Chapter 350 Ruins of Tratus (please subscribe~)

Su Ming came to the table and looked at the deck of cards that Dilevwei proofread Leier.

The first ten cards were all right, but on the eleventh card, the suit was wrong.

Dilevwei didn't stop, and continued to proofread. He didn't stop proofreading until Leier's deck began to make frequent mistakes.

Dilevwei counted the number of cards without errors and said:

"29 cards, let's take it as 2/3 of your right. Prepare to face a monster. Just to test your strength. If you are too weak, even if you enter the Ruins of Tratu, it will not be effective."

The poker in Dilevwei's hand flew uncontrollably, twisted and deformed in the air, dragged and reorganized, and finally turned into a giant seagull with white feathers.

The feathers on the tip of the seagull's wings gradually turned purple, and there were thunderous flickers.

Thundering Seagull (LV44, dark gold boss): 1100000/1100000.

The Thundering Seagull appeared on the deck, flapped its wings immediately, and flew into the air. Every time it flapped its wings, it would summon a bolt of lightning, which landed on the deck and launched an indiscriminate attack.

"Go back to the cabin to hide!" Su Ming opened the cabin door and shouted, and then summoned Eggy to crash into the Thundering Seagull head-on.

Dilevwei, who was suspended in the distance, saw Dandan, touched his chin, and thought:
"The aura of this young dragon is so familiar... It seems to be Soina the Sea Shaker. When did she have a child?"

Originally, Dilevwei wanted to kill Su Ming and the others immediately after they found his mother's tomb, and then seal the Tratu ruins forever, but now he has to think about something more—for example , Will this young dragon complain?

After all, adventurers don't really die. If this young dragon will sue, he won't be able to bear it when its mother comes to make a fuss.

When Dilevwei was thinking about things, Su Ming and his party had already gotten into a ball with Thundering Seagull.

Because Lio and Leyle are both level 40+ dark-gold NPCs, they have no advantage in terms of blood volume compared to bosses, and their damage is comparable, so they fight bosses very quickly.

A few control skills shot down the seagull, and then everyone concentrated fire, and the boss was quickly eliminated. It was also because of the NPC's participation, so nothing from the boss exploded.

System: You have completed the "Test of Dilevwei", and the portal of the Tratu Ruins has been opened.

On the deck of the Dolphin, a light blue vortex portal appeared. The style of this portal was familiar to Su Ming, Berserk, and Silver Time, and it was the portal of the copy.

After thinking about it, Dilevwei decided to tell Su Ming his purpose. After all, adventurers can't use things like the heart of the ocean fragments.

"Congratulations, you have passed my test, and now you can go to the ruins of Tratu through this portal." Dilevwei said, "Before you go to the ruins of Tratu, I want to ask you a question. Question, do you know where Tratus used to be?"

Su Ming and the others didn't know, so Dilevwei explained to Su Ming:
"Tratus is an underwater city. For various reasons, it was abandoned. My mother was buried in a labyrinth in Tratus, but I forgot the exact location. I hope you are looking for Stherda Sometimes, you can also help me find my mother's cemetery."

System: Do you accept the random mission "Careless Dilevwei"?
"I can help you, but I hope you can provide enough spirit potions for the crew on board." Su Ming did not forget his other purpose of coming to Dilevwei.

"Yes. Before you leave the ruins of Tratus, your crew can get a clearing potion every day."

The clear spirit potion is not a valuable item, and if someone asks for it, Dilevwei doesn't mind giving more.

"Excuse me, is there any higher-grade clear spirit potion?" Su Ming asked again.

Dilevwei looked at Leier and Leo, nodded, and threw Su Ming 20 special medicines that can be effective against NPCs below level 50, so that Leier and Leo can also return to normal.

"Could you give me the formula of the Qingling Potion?" Su Ming blinked and continued to ask.

Dilevwei clenched his fists and said with a half smile:

"If you can beat me, I can give it to you."

"Haha, forget it..." Su Ming touched his head and changed the subject: "Are there any characteristics of your mother's cemetery? After I find it, how should I notify you?"

