Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 347 Clear Spirit Potion and Dilevwei

Chapter 347 Clear Spirit Potion and Dilevwei (please subscribe~)

After Kuangjian and Silver Time boarded the ship, they learned that NPCs would also be affected by illusions, so it was not surprising that Su Ming regulated the life of the crew and led the crew to shout slogans.

Ships still depend on the coordination of NPCs to move. If the NPCs are crazy, then there is no need to play. The two of them regard Su Ming's behavior as a "mission requirement".

In comparison, Su Ming and Leier's training process surprised them even more. It's not that they couldn't understand the purpose of Su Ming's training, but they felt that the whole process was too cruel. Without the help of pets, only a magic dagger and Su Ming, who fought with Leier, was almost unilaterally abused...

Mad Sword and Silver Time leaned against the railing of the deck, watching Su Ming being knocked into the air again and again.

Every time Su Ming flew out, the corner of Silver Time's mouth would twitch, as if it wasn't Su Ming who was beaten, but him...

Silver Time turned around and asked Berserk:
"He is a beast trainer, is there any need to do this? He also took off the epic equipment, do you think this is weight training?"

"No wonder he can still fight normally on the island. He should be used to it." Kuang Jian stared at Su Ming who was training, and his heart was about to move, and he wanted to try it too.

Silver Time rolled his eyes, feeling that this kind of thing is unreasonable:
"Can you really get used to pain?"

When he saw Kuang Jian approaching Su Ming, he shouted:

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"I'll try it too."

In this way, Kuangjian also joined the ranks of being beaten, and Silver Time was there to nurse Kuangjian to help him recover. Kuangjian can't last for a long time, and his toughness is not as good as Su Ming. However, I believe that next time he encounters a battle, He ran away without getting hurt.

Silver Time himself had no intention of being beaten, but he couldn't resist the persuasion of Su Ming and Kuangjian, and finally agreed to PK with Kuangjian. After being beaten twice, he refused to fight no matter what...

Training this kind of thing is not for everyone.


It is said that it is only one day's journey from Huevo Island to Bruce Island, but that is because Su Ming keeps using the lost track to navigate, it actually takes longer, and it is not until the afternoon of the second day that he arrives. Bruce Island.

In the waters near Bruce Island, the dark clouds dispersed, the sea became very calm, and there was a rare sunny day.

Bruce Island is a relatively large island. Su Ming looked at it with a telescope from the observatory, and found that there are still civilized buildings such as docks and houses.

"In the mysterious sea, there are still settlements? Is it human?"

Su Ming was surprised. He thought to himself, if the people living in the settlement were human beings, they must have found a way to solve the influence of the illusion in the mysterious sea area to live on the island for a long time. Maybe they could find a way to relieve the illusion. If there is no illusion, then in Activities in Uncharted are much easier.

The boats at the pier of Bruce Island were all small fishing boats, and the Dolphin was a giant compared to them, so after the Dolphin entered the pier, the aborigines who were working on the pier fled in panic.

Su Ming led the crew off the boat and stopped a male aborigine.

"Don't kill me!" The male aborigine begged for mercy directly, and Su Ming and the others could understand what he said.

Seeing someone being arrested, other aborigines around stopped in their tracks and took out weapons like harpoons to surround Su Ming. Seeing this, the crew behind Su Ming pulled out their sword blades, and the smell of gunpowder was very strong for a while.

But in a fight, Su Ming's side must be able to easily win. The level of these aborigines does not exceed level 20.

"We have no malicious intentions." Su Ming signaled the crew to put down their weapons, and the intermediary said, "We came here just to ask, have any other ships visited this island recently?"

The natives whispered, and finally a man stood up and said:
"You let him go, I'll take you to see the island owner. You can take at most one subordinate there."

Su Ming agreed and released the blocked NPC back.

The aborigines put away their weapons, and the aborigines who stood up to negotiate just now signaled Su Ming to go with him. Leier followed behind Su Ming as an escort, and the others stayed where they were.


Su Ming followed the aborigines and walked into the village on the island. The village was very primitive without advanced buildings and tools.

In the village, besides dried fish and fishing nets, there are statues wearing masks at most. There is one in front of almost every house, like a door god.

"What's your name?" Su Ming spoke to the guide.


"Have you always lived on this island?"


"Who are these statues?"

"Master Dilevwei, he protects us from going out to sea to catch fish and not being attacked by dangerous monsters."

"Then will you see illusions?" After the weather in the mysterious sea area cleared up, Su Ming observed the situation on board. Everyone's spirits did not improve with the weather, and they should still be disturbed by illusions.

"What phantom?" Nip asked back.

