Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 346 The Murals in the Cave

Chapter 346 The Murals in the Cave
After counting the harvest, Su Ming trotted to Kuangjian and Silver Time, greeted them, and asked how they entered the mysterious sea and why they came to Weve Island.

Because the mysterious sea was too weird, Berserk and Silver Time did not hide anything, and told Su Ming the reason and purpose of their coming here, hoping to seek some help.

"That is to say, you can also see phantoms?" Su Ming asked.

"Yes, I always walk and there is a staircase in front of me." Kuangjian said, "I once fell down the stairs and broke my leg."

Silver Time said very unhappily:

"I always see scenes where my ex-girlfriend greens me, grass..."

Kuang Jian patted Silver Time's shoulder and said with a smile:
"You are so handsome, you will be green."

"It's not enough to be handsome when you're in love. Some people just like to be cheap..." Silver Time said, and saw the green man hugging his ex-girlfriend again. He waved his fist angrily and punched him twice After punching, he realized that it was an illusion. After waving his hand to drive away, he said angrily, "This game also fucking scans our brains. This is a violation of our right to privacy. I want to sue it."

Kuang Jian echoed:
"Yeah, even if it is a special point for this map, it can't pry into our privacy. And the setting of 100% pain level is too unreasonable.

I bet something is wrong with this game.This ghost game company doesn't know where it got so much energy to block the entire network..."

After the danger was lifted and safety was ensured, the two started talking endlessly. From their mouths, Su Ming also had a deeper understanding of the player's state after going offline in the mysterious sea.

Like Su Ming, these two people have a curse. Silver Time, like Su Ming, is a ghost curse, and Berserk is a brand new curse.

The Curse of the Deep Sea—Mad Shark: You are a shark that chases blood, and you can perceive the occurrence of killing through ocean currents.

When in water: +25% movement speed, +15% damage, +100 perception, 100% enlarged view of the minimap, and additional system prompts.

When on land: -25% movement speed, -100 perception, 100% smaller field of view on the small map, no longer prompting monster information.

Because of this curse, Berserk would occasionally receive a system prompt that "XXX has an elite (BOSS) monster". He was originally asked to fight, but after entering the mysterious sea, he used it as a reminder to avoid...

"Then will you receive similar prompts in reality?" Su Ming asked.

Silver Time said that after he goes offline, he will also hear the whispers of ghost pirates.

"That's not true. To be honest, I didn't know that curses can affect reality until I met Time. My curse didn't affect my real life." Kuang Jian said.

"It's like the attributes in the game won't really make us stronger... Many things still only take effect in the game." Silver Time said.

After chatting for a while, Su Ming agreed to take the two of them off the island and asked:
"The two of you have been on the island for so long, have you met an NPC? Or, have you seen an iron box?"

Kuangjian and Silver Time shook their heads, saying they hadn't seen it.

Su Ming and Leier looked at each other, Leier thought of the corpse on the beach and said:

"It may have been snatched."

"Let's search the island for a while and see if we can find some clues." Su Ming said, "If there is no result before we find dinner, let's leave first."

Rael agreed, at this moment, Kuang Jian suddenly said:
"Speaking of which, I saw a cave on the island, but it was guarded by a BOSS. I haven't looked into it. Maybe there are clues there?"

"What is the strength of the boss?"

"It's almost like a piranha."

"Take me to see."


Standing in front of the cave were three rotten corpses of pirates. This time, Leier fought directly and cooperated with Su Ming to solve the battle in a few strokes, and everyone entered the cave.

There are traces of human habitation inside the cave, with a bed and a stone table.

On the wall of the cave, there are murals carved - to the effect that a sea monster attacked the village, and then a beautiful girl, in order to protect the village, married the sea monster, and held a grand wedding with the sea monster in the village , followed the sea monster and left.

On the mural, the sea monster gave the girl an orb with a star inside as a token of love. The token of love was specially circled, and the words "Bruce Island" were carved underneath.

"The meaning of this mural is the meaning of this unknown orb in Bruce Island?" Kuang Jian looked at the mural and wondered.

"It should be, to be precise, the NPC who lives in this cave has found out the information that the gem is on Bruce Island, and it should have already set off for it." Silver Time added.

Both of them are game masters, and they are still very keen on mission information.

"Then what does this have to do with Sister Leier's ancestor glory?" Su Ming asked.

"Maybe it's a key or something," said Silver Time.

In fact, the glory of the ancestors is a combat power for Stherda, and he needs the glory of the ancestors to be able to explore the Ruins of Tratu on Bruce Island.

"Do you know where Bruce Island is?" Kuang Jian asked Su Ming.

Su Ming shook his head.

"I know." Leyle stared at the pictures on the wall on the other side. The traces of those pictures were relatively new, and they were the nautical charts deduced by Stherda based on the stars. Su Ming and the others couldn't understand them, but Leyle could.

Leier pointed to the messy nautical chart for Su Ming and the others, and said:

"We are here, and Bruce Island is here. At the speed of the Dolphin, if you use the lost track to sail, captain, if there is no accident, you can arrive in a day."

Su Ming, Kuangjian, and Silver Time took a closer look, but they couldn't understand it anyway, but the NPC said so, so just do what she said.

"Then let's go back to the ship." Su Ming said with a smile, "The operation is still going well."

Rael couldn't be happier:

"If it is, you two adventurers have been on the island for a while, and the ancestor's glory has been taken away for a long time, maybe all the things inside have been used up, and the person who carries the ancestor's glory may also leave Bruce Island gone."

"No matter what, we have to go to Bruce Island first." Su Ming pressed Leier's shoulder, let her look at him and said, "When you are in the sea, don't be too sad, otherwise the illusion will erode faster."

Rael forced a smile, feeling in her heart that she might not be able to recover the glory of her ancestors.The things that the family has guarded for many years have been passed down to her generation and lost, and she is inevitably a little disappointed in her heart, feeling that all the efforts she made when she was young were in vain.

After getting new clues, the four returned to the Dolphin together.

Seeing that Su Ming came back so soon, the crew members on the deck spread the news. The crew members ran out from the cabin to meet Su Ming, checked whether Su Ming was normal, and poked Su Ming's head to look around... …

After confirming that Su Ming was still the same Su Ming, the Dolphin set sail again.

 Thank you "Zheng Huaiyuan is me" for the 100-point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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