Chapter 336 Seasickness
System: You have entered the mysterious sea area, "Curse of the Deep Sea-Ghost" triggers an additional effect, in the mysterious sea area, you cannot use the return stone or other space magic to leave the mysterious sea area.

"Courage is commendable! Boy! Dare to take the initiative to enter our territory!"

"Here we come! Jie Jie Jie!"

The voices of many ghosts echoed in Su Ming's ears.

System: You have triggered the mandatory mission "Sea Ghost!".

Mission brief introduction: A group of the most selfish and self-interested pirates turned into ghosts after death, drifting on the ocean forever.They will hunt down all creatures that touch their wealth, and kill them, making them one of their own, and tormenting them forever.The one who mastered the "Missing Ship" has become their prey, so let's find a way to escape.

Mission Conditions: Exit Uncharted safely after an encounter with the Ghost Pirates (0/1), or defeat the Captain of the Ghost Pirates (0/1).

Mission penalty: take back the skill of "Misty Sailing", and the "Curse of the Deep Sea-Ghost" will stay forever.

Task rewards: some gold coins, some experience, and 2 skill points.

"The punishment is not very heavy, and there are two skill points as rewards. This task is quite good."

As a player, Su Ming has no feeling at all about the various scary descriptions on the curse.

Now Su Ming not only needs to point his own skills, but also Xiao Jin's skills. If it is not for Xiao Hei's help to provide skill points, it will not be enough.

As the level increases, there will be more and more skill points that are lacking, so the more tasks that reward skill points, the better for him.

"I didn't expect to be unable to use the city return stone in the mysterious sea area, which is equivalent to passing the level with one's life. The mission requirement also said to leave 'safely', which should mean that you can't die."

Su Ming figured out the mission conditions, and asked the players on the same boat if they could use the city return stone.

They replied yes, but they were all the same as Su Ming, that is, they couldn't communicate with players outside the Uncharted Sea.

This setting is rare in Destiny. Generally speaking, the game does not restrict functions such as private messages and channel chat, but they are restricted, and everyone doesn't care too much.

After entering the mysterious sea, the sky was still gloomy, but the rain had stopped.

Rael distributed earplugs on the deck and said:
"We're going through the territory of the 'Elegy Siren'. Everyone wears earplugs. After hearing the music, return to your room immediately. No matter what you see, don't leave the room unless the music disappears. Do you understand?"

The news about the Elegy Siren was obtained from the nautical chart.

The crew all expressed their understanding, so they lined up and received earplugs.

Players don't need it, things like hallucinations don't affect them at all, a Debuff appears under the maximum status bar.

Su Ming rested his hand on the deck railing, looked under the water, and was about to go into the water to see if there were any good leveling monsters, when the light faded away and came to him with the help of Butterfly Whisper...

To be precise, it came to the railing.

Brightness faded to support the railing, leaned out, vomited with a pale face, and vomited the things she made into the sea.

Even a beautiful girl is not very beautiful when she vomits...

Butterfly whispered and patted the back of Guangming Fading, with puzzlement and concern between her brows, she asked softly:

"Is it better?"

Dying Light responded with a second vomit.

"Sister Guangming...what's the matter with you?" Su Ming asked.

Light faded, leaning on the railing, turned his face and said:

Su Ming opened his attribute bar and took a look, but found no relevant status, so he asked:

"Seasickness? Random Debuff? Same as Usbine's 'Thirst'?"

"No." Butterfly Whispers replied for the disappearance of the light: "There is nothing abnormal about the attributes of the light, it is seasickness."

"I'm also dizzy in reality... vomit..."

The light faded and vomited up, and now I can only retch.

Su Ming also watched the light disappear with some worry, and said:
"This is too strange. Things related to 'disease' in the game should be linked to attributes, not reflected in feelings.

Sister Guangming, have you been online for too long?Why don't you go offline and take a break? "

The only thing Su Ming can think of when he feels uncomfortable in the game is that he has not been offline for a long time. After the game device judges that you are not suitable to continue playing the game, it will give you some feedback and then kick you offline.

"Impossible... I haven't even been online for 3 hours today." Although I said this, it was really hard for the light to fade away, so I agreed with Su Ming's suggestion and went offline to rest.

Butterfly Whisper also went offline to take care of her.

However, within five minutes of going offline, the two of them went online again with terrified faces.

"What's wrong?" Su Ming asked.

Light faded and widened his eyes, saying:
"After I log off, I still get seasick."

This is beyond the understanding of the disappearance of light. The game affects reality, which makes her feel very scared.