"The only cemetery in the Tratu Labyrinth is my mother's cemetery. If you find it..." Dilevwei threw a scroll to Su Ming and said, "Just inject magic power into this magic scroll."

Dilevwei's Summoning Scroll: Consume 5000 mana points to summon Dilevwei, and destroy it after use.

Su Ming took the scroll, discussed with Berserk and Silver Time for a while, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, he entered the Ruins of Tratu.


"In the 22 years since Starfall, the undersea city of Telatu in the Golden Sea encountered a coup. King Degus, the seahorse, was powerless to stop him. After being seriously injured, he fled back to the palace, and no one saw him again.

After the rebel Miji took control of the city of Terratus, people in the city would always disappear for no reason. In the end, even Miji himself disappeared, and Terratus became an empty city, with countless wealth unclaimed.

Greedy adventurers heard the legend of Tratu, found its ruins, and entered it... While you are looking for treasure, I hope you don't forget to look for the exit. "

Accompanied by a brief system narration, the three of Su Ming learned about the background of the Tratu ruins.

If they look down on the Tratu ruins from the air, they will find that the houses and streets in the city of Tratu form the shape of a seahorse, and they are now located at the head of the seahorse.

Tratus was covered by a transparent hemisphere, which simulated the gravity on land in the sea, but the interior was still full of water, and everyone could not breathe. Fortunately, Su Ming prepared enough "underwater breathing potion". After drinking the potion, In Tratus is no different from being on land.

"It's an infinite copy." Compared to the background of the copy, Silver Time pays more attention to the type of the copy.

Unlimited is a type of dungeon that has no time limit, no clear boss to kill, and the only requirement to pass the level is to find the exit.

In this kind of dungeon, if you don't leave through the exit set by the system, you can't take away the equipment and material income obtained in the dungeon.

"Abyss Difficulty, this is the first time I've heard of it. Did you choose the spores?" Berserk opened the small window for the dungeon introduction, and found a burning bull-head demon mark in the upper right corner of the small window.

"No, I chose it automatically when I came in." Su Ming said, "If I could choose, I would definitely choose Normal, after all, Uncharted Sea is a bit different from other places."

"It may be because of the presence of NPCs, so the initial difficulty of the dungeon is directly defaulted." Silver Time still has some research on the game settings, he said, "Like the heroic difficulty of the previous dungeons, it is actually the difficulty faced by the NPCs. The difficulty of copying."

"Then what's going on with this abyss?" Kuang Jian asked.

"It's above the heroic difficulty." Silver Time said, "The player level is getting higher and higher, and the equipment is getting better and better. The heroic difficulty is obviously not enough. So we created an abyss."

Silver Time looked at the houses surrounded by water plants and said:

"I think that the Uncharted Sea is probably a testing area for 'Fate', and it is estimated that it will be opened in the next version, but we accidentally broke in."

"Come on, can the beta version run together with the official version?" Kuang Jian said, "Fate doesn't even have a version."

"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway, and I even think that the abnormal state on us is caused by the game test..." Silver Time said quietly, "I tell you, in the middle of the night yesterday, there were police Into my house... guess why?"

"Why?" Kuang Jian asked.

Su Ming also looked at the silver time curiously.

"I don't know." Silver Time said solemnly, "Although they finally told me that they checked the wrong person, I still feel like I'm being monitored..."

"Then why didn't you find me?" Kuang Jian wondered.

"Ghost knows, maybe I'm more important than you."

Kuang Jian didn't know, it was because he snored too loudly in his sleep, even if he slept for a long time, he didn't need to enter the house to check if he was dead...

"If it's really a test version, it will be over in about 3 days." Su Ming also revealed some news.

Silver Time and Kuang Jian looked at Su Ming together and asked respectively:

"How did you know?"

"Are you an internal employee of the game?"

Su Ming waved his hand and said:
"I guessed wildly..."

Rachel frowned:
"What are you talking about? Aren't you exploring the ruins?"

Su Ming and the others came back to their senses and started exploring the ruins...

(End of this chapter)

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