Nip was very sincere, and he answered whatever he asked. If he didn't know, he really didn't know.

"It's nothing."

The village is not big, and Su Ming followed Nip to the island owner's house soon. Even the island owner's home is no different from the ordinary islanders' homes. The only difference is that the statue at the entrance is very big. There are three Mi Duogao, and some NPCs are bowing down to this statue.

Kneeling to the statue should be a common thing in Nip's view. He didn't even say hello to these people, so he went straight to the village chief's house wearing Su Ming.

A thin old man came down the stairs. He was a little panicked when he saw an outsider. Nip trotted over to lean into his ear, whispered a few words, and then backed away.

The island owner walked up to Su Ming and said:
"Hello, adventurer from afar. My name is Terman, and I am the owner of this island. Nipp has already told me about your purpose. Two days ago, a big ship did come. They are now looking for Master Dilevwei, if you want to find them, I can give you a map."

Su Ming was surprised, this went too smoothly... He didn't say anything, he didn't do anything, and he got such specific and accurate information...

In fact, it’s not that Terman never thought of stumbling people on the island. It’s just that when he was stumbling before, he was beat up by Sseda Hai, and several residents on the island were killed. He is now I dare not use force against outsiders anymore, I just want to send Su Ming and the others away as soon as possible.

"Is it far?" Su Ming asked.

"If your boat is fast enough, you can leave now, and you can arrive tonight." Terman hesitated, and then said: "But it's better to go tomorrow morning, Mr. Dilevwei doesn't like to be disturbed while sleeping .”

Under the circumstances that neither side could afford to offend, Terman still chose not to offend Dilevwei.

Su Ming asked curiously:

"Who is Dilevwei?"

"Please respect Dilevwei as your lord." Terman said, "He is the protector of the nearby islands and the spokesperson of the sea god in the world."

Su Ming nodded to show that he understood. This Dilevwei, like Miao Mi, may be a key NPC in a certain area. If the news is correct, then Dilevwei should be very powerful. The orb may have been kept by Dilevwei.

"Please give me a map to find Mr. Dilevwei, I will go to him tomorrow morning." Su Ming said.

Terman nodded and said to Su Ming:
"I will prepare a rich dinner for you, and I hope your men will not harm the islanders,"

"Of course not, and there's no need for dinner. We'll just spend the night on the boat." Su Ming said with a smile, "But I might hang out on the island for a while."

He wanted to find out if there were any bosses on the island. There would always be many bosses alive on the maps that players were involved with for the first time. Su Ming could easily deal with bosses below dark gold by himself now.

You can buy some more equipment for Xiao Hei to eat.

"Please." Terman emphasized: "Just don't hurt my islanders."

Terman is a responsible island owner.

Su Ming agreed to come down, and when he was about to leave, he asked Terman about the phantom. Terman asked Su Ming the number of people on board, and then gave Su Ming a potion corresponding to the number of people.

Purifying Potion: After taking it, players, NPCs of combat occupations not exceeding level 40, and NPCs of living occupations not exceeding master level can be immune to the phantom effects of "Uncharted Sea".Hold for 24 hours.Drug resistance: 1.

The Qingling potion is housed in a glass bottle, pink and purple in color, very dreamy.

Su Ming got the potion and was overjoyed, it was exactly what he needed most.

"How much more of this potion is there? Or do you know how to make it?" Su Ming asked.

Terman shook his head and said:
"There are many potions, but I can't give you any more. If you see Master Dilevwei tomorrow, you can ask him for it. The method of making it is also in the hands of Master Dilevwei."

Su Ming felt that the people on the island were very honest, and they could compete with him...

After thanking Terman and taking away the map to find Dilevwei, Su Ming and Leier returned to the Dolphin.


When Su Ming returned to the Dolphin, he dispensed the spirit potion for the crew to drink.

After drinking the potion, the ship burst into cries of joy, followed by endless exhaustion. They hadn't slept for a long time, and their spirits returned to normal, so they couldn't hold on.

Su Ming told them all to go back to sleep.

When distributing the potion, Su Ming specifically asked them who had a master-level life occupation, and finally found that Glennie was a master chef. Do not rely on potions.

After drinking the potion, Mad Sword and Silver Time are also ready to go offline to rest. The curse on them is not so unbearable compared to "Chasing Tomorrow". It was only because of hallucinations that they couldn't sleep well.

Both Leo and Rael are over level 40, so the spirit potion is useless to them, so we must find other ways.

The moon and stars rose, and a big stone in Su Ming's heart was put down. He opened the forum and searched for the post posted by the Venus trumpet as usual. When he was about to like it, he suddenly discovered that the content of the post posted by Venus today was somewhat different. .