"I'm going to take Guangming to see a doctor." Butterfly whispered, "Maybe I won't play games for a while, I want you to help others more."

"Should be." Su Ming said, "Go talk to Sister Venus?"

Butterfly Whisper is here to help Venus, and she has not been online for a long time, she thought to herself that she should really tell Venus, so she helped the light disappear and entered the captain's room.

Su Ming hesitated for a moment, and followed him - he hesitated because the Venus just now was too "scary"... His young heart needs time to digest.

Captain's Room.

After listening to Su Ming's words just now, Venus has regained her vitality, and now she is sitting at the desk, dealing with various matters in the pharmacy.

It doesn't bother her that she can't communicate with the outside world. After processing the messages that others sent her in the morning, she can go offline and give her opinions.

The door opened, and only Su Ming could do without her consent.

Venus smiled, raised her hand and put her hair behind her ears, and said:
"Brother Su Ming, are you addicted to eating? Come back to me so soon?"

"Ahem!" Su Ming coughed loudly.

Venus turned her head and saw the butterflies whispering, and the pale light disappeared.

Butterfly whispered suspiciously at Venus and asked:

"What did you feed him?"

Venus blinked, and changed the topic without blushing:

"What did you come to see me for?"

Su Ming quickly picked up the conversation and told Venus about the seasickness of Guangming Fading.

Now that the topic was on the right track, Butterfly Whisper ignored the episode just now and asked Venus for leave.

"Sorry, I promised to help you, but Guangming is really uncomfortable."

Venus knows that Butterfly Whisper is a very promise-keeping person, and can make her break the agreement, and the situation offline may be more serious than she believed.

"It's okay, your body is important." Venus said, "Let me know if you need help."

Butterfly nodded softly, disappeared with light and went offline.

Venus is now determined to enter the game industry, and her family will provide her with some information that normal people cannot access, such as the internal safety assessment report of the game, the development progress, and the real team (but all Venus knows is outsourcing The company's real team is not the real team that develops the brain), market prospects, etc...

From the analysis of this information, Fate is a little unstable, but these unstable factors are present in almost every virtual game, and will not affect their normal operation.

But seasickness affects the reality a little bit too much. It is impossible for such a game to pass the safety review.

If this kind of thing is exposed, Fate will not be able to survive in the market.

Venus knows that because the ratio of gold coins to real currency is too high, Fate has absorbed countless funds. It is still in the take-off stage, and many people have not yet paid back. If Fate crashes at this time, it will have an immeasurable impact on the real economy. Impact.

Although the truth is not yet known, Venus' keen intuition has already noticed something is wrong.

"It's a bit strange." Venus murmured.

Su Ming nodded and said:
"I also feel strange, offline and not on the boat, why do I still get dizzy?"

Venus shrugged his shoulders and said:

"Who knows...but we still have to make sure."

Later, Venus spoke in the team channel:
"Are any of you seasick?"

When asked, many people responded:
"Huh? Is the vice president also seasick? What a coincidence."

"Haha, this game is so realistic, seasickness is simulated."

"A count for seasickness," said Venus.

Immediately four people reported that they had symptoms of seasickness, not as dramatic as Dying of Light, but just a little sick to their stomachs.

"Go back to the city." Venus said half-jokingly, "There are no seasick people allowed on my boat."

"Don't be vice president, it's just a little bit, and it won't affect the battle."

"That's right, the attributes haven't even been lowered."

They haven't realized that it's because they haven't lowered their attributes that things are serious.

"Go back to the city quickly, and I will give each of you 200 gold coins for hard work. Find Jianxi to reimburse you." Venus said.

As soon as these words came out, there were a dozen more seasick people in the team...

But they were all joking, except for the 4 people who got seasick at the beginning and left, everyone else was still on the boat.

After letting the seasick person go away, Venus said to Su Ming:
"Brother Su Ming, I'll go offline to investigate something, and you will take care of the ship for the time being."

"En. Leave it to me."

Just as Venus was about to go offline, a piercing singing sound passed through the crack of the door and entered the ears of the two.

 Still... didn't make up for it...continue to owe one more.

  This plot seems to be very unpleasant. Since the emergence of the intelligent brain, there have been less than 300 additional subscriptions. After this chapter is published, there may not even be 200 subscriptions... I cried.

  I also struggled to write... But once I have written it all, there is no turning back, so I can only bite the bullet and write.

  If you don't like the plot, I hope you can come back and watch it later...


  It may be easier to write after driving Venus and the others off the ship.

(End of this chapter)

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