy deck, swings the flaming magic wand, and hits the magic ball. The magic ball explodes on the tentacles, causing only seven or eight hundred points of damage.

Xiao Hei sprayed viscous liquid, but because of the movement of the ship, his skills were distorted.

This situation doesn't only happen to Kuro, but also to Zaemon and other players.

"My skills are not accurate!"

"I can only use skills, not rely on system guidance, I can't even catch an arrow..."

"This storm is too big!"

The players were complaining. A player was accidentally hit by a tentacle, causing more than 4 points of damage to his body, and died immediately.

"A basic attack with 4 damage?" Su Ming frowned, not to mention ordinary players, even he can only carry it twice.

"The Blessing Master pulls people!" Butterfly whispered, "Help the NPCs against the attack! We need to rely on the NPCs to escape!"

Now the sails of the Dolphin have been raised, and under the double effects of the storm and the magic furnace engine inside the ship, the moving speed of the Dolphin has exceeded 800 points, which is equivalent to more than 30 meters per second. Under normal circumstances, the moving speed of the Dolphin is between 300 and 600 between.

However, every time the speed is maxed out, it will drop rapidly due to the attack of the apostle squid, and then the speed needs to be increased again. Under this situation, the Dolphin cannot run away.

Various skills fly over the dark ocean—falling into the water, falling on the apostle squid, the splash damage is not high, and there is no way to pose a threat to the apostle squid.

Su Ming noticed that the apostle squid has a hatred mechanism, which is somewhat similar to a hydra. When a tentacle is attacked by a player, no matter what it was doing, it will definitely turn back and fight back against the player.

"It won't go on like this. It doesn't matter if we players get to the end, even Sister Leyle and the others will die on the boat, and the boat that Sister Venus worked so hard to build will also be scrapped. I have to lure the apostle squid away."

Su Ming opened his attribute panel and glanced at his movement speed. With the addition of various equipment, he has a maximum movement speed of 680 points in the sea, which is faster than some players with skills.

"After I enter the water, with the addition of the Abyss Gem, I will also get a 20% movement speed bonus. If I drink the Swiftness Potion, it will be almost as fast as the Dolphin.

The Apostle Squid can't even catch up with the Dolphin, so I should be able to lure it away. "

After deciding to go into the sea to lure away the apostle squid, Su Ming whispered his plan to Butterfly.

"Are you sure?" Butterfly whispered in surprise. Su Ming's luxurious equipment is more expensive than houses in first-tier cities. If he dies, the loss will be huge. Under such circumstances, Su Ming actually volunteered .

"I don't think it's necessary. I'll try it on the boat. If it doesn't work, just abandon the boat and go back to the city." Butterfly whispered, "Now that the storm is so strong, you will almost die if you go into the sea."

"No." Su Ming posted his movement speed attribute to Butterfly Whispers, and said, "My movement speed is high enough to pull, please help me attract attention so that I don't get caught when I go into the water. I controlled the distance, and I was able to lure the squid away safely."

"680 points?!" Butterfly whispered in surprise. With this speed, it is indeed possible to lure away the apostle squid, but it is not certain whether he will die or not. However, Butterfly whispers a glimmer of hope.

She is not a procrastination person. When she sees hope, she immediately grabs it. She takes off a bracelet and hands it to Su Ming, saying:
"I still have a speed-accelerating bracelet here, you can use it, I will cooperate with you."

This bracelet was obtained by Butterfly Whispering recently through a mission. It is only gold equipment, but it is very suitable for the current situation.

Su Ming checked the bracelet and found that it was actually the equipment of the Deep Sea series. At this time, he got the third piece of equipment with the name of Deep Sea.

Deep Sea Guardian Bracelet (LV31, Gold):

+750 health

+95 Constitution
+6% maximum movement speed.

Guardian of the Deep Sea: Active: Give a target a shield that can resist (10% of the wearer's maximum HP) damage for 10 seconds. If the shield is broken, gain 12% of the maximum movement speed for 10 seconds.Cooling: 1 minute.

Durability: 40/40
Occupational Requirements: None.

Su Ming put on the guardian bracelet, thanked him, and began to avoid the sight of the apostle squid, looking for an opportunity to enter the water.

He was able to attack accurately, so many tentacles were entangled with him. Now under the command of Butterfly Whisper, some players rushed forward to help Su Ming draw away the hatred. Soon, Su Ming drank the underwater breathing potion, from The stern jumped off.

When he jumped, Zaemon was struggling to put on his diving suit...



The sea water was surging, and Su Ming was pushed far away at once, but after he increased his moving speed, the surging sea water could hardly affect his actions.

Su Ming flapped his legs and quickly approached the apostle squid.

For the giant apostle squid, Su Ming is too small, so it is difficult to attract its attention, unless Su Ming takes the initiative to attack it.

"Master, I'm ready."

"Okay, then I'll pull you into the water." Su Ming used the "Lord Protector" skill to pull Zaemon into the water. "Wait a minute, your attack method is to hit and run, you know?"


"Xiao Hei, come on my head, and I will move you."

So Xiao Hei was attached to Su Ming's head.

"Eggy, you can move freely, just attack from a distance, be careful not to hurt more than Xiao Hei."

"I see."

Eggy looks small, but it is heavy. Su Ming will slow down his movement speed with it. Fortunately, Eggy's attack distance is far enough to output from a safe position.

Soon, Su Ming swam to the blind spot of the apostle squid and attacked it.

The hatred of the apostle squid is similar to that of the hydra, but there are subtle differences, because it has only one brain, as long as it hits its head, even if other tentacles are attacking, it will be held back by it. It belongs to an individual and controls multiple targets. ; while a hydra is multiple targets, controlling a single individual...

Coordinated attack!

Viscous liquid!

Eggy normal attack!

(End of this chapter)

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