A few days ago, Venus sent some meaningless characters or emoticons, but today, Venus sent the words "four more days".

Su Ming quickly understood what Venus meant, and he thought to himself:
"Does this mean that there are still four days left in this weird situation?"

Counting the time, Su Ming has been in the mysterious sea for almost 2 weeks.

"When Sister Venus comes back, you can start selling the 'biological corrosion potion'. If you can meet Dilevwei tomorrow and get the formula for the clear spirit potion, it should sell well. Players want to enter the mysterious For sea exploration, this potion is almost a must.”

After staying with Venus for a long time, Su Ming's sensitivity to the potion market has also improved.

After clicking likes, Su Ming confessed to Leier and Leo, then got off the boat and went to the island to fight the boss.


In an unnamed palace on an unnamed island.

Dilevwei leaned on the throne. He was completely different from those wretched statues on Bruce Island. His muscles were as perfect as marble statues. He had blue hair. It is the image of a handsome man.

On both sides of the throne, a maid pinched his legs and a maid rubbed his shoulders, enjoying it very much.

Under the throne, Terman knelt down, not daring to raise his head.

Terman came to report the news that Su Ming was going to the island, and he arrived at Dilevwei's palace one step earlier than Su Ming by relying on the teleportation array.

"That is to say, you told someone else where I am? You are driving flies to me like this every three days, Terman, I think the owner of Bruce Island should be changed..."

"Master Dilevwei, I can't help it. They are too strong, and the islanders of Bruce Island have no ability to resist." Terman said: "However, the people who come this time should be more than before. The people of the island are better, and they defeated some monsters on the island who often harassed the islanders."

"Okay, okay, I know, I will deal with it..." Dilevwei said: "There should be more ships in the mysterious sea area recently, if you meet people from the mysterious sea area again, you can use Qingling Exchange the potion with them for goods, a bottle of potion, let him exchange 5 or 6 fish."

The price mentioned by Dilevwei is roughly equivalent to 50 or 60 gold coins.

"Ah..." Terman said with cold sweat on his head, "I just sent out fifty bottles yesterday."

Dilevwei was very speechless. The aborigines in the mysterious sea have not been in contact with the outside world for a long time. Fifty bottles of medicine will make a fuss...

He waved his hand and said:
"It's okay, you can go and get it again. There is a lot of potion. Don't think about exchanging more fish and deducting the share from the islanders. If I find out, I will kill you directly, you understand?"

"Yes, I dare not."

After Terman left, Dilevwei left the throne and walked outside the palace. He stared into the distance, and two clouds of water mist appeared in front of him, and different scenes were played in the water mist.

The mist on the left is the scene where Su Ming's Dolphin is wrapped in mist and moving forward at high speed.

"Is it the curse of the Ghost Pirates?" Dilevwei raised his eyebrows. "Because of the news of the Pirate King, there have indeed been more pirates from outside the region recently. Unfortunately, few of them can survive."

The mist on the right shows a ruin on the bottom of the sea. In the abandoned building, Formless Mosselda and Pursuing Tomorrow are wandering around inside.

"What a waste, it's been two days and I still haven't found the location of my mother's grave..."

Dilevwe is the child of the woman in the cave painting on Weve Island, and the sea monster is his father.

Due to various reasons, the relationship between Dilevwei and the sea monster's father was not good, so after the sea monster died, he did not give its most important "Ocean Star Fragment" to Dilevwei, but buried the fragments in his wife's in the grave.

Dilevwei, just as the sea monster expected, has never been cruel to steal the fragments because of respect for his mother, but recently various forces in the mysterious sea area have become more and more frequent.

Many signs indicate that the ruler of the mysterious sea, "Ocean Gemini", is about to wake up, and the hallucinations in the mysterious sea are whispers in the dreams of the twin stars.

Once they wake up, even an overlord like Dilevwei will submit to others, so they must resist.

The main props used to resist are the fragments of the ocean star. Only by mastering the fragments of the ocean star can they continue to rule or protect the people in their territory without being affected by the ocean twin stars.

However, perhaps because the time was too long, Dilevwei forgot the specific location of his mother's tomb, and only remembered that the approximate location was in the Ruins of Tratu...

He could have violently destroyed the Tratu ruins and forcibly found his mother's tomb, but that would damage his mother's tomb, which was unacceptable to him.

"Damn hippocampus, bury someone and make it look like a maze, it's really unlucky to be your son..."

Dilevwei scratched his hair, looked at the Dolphin wrapped in mist again, and thought:
"I hope you are smarter."

(End of this chapter)

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