Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 345 Biological Corrosion Potion

Chapter 345 Biological Corrosion Potion (Please Subscribe~)

Leier found a path in the woods, and Su Ming and she walked along this path.

The vegetation on Wevo Island is flourishing. Under the influence of magic and demon energy, many carnivorous plants were born. They usually hide and remain motionless. When prey pass by them, they will launch a swift and violent attack.

After Su Ming entered the woods, he was attacked many times, and he blocked them all with his shield.

After Su Ming blocked the attack of the plant monster, the three pets surrounded him, and the monster could be dealt with quickly.

"The materials dropped by these plant monsters are high-grade medicine refining materials. If there is no problem in the mysterious sea area, Sister Venus can take over this small island." Su Ming thought so, and first took the Wevo Island The coordinates of are marked.

Suddenly, Su Ming heard Berserk and Silver Time calling for help, and both he and Leyle stopped.

"Let's go and have a look." Su Ming said, and then ran in the direction of the cry for help.

Su Ming galloped through the woods at a speed of more than 500, and soon arrived at the scene of the incident. He saw the mad sword and the silver time hanging by vines.

Seeing the players, Su Ming was very happy. Seeing the two of them in distress, they probably were not the opponents of the piranha, so Su Ming made a move.

Perfect tactics!

Su Ming waved his magic wand, and teleported Dandan around the two of them, letting Dandan take them away with each claw.

The piranha was robbed of its food, and became furious, and twitched the vines towards the egg. The egg was protected by dragon scales and ice crystal eggshells, and it was fine to be whipped by the piranha, but suffered from Berserk and Silver Time. Hitting and screaming, there is no image at all...

"Eggy, dragon's breath!"

Upon hearing Su Ming's order, Eggy turned her head and breathed out the dragon's breath, freezing the piranha into ice cubes.

Scary Piranha (LV42, Gold Boss): 435029/520000.

Before Su Ming arrived, the piranha was knocked out of some blood by Kuang Jian and Silver Time, but because of the unbearable pain, after the piranha activated a wide range of skills and could not dodge, the two began to fight. fled.

Taking advantage of the piranha being frozen, Dandan flew to Su Ming with two people and left them behind.

"Spores?" Although the style of equipment on Su Ming's body has changed, Berserk still recognized Su Ming at a glance.

In the last battle with Ge Geyou, Su Ming's super high output ability left a deep impression on him.

"Someone really came to rescue?" Silver Time looked surprised, he recognized the heart necklace on Su Ming's chest as the epic necklace snatched by Zero Zero Two, and was slightly taken aback.

Su Ming was very happy. There were really players on the island, and judging from the reactions of these two people, the influence of the mysterious sea was not as deep as that of NPCs.

Su Ming said to the two:

Let's have a good chat after I win this golden boss. "

The piranha struggled in the ice, and there was a crack outside the ice, but at this time, Kuro and Zaemon had already arrived.

The piranha threw the acid out of the flower, and Su Ming ran to the left, avoiding the acid attack, and waved the magic wand by the way, launching a magic ball to attack.

While attacking in a circle, Su Ming gradually approached the piranha. When he got within 10 yards, Su Ming not only had to face the acid attack, but also faced the dancing vines.

The vine's attack looks impenetrable, but Su Ming now has more than 2000 points of armor, more than 4 health points, plus the blood recovery effect brought by the epic belt and Xiaojin, the problem of hard resistance is not too big.

More than 2000 points of damage floated from Su Ming's head. He gritted his teeth and shot out the "Deconstruction Ray". After applying a 15% damage-increasing debuff to the piranha, he began to retreat.

After receiving Su Ming's order, Xiao Hei and Zaemon immediately opened fire.

The viscous liquid blasted nearly 2500 damage on the piranha, and each bubble gun can also cause about [-] damage. In the combo attack mode, Xiao Hei's continuous output ability is also good.

Zaemon uses blade teeth, whirlwind slash, and double-edged gouge to output, bursting out more than 3 damage.

Although the damage caused by Berserk Sword and Silver Time is still higher, when the two of them ran away, the hatred had been reduced a little, so now that Su Ming broke out, he immediately attracted the hatred away.

The piranha doesn't know which organ roared, the part of the vines connected to the body oozes out acid, and soon covers all the vines, being hit by these vines will cause additional acid burn damage, and can also cause 15% armor penetration and magic resistance reduction effects.

Both Berserk and Silver Time couldn't help but backed away. The two of them escaped, largely because of the piranha, a skill that can cause continuous damage.

Even if the life value recovers, it still hurts.

But looking at Su Ming's situation on the battlefield, he seemed to have no intention of retreating at all.

"Has his pain level not changed?" Silver Time said.

Kuang Jian observed more carefully, he said:

"Look at the twitching of his face, doesn't he seem to be in pain..."

"But he's a beast trainer, he's a little better than us." Silver Time said, "At least he doesn't have to be beaten all the time, and his blood recovery speed is too fast..."

Su Ming's current blood recovery in battle, with the addition of Xiao Jin, epic belt, and compassionate heart, can recover more than 600 per second. This blood recovery speed is faster than most players' recovery speed when they are out of battle. If it is not in the mysterious Hai Yu could feel the pain, and the corrosive attack of the piranha had no effect on Su Ming.

Su Ming was not a masochist. After Xiao Hei stabilized his hatred, he gradually withdrew from the piranha's attack range and commanded the pets to fight. The pain on his body disappeared as his health was full.

Generally speaking, even with 100% pain value, the player still has an advantage when fighting.

Dealing with a golden boss is not difficult for Su Ming now, and it will not even take long. Xiaohei, Eggy, and Xiaojin continue to output, and Zaemon occasionally explodes. In less than 5 minutes, this is only for Kuangjian The piranha, which caused a lot of trouble with Silver Time, fell down.

A level 41 gold jacket, a blueprint, and gold coins burst out on the ground. Su Ming didn't foolishly share it with Kuang Jian and the others. He basically defeated the boss by himself, so he directly took it down. Everything was taken away.

The gold equipment can be kept until Xiao Hei reaches level 40. He doesn't know how long it will take before he can communicate with the outside world, so he needs to prepare some equipment in advance.

The recipe is an advanced potion recipe.

Biological corrosion potion formula: need piranha acid*3, piranha leaves*6, neutralizing potion*1, advanced stability potion*1.

Biological Corrosion Potion: After drinking, the character's attack will ignore the enemy's (5%+200) points of armor and magic resistance for 5 minutes.Drug resistance: 1.

Similar products on the market are all ointments, and their efficacy is less than 1/4 of it, and it is better to drink it...

"The damage-increasing potion has a 5% percentage of 200 points of fixed penetration. If it is used to deal with players, it is basically about 15% penetration. It is a big improvement and can be sold for more than 20 gold."

Su Ming directly learned the potion formula. After entering the mysterious sea area, although there were many strange things, the harvest was still very good. Even a golden boss can burst out a valuable potion formula, which can be regarded as making him happy. thing.

(End of this chapter)

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