Chapter 342 Unlocking the Heart

At Su Ming's request, Manyi agreed not to tell the story and left the warehouse.

Greine looked ashamed and lowered his head, not daring to look at Su Ming.

"Uncle Glennie, when did this crab appear on the boat? Also, why did you kidnap Manyi? Just because he beat you before?" Su Ming tried his best to sound gentle.

Glenn cautiously looked around and clenched his fists. The three corpses in his vision were right behind Su Ming at this moment, pulling at Su Ming's eyes, shoulders and knees, as if he wanted to drag Su Ming into the sea together.

Glennie's eyes widened, and the corners of his mouth trembled. When he opened his mouth and wanted to tell the truth, the three corpses rushed towards him, whispering in his ear:

"Take us away, take us away..."

A dead body held his hand and ran to the deck—this scene appeared many times, and every time, Glenny would come to the deck and jump into the ocean, but he could wake up before jumping into the sea every time. Come on, nothing happened.

"No, I don't want it, please let me go!" Granny cried loudly.

Su Ming frowned, watching Granny act.

In Su Ming's eyes, Glenny is now like a mime actor. Even though no one is pulling him, he still stretches out a hand, leans his body, and runs staggeringly.

Su Ming took two steps forward and pulled Glennie to hold him. With his strength attributes, Glennie, a chef, would never be able to break free.

Staring at Granny's horrified eyes, Su Ming asked:
"Is it the sinking of the ship before?"

Hearing the words "wrecked ship", the tilted Granny stood up straight and nodded towards Su Ming.

"Tell me everything, I will help you." Su Ming said.

Granny murmured:
"Let's go, we can't say it here, they will hear it."

In this way, Su Ming followed Glennie to the kitchen. Glennie poked his head out from the door, carefully checked the corridor, and closed the door after making sure there was no one there. He leaned against the door and said to Su Ming:

"They're coming for me."


"The person I threw into the sea."

Su Ming pulled a small bench for Glenny to sit on, handed him a glass of water, and said:

"Tell me everything, what have you seen in the past few days?"

Granny nodded and told Su Ming about his memory.

The general content is that after the sinking of the ship, he and three crew members drifted in the sea as a lifeboat. After they were all bitten by sharks and died, he personally ended their lives and survived with their blood. It stinks, so he threw all the corpses into the sea.

"No." Su Ming knew Granny's story, and he said, "You didn't throw them into the sea, you brought them all back."

"Captain, don't comfort me, they are all here now!" Granny pressed Su Ming's shoulder and said, "Didn't you say you wanted to help me?! Why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't lie to you." Su Ming looked at Granny quietly.

"Then these are all fake!" Grenny yelled.

"It's all fake." Su Ming stood up and pushed open the kitchen door.

"What are you doing! They will come in!"

"Come with me, I'll show you something." Su Ming said to Glennie, "Follow me, they can't beat me, don't worry."

Su Ming walked out, looking at Su Ming's back, Glenn gritted his teeth, and followed him. Behind Su Ming, he waved his arms to drive away the corpses, his movements looked quite funny.

As Su Ming walked in the aisle, the wooden planks around him turned into concrete walls from time to time, and a realistic "safe passage" appeared on the floor. He lay on the ambulance bed and was pushed forward quickly.

The corridor started to move on its own like a treadmill, and even turned and twisted to the front of a ward. The door of the ward opened, and Su Ming's legs lost feeling and stopped in place.

"I don't want to go in! Don't bother me now!" Su Ming took a deep breath, his chest rose and fell, breaking the illusion.

"Captain, what's the matter?" Granny bumped into Su Ming's back and asked, "Have you been caught by them?"

"No, I was thinking about something."

Su Ming regained consciousness in both legs, and led Granny to a room.

"My room?" Gray wondered, "What are you going to show me?"

"You showed it to me before." Su Ming asked Granny to open the room, and went straight to the bedside table, ready to open the drawer.

In the drawer, there were several newspapers, which, like serial novels, recorded the whole process of Glennie being shipwrecked, the lifeboat was found, he was slandered as an ogre, and then the case was overturned.

In the photos, there is a picture of him being taken up with his companions, and a picture of him burying his companions.

These things were all shown to Su Ming by Glennie when he was dealing with the people on the ship. This is what he used to prove to others that he is not an ogre, and now he can help him in turn.

Seeing that Su Ming was going to touch the drawer, Granny's face changed drastically, and he shouted:
"Don't open it!"

Affected by hallucinations, Granny thought it was his murder weapon, and he has been afraid to open it these days.

Su Ming opened the drawer, and there was a stack of newspapers inside. Su Ming turned around and asked:
"Why can't it be opened?"

Glennie looked at a drawer of newspapers with a confused expression on his face. He squatted down, rummaged through the imaginary murder weapon, and murmured:
"Why not? What are these?"

Su Ming found a photo of Glennie being rescued for the first time, and said:

"Look, are you and your three companions up there? You've brought them all back."

"How could it be?" Grenny's pupils vibrated, he grabbed the newspaper tightly, and quickly read it.

After he flipped through one by one, the expression on his face became more and more calm. When he saw the photo of himself presenting flowers to his companions in the cemetery, he couldn't help crying.

"It's all fake." Glenn looked at Su Ming, unable to tell whether he was smiling or crying, and said, "It's all fake!"

Seeing Glennie's appearance, Su Ming thought that Glennie should be fine, so he stood up, patted Glennie on the shoulder and said:
"Yes, it's all fake, so don't be suspicious anymore, and make the food better. I've suffered a lot these days."

"En." Granny nodded, wiped away tears, and asked, "Captain, what's going on?"

"I don't know, but the only thing I'm sure of is that it's all the fault of Uncharted Sea."

"Has everyone been affected?"

"Well, tell me again, when you have hallucinations, do you have those symptoms."

Granny nodded, and told Su Ming about his status these days.

"Whispering, can't sleep at night, sees others as hallucinations, and occasionally wakes up." Su Ming nodded while listening, and recorded all the key points.

The manifestation of NPC hallucinations is still different from his. For example, he can't hear whispers, doesn't need to sleep, and basically keeps awake...

Lack of sleep is indeed more susceptible to being affected. Su Ming escaped unharmed because of his advanced game equipment and special illness.

"Is there any more?" Su Ming asked.

Granny shook his head.

"Okay, I see. If you have other hallucinations, remember to tell me as soon as possible. I will help you." Su Ming said, "Before the hallucinations are resolved, you should go to sleep quickly. According to what you said, The people on the boat may not have slept much in the past four days, no wonder everyone is so depressed."

Granny nodded, he stopped Su Ming before Su Ming left his room, and asked:

"Captain, are you not hallucinating?"

Su Ming paused at the door, turned around, and said with a smile:


Granny gave a relaxed smile and said:

"Great, as expected of the captain, I believe you will be able to take us out of the mysterious sea."

"En. Just trust me." Su Ming closed the door and said, "Have a good rest."

 In theory, I still owe 2 chapters, and I will pay it back slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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