Chapter 335 Weird place
Chasing Tomorrow is a tactical player. He is not well-known, but his skills are very good. Just like Su Ming at the beginning, no one will know his strength without exposure.

Not long ago, he made a quest line, came to Aguro's boat, and went out to sea with him, intending to solve the curse on himself.

His curse is different from Su Ming's. The main body of the curse mark is on the left chest, extending all the way up, and finally branching out at the neck, like black meridians.

Curse of the Deep Sea—Eternal Life Tree: You are the tree of eternal life on the bottom of the sea, and the sea water is your feet. Walking on land will bring you pain.

While in water: +20% experience gain speed, -20% damage taken, +75% health regen speed, +75% mana regen speed.

When on land: HP and mana will stop recovering naturally, and the HP equal to the maximum adaptive attack power of the player will be deducted every 60 seconds.

The negative effect of the tree of eternal life is more serious than the ghost curse obtained by Su Ming.

After obtaining the curse of the "Eternal Life Tree", Xun Xun will start looking for the task of lifting the curse tomorrow, and finally find Aguro, and enter the mysterious sea with Aguro.

But after entering the mysterious sea, everything became strange.

It's time to fight the magic sharks on the bottom of the sea in pursuit of the strange place where I first found tomorrow.

The magic shark is not a powerful monster, only silver strength.Chase Tomorrow wears half a set of dark gold equipment, and has the bonus of the curse of the tree of eternal life, so it's no problem to fight one-on-one.

In order to obtain the items dropped by the monster, he specially told the pirates not to help him, and then an accident happened—he jumped into the sea and fought with the shark, and when he was bitten by the shark, he was completely confused.

The pain in the wound seemed to tear his nerves, and he fled without even bleeding the shark halfway.

The pursuit of tomorrow is confirmed, and the pain level must have reached 100%.

The law stipulates that the maximum pain simulation for virtual games is 33%, and it is illegal to exceed it.

Although the law stipulates this way, in reality, almost no manufacturers will set a high pain level. First, it is unpopular, second, it is too dangerous, and third, the technology cannot reach it.

Let alone 100%, it is even difficult to break through 40%.

When the virtual game was first released, some people wanted to practice martial arts in the game, and then bring their strength to reality, but due to the limitation of pain, they basically failed.

Without feeling pain, you can make many actions beyond imagination, which can bring unimaginable courage to the battle, but in reality, it can only bring injuries.

Low pain and immortality form the basis for players to be powerful and reckless.

Of course, there is nothing to say about the technology of fate. The pain that can be simulated has reached the upper limit stipulated by the law. But looking for tomorrow is a person who is afraid of pain. He has always played games with the lowest pain level of 14%, and he suffered 100% pain all the time. Pain, naturally unable to exert its full strength.

He posted this matter on the forum, but it would be reviewed and could not be posted.

He thought to himself, since the game forum can't post it, he should post it elsewhere, but after logging off, he found that he had difficulty breathing, as if someone had been hitting his chest with a fist, and there was still a dull pain in his shoulder.

He figured out the reason right away—the curse of the tree of eternal life and the bite damage of the silver shark.

In the game, when you land on land, you will also feel the same feeling due to the curse of the tree of eternal life, but it is much milder, as if someone is giving you a massage. Not only is it not uncomfortable, but it is also very comfortable...

But in reality, it was really a small fist hitting your chest.

Chasing Tomorrow thinks this is too ridiculous - it's fucking reality!
He endured the pain and went to the hospital for an examination. The doctor said that he was in good health and there was no abnormality, and suggested that he go to the neurology department.

He wanted to go too, but couldn't.

He felt that he was about to be beaten to death by himself, he could only go home, play games, and at sea, his condition was relieved.

He didn't know what was going on, and he could only hope to lift the curse, because of the curse, he couldn't even return to the city in the mysterious sea.

Now, Chase Tomorrow is holding a magic long sword and has a level [-] professional buff skill, and he only dares to use the "suppression" state.

The state of liberating the demon is too painful...

If it was before, he would not frown when facing Stherda no matter how powerful the opponent was, but now his hands are shaking.

Ever since the weird situation appeared, Xun Xingming had thought a lot about tomorrow, and then thought of the worst outcome—what would happen if he died in the Uncharted Sea?Is it back to the resurrection point, or is it really dead?
If it is still the same as before.

Maybe it won't die, but in reality, will the brain feel that it is dead, and then go to rest?

"Mr. Sseda." Xun Xun wanted to avoid fighting tomorrow, he pretended to be calm and said: "I have no malicious intentions, you have already obtained the ashes of 'Aberland' and made it your servant, before we There is no need for a fight."

Stherda nodded. He also saw that Xunxun is not weak. Perhaps Xunxun couldn't threaten him, but it would be quite annoying to kill the water ghosts he had cultivated.

It's not worth losing a water ghost just to kill an adventurer.

"You're right." Sceda said, "I'll let you go. Aguro's boat will send you off."

Chasing the joy of tomorrow, but not daring to relax his vigilance, he still raised his sword and retreated towards the three-masted sailboat on the beach.

It was the first time that Sseda saw such a cautious adventurer. He turned around and left with the water ghost.

After possessing the Abram Water Ghost, he has enough strength to go to the "Tetula Ruins", where there is a fragment of the Ocean Gemini.

Maybe run into other adventurers.

Many of the recent actions of their Phaseless Demon Clan have been destroyed by adventurers.

Since others can seek the help of adventurers to disrupt their actions of the Formless Demon, why not seek adventurers to act together before acting?

Adventurers know adventurers better, and only adventurers can deal with adventurers.

Thinking of this, Sceda turned around.

Zou Xunming raised the magic sword subconsciously and made a slashing movement, the magic power attached to it, the demon behind him needs to follow him to make the same movement.

Stherda nodded slightly. Adventurers are cautious by nature and are always fighting. It is time to get rid of prejudice and seek their help.

"Don't be nervous." Ssorda said, "I appreciate your strength, how about helping me with something? After the task is completed, I will give you a satisfactory reward."

Siseda had just finished black and white, so he invited Chasing Tomorrow like this, and Chasing Tomorrow was a bit dazed.

The system sent a task prompt, asking Zhui Xun to confirm that this is still a game, but it is too real.

In the task introduction, the system will analyze the content of the task a little, so that the player can make a judgment. If you go through the task introduction tomorrow, you will know that Stherda has no intention of lying.

It's just... the task represents danger.

Chasing Tomorrow doesn't dare to take risks now, but he changed his mind and acted with Sseda. As long as Sseda has no malice towards him, isn't he just a free bodyguard?
Isn't it safer than being on a boat by yourself?He can't even beat the silver boss now.

And, there's also the matter of curses.

Now he doesn't know whether the abnormal situation on his body is caused by the curse, the map, or a combination of the two?
In short, the curse must be lifted, and a way must be found to leave the mysterious sea.

"What are you hesitating about?" Sciuda asked.

"I'm wondering... can the reward be given to me in advance?" Xun Xun will be the final insurance tomorrow. If Siserda is willing, he will accept the task. If he is not willing, he will float on the sea for a while.

Stherda laughed—a greedy adventurer is a real adventurer. According to his knowledge, the greedier he is, the stronger he is.

"Okay, come with me." Sceda glanced at the magic equipment on Chase Tomorrow's body, and said, "I have a set of incomplete jewelry here, which is just right for you."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Zhui Xunming hesitated for a moment, took out a bottle of health potion and drank it to replenish his health, and then followed.

(End of this chapter)

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