Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 343 Change the course

Chapter 343 Changing the route (please subscribe~)

Su Ming returned to the captain's cabin. He sat at the desk, lit the oil lamp, took out the whetstone, and repaired the damaged equipment on his body.

Through Glennie's incident, Su Ming has a deeper understanding of what is happening on the Dolphin.

The illusions you see can be roughly divided into two categories.

The first is the last thing you want to face, typical examples are Glenn and himself;

The second is what you desire the most. A typical example is Leier. Su Ming knows that she will occasionally treat him as a girl, because Leier gave him skirts to wear in the past two days, but he refused them all...

Whether the illusion can be resolved is not known at the moment, at least until tomorrow to see if the food made by Granny is good.

However, even if it can be resolved, Su Ming has no good way to help everyone, because not everyone is like Granny, who happens to have one item on the boat that can relieve the knot.

"We still have to leave the mysterious sea." Su Ming thought.

To leave Uncharted, there are two key characters, Rael and Leo.

The Dolphin drifted around in circles on the sea, a large part of the reason was that these two NPCs were unwilling to leave, and they both had other things to do in the mysterious sea; except for these two NPCs, and Man Yi and the others who followed Leo, the other NPCs were not as good as the mysterious The sea has nothing to do with it, and you don't want to stay in Uncharted.

To solve this problem, there are two ways.

One is to kill Leier and Leo, and directly sail the boat and leave the mysterious sea area. This method is definitely impossible for Su Ming, and he has never even thought about it...

The second method was also what Su Ming thought of and was going to do at the first time. He had to complete the tasks related to these two NPCs.

Although it will delay some time, there is no other way.

After making up his mind, Su Ming continued to think about the situations that might arise during the mission and the solutions, and now everything can only depend on himself.

Su Ming sometimes wonders, does Su Qiaoqiao feel lonely and powerless when she takes care of him alone?

After only four days, he felt a little tired. Thinking of Su Qiaoqiao's three years of experience, he would inevitably feel a little distressed.

He thought that Su Qiaoqiao must never be allowed to experience despair again.

"Whether it's for myself or my sister, I must leave the mysterious sea safely. Come on." After encouraging himself, Su Ming opened the forum and found the post posted by the Venus trumpet today. I went to search for news related to the mysterious sea.

As before, there are only official introductions on the forum.

After looking at it for a while, Su Ming began to refine medicine. Venus had prepared sufficient medicinal materials for Su Ming before, allowing him to have something to do at night.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the oil lamp gradually burned out, and there was a little light outside the window.

Su Ming arranged the prepared potions by color, opened the door of the captain's cabin, walked to the deck to breathe fresh air, and dropped 200 gold coins into the prow of the evil god, so that both himself and the Dolphin could get attribute buffs.

Then he jumped into the sea and started leveling with monsters.

In the mysterious sea, as long as you dive more than 100 meters, you can see many monsters.

Because of the 100% pain setting, Su Ming is not as fast as before when fighting ordinary monsters, but it is not too slow. After all, he is a beast trainer, and pets are still the main force of the battle. I'm used to it, and I'm not so timid when fighting.

After leveling under the sea until 7:30, Su Ming caught up with the Dolphin and returned to the deck by using the ship return skill.

Leyle was standing at the door of the captain's cabin with bread in her hand.

7:30 is her previous morning exercise time.

"Sister Leier, I'm here." Su Ming shook off the water on his body and called Leier.

Leier turned around, handed the bread to Su Ming with a blank expression, and said:

"After breakfast, let's start training."

"En." Su Ming took a bite of the bread, it tasted delicious, and asked, "Did you get it from Uncle Granny?"

"En." Leier was eating bread herself: "His craft has improved a lot."

It seems that Granny has no new hallucinations for the time being.

"Sister Leier, I want to tell you something."

"You can't do it if you don't want to practice." Rael said in advance.

"It's not about this, I want to say, let's go to 'Weevo Island' and get back the glory of our ancestors."

Leier looked at Su Ming suspiciously, and asked:

"Didn't you always want to leave the mysterious sea first?"

Su Ming's hair grew longer in Leier's eyes. She seemed to return to the sunny afternoon in her memory. She also made a sudden decision and agreed to help her father guard the iron box.

But Su Ming contradicted her. She agreed first and then began to practice swords, while Su Ming started training first and then agreed.

"If I don't go, you will make trouble again and deliberately sail the wrong boat."

Leier didn't expect Su Ming to see it, she blushed with shame, and whispered:


"It's okay, we have to solve the problem." Su Ming said seriously: "When I get back my sister's things, you can no longer be willful, because of your affairs, everyone will accompany you to take risks, so when you encounter things next , you must follow my command."


Leo, who got up early, heard this conversation. With bloodshot eyes, he rushed to Su Ming and said sadly:

"Captain, I'm your grandfather, how can you help outsiders first and not me?"

Rael frowned and said:
"What are you talking about? How could the captain be your grandson? The granddaughter is almost the same."

"Nonsense, the captain wears a handle! I pinched him when he was born!" Leo said, and was about to take off Su Ming's pants to prove it to Leier.

Su Ming dodged in a panic, and said angrily:

"Uncle Leo, if you do this again, I will ignore you!"

Leo was most afraid that his "grandson" would hate him, so he immediately gave up chasing Su Ming, rubbed his head and said:
"I'm sorry, grandpa was wrong. But you have to help me, your soul is still with the Ghost Pirates. Is it more important to help this woman get back her things than to get back your own things?"

"First come, first served." Su Ming said: "After helping Sister Leier, I will help you, Uncle Leo, on the premise that you can no longer interfere with the sailors' work while sailing."

Leo touched his head, showing a few rotten teeth and smirking:

"So you know it all. Grandpa is also for your own good. Without a soul, even if he dies, he will not be peaceful."

Because of the reason of "first come, first served", Leo accepted it without any obstacles.In his eyes, his grandson is just such a rigid and inflexible person, and Su Ming overlaps his grandson almost perfectly in his eyes.

Because of Su Ming's relationship, the two NPCs, Leyle and Leo, have not fallen into the same mad state as Granny except that they can't distinguish between reality and hallucinations.

"Then hurry up, change the course now, and set off for 'Weevo Island'." Su Ming took out the nautical chart and handed it to Leo: "I'm going to train now, so I'll trouble you, uncle."

"Well, you go to training, I'll sail the boat."

Leo didn't particularly object to Su Ming being beaten all over his body during training. He felt that boys should suffer a little when they are fine, so that they can make others suffer when they are busy.

Just like that, the Dolphin turned around and started heading to "Weivo Island" where the Phaseless Demon was located. Su Ming stayed longer in the mysterious sea area again.

Bang bang sounded on the deck, and every time Su Ming climbed up, he could always hold on longer in Leier's hands. Leier often lamented that Su Ming's profession was a beast trainer, saying that he wasted his talent...

At 8:30 in the training, Su Ming called to stop the training, rang the ship bell, called all the crew members to the deck to count the number of people, and then led them to run on the deck, shouting "121", which can be regarded as boosting morale a way.

The crew members are more active about the exercise, because when everyone gathers together, the hallucinations will disappear for a short time, but they can't gather for too long, because if they gather for too long, they will have the idea of ​​hurting others.

After the exercise, the crew is ready to eat and do their own work.

Although Su Ming did not play a key role in other NPCs, because he regulated the behavior of the crew and formulated some things that must be done, he also established some prestige in the hearts of the crew. As long as he appeared in front of the crew, he could suppress fear , Control the role of desire.

Under the influence of Su Ming, the Dolphin sailed safely in the mysterious sea for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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