Chapter 349 Memory Test

The test begins.

In front of Su Ming, a 5-minute countdown appeared.

He turned over the first poker card, which was "Red Diamond 10". He opened the private chat window with Silver Time, entered the result, and received a system prompt.

System: The special task is in progress, and the communication function cannot be used during the memory process. Please complete the task patiently.

The other two looked slightly flustered, obviously they had encountered the same situation as Su Ming.

Although there is a big difference from the plan, these two are still regulars on the weekly list after all, and they have a strong ability to adapt to changes. They can't rely on special means between players to cheat, so they can only memorize honestly.

I hope that after 5 minutes, if there is one less monster, there will be one less monster.

Finding that he couldn't communicate, Su Ming soon began to rely on his own memory.

Su Ming has had a good memory since he was born, so good that he can participate in TV programs and use it as a means of earning a living.However, before he became a vegetable, he still used this talent in his studies, which also allowed him to go to a good school without spending much money.

Now, when the red square 10 is turned over, in Su Ming's mind, an identical playing card is simulated.

Su Ming continued to flip, the next card was "Black 7 of Clubs". Unlike the other three people who looked at a card for a long time, he glanced at it and immediately turned over the next card.

In Su Ming's mind, there are more and more virtual poker stacks.

This kind of image can exist in Su Ming's mind for a long time.If Su Ming is willing to strengthen his memory every day, he can keep this image in his mind forever.

But this is just a task, there is no need to spend so much energy, after the task is completed, it can be swept into the corner of the brain.

It took almost less than a minute for Su Ming to complete the sequential rubbing of the playing cards in his opponent's hands. He began to turn over the rubbing cards in his mind, and then turned over the playing cards in his hand.

After confirming it in reverse, Su Ming started to observe the memories of the other three people without any mistakes.

Silver Time turned over a card, looked it over, raised his head, read it several times, and then put this card in the pile of cards that he had already memorized. Memory, I have about a dozen of them so far.

The situation of Berserk is similar to that of Silver Time, both of which are recorded by the Wild faction, but his number of cards is less than half of that of Silver Time.

Leier is much quieter in comparison. After she reads the cards, she will close her eyes and memorize them by heart. She has memorized more than half of the cards, and she doesn't know if she really memorized them.

"It's definitely not going to work like this." Su Ming thought to himself: "The progress of Berserk and Silver Time is too slow, let's pretend that Sister Leier has memorized them all, and in the end, she has to face 6 dark gold monsters, and she will definitely not be able to beat them.

If only I could help them remember..."

With this in mind, Su Ming opened the system message and repeatedly checked the latest message. The above mentioned that communication means cannot be used in the "memory process". That is to say, after 5 minutes, the communication between players may be lost. Unrestricted.

With Su Ming's ability, as long as Berserk and Silver Time cooperate, it is not difficult to memorize two more cards.

"Ahem." Su Ming coughed, and knocked on the table with a stack of playing cards, making a crisp sound.

Everyone's attention was attracted by Su Ming.

Silver Time frowned, looked at Su Ming, and thought: What kind of plane is this guy doing? The sixteenth card is a 3 of clubs, is it black or red?It seems to be red, and it seems to be black...

Silver Time went to the flop pile to check, and no longer cared about Su Ming.

From another perspective, the Silver Time mission is still done very seriously.

Because Su Ming's preferred target was Kuangjian, and the small movements were also for Kuangjian to see, so Kuangjian's attention was kept longer on Su Ming's side.

Seeing Su Ming slowing down, he deliberately opened the first card to show him, then the second card, and the third card...

Kuang Jian gradually understood, but he didn't believe it, so he asked:
"You want me to..."

Dilevwei interrupted Kuangjian to speak:

"No communication is allowed, otherwise it will be considered a failure."

Kuang Jian closed his mouth, stacked the cards he had memorized before, turned over the first card to show Su Ming, and cast a "Is that so?" look.

Su Ming nodded, and gestured for Kuangjian to show him the next one.

Kuangjian cooperated very well, and showed Su Ming the cards in about a minute. He was puzzled in his heart—does he remember it like this?

After Su Ming memorized the cards of Berserk, he started to cough again, and made a small gesture to remind Silver Time. Silver Time didn't want to talk to Su Ming at first, but Luckily, Berserker was there to help.

Both Su Ming and Kuang Jian were frantically reminding that Silver Time, who hadn't memorized half of the cards until now, would be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, showing Su Ming one by one.

Just like that, three more decks of cards appeared in Su Ming's mind.

When Su Ming helped Berserker and Silver Time memorize the cards, Leyle had already memorized the whole deck of cards, and now she was comparing them, but often there was a deviation after a dozen or so cards were corrected. .

Moreover, Leier is very focused and is completely unaffected by Su Ming. Su Ming can only help remember a few cards through the gaps between the cards when Leier matches the cards.

5 minutes passed quickly.

Dilevwei snapped his fingers, and the four decks of cards flew back to his hands, not giving any extra time to the four people who participated in the test.

Dilevwei smiled and said:
"Okay, now you start to restore with the brand new deck at hand, if you think you have restored it, tell me, I will come and check."

Su Ming immediately checked the private chat function and found that it was available.

"Spore, were you helping me memorize cards just now?" Kuang Jian asked.


"Have you found a way to cheat?"

"No, this level of memory test is not worth cheating. After I arrange the cards, you can stack the cards in the order I gave you."

After Su Ming replied, he began to restore the cards in his hand quickly. After restoring the cards, he checked himself again and called Dilevwei to check.

Dilevwei took out the cards he had received from Su Ming, and began to compare them one by one. The surrounding crew all ran over to watch. As the number of overlapped cards increased, their discussions became more and more loud. excited.

"As expected of the captain."

"No wonder the captain never played cards with us, he was afraid of winning our underwear away."

"You said, if the captain goes to the famous gambling city in 'Asa Valley'..."

"Go, go, don't push the captain into the fire pit. Even if you go to that kind of place, you will only be pitted to the bone."

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Dilevwei finished his cards and said:

"Congratulations, all right."

Just as he was congratulating, Kuang Jian also raised his hand and shouted:

"I've already got it right here."

Dilevwei walked over and started to match the cards.

Kuang Jian nervously watched the cards flip over.

Heart A, club J, red tip 7...

The cards that Dilevwei turned over completely matched the series of messages in the news list of Berserk Sword. Berserk glanced at the silver time that was still sorting, and thought:
"It's awesome, it's fucking reversed..."

Here, the crew members are also praising Kuangjian. Kuangjian waved his hand, not to mention Su Ming's credit. After all, Dilevwei is still there, so it would be bad if he found out that he was cheating.

"Congratulations, you are all right."

"I'm fine too." Silver Time said.

Dilevwei walked over again and was right, still all right...

Dilevwei was very happy. If it was this team, they should be able to get out of the maze arranged by his father and find his mother's tomb.

Rael's unconfident voice came over:

"My fine too."

(End of this chapter)

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