Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 361 Return to normal

Chapter 361 Back to normal (please subscribe~)

Su Ming slept for two days, and Bug returned to normal when he fell asleep.

After Kuangjian and Silver Time went offline yesterday, they found that they were no longer affected. When they posted information related to the mysterious sea in the forum, the news was no longer blocked.

In this way, their lives returned to normal in the unknown.

And looking for tomorrow, after the mysterious sea returned to normal, after spending several days in the chaos, he directly chose to resurrect and return to the city, knowing nothing about what happened during his death...

He is very happy that there are no more strange things happening. The only thing that makes him regret is that the two epic equipments are gone.

When he returned to the land of birth, he found that many people were discussing the mysterious sea with great interest, and they were preparing to go to sea. There must be many people who have already followed the NPC to go to sea.

He persuaded others not to go, and then talked about what he encountered in the mysterious sea. Others only thought that he was out of his mind...

"Go, go, don't blame me when you die."

Thinking about tomorrow, the game device reminded him to go offline, and the maximum online time had passed. After he went offline, he found that everything was normal, and he was stunned for a moment.

Open the forum again, and there are overwhelming news about the mysterious sea area, as if the age of great navigation opened overnight...

Everyone is discussing things like Heart of the Ocean fragments, Pirate King, Gemini, curses, and illusions, but what they encountered were all normal things, and there was nothing weird about them.

"Is there really something wrong with my brain?" Zhui Xun walked around the house in doubt tomorrow, but couldn't think of an answer, and planned to go to the hospital for a checkup by a psychologist and a brain doctor...

Along the way, watching various discussions in the forum, he also moved back to the mysterious sea again.

Eighteen GM accounts went offline collectively after the bug was fixed.

Overall, they were successful in doing business this time. With so many players, not counting the players in Su Ming's boat, less than ten fish slipped through the net and entered the mysterious sea area, which was completely within the controllable range.

After these escaped fish die in the game, they will be immediately protected in reality without causing much impact. The only exception is probably Su Ming.

The Red Star Nursing Home has a special status. After investigation, it was found that Su Ming had some relationship with the only daughter of the Song family. Song Zhongzhi and several sons who participated in politics were also investigated. However, these things have nothing to do with the current Su Ming, but Venus is in the upper circle. Some clubs are dead...

Although successful overall, there are still two shortcomings:

One is that [-] and [-] were killed, and an epic equipment called by the system was lost, but since it fell into Su Ming's hands, there was no interference;

Second, the player with the 19th super account was not found, and his whereabouts were exposed.

Normal players don't know their identities, but the programmer who left the back door must have guessed their existence. When Zero Zero One and Zero Zero Three tracked down Mordia City, they completely lost his clues.

Now that the programmers are hiding deeper, they are not easy to find. They can only wait quietly for him to show his feet again.

Regarding this backdoor account, the GMs also have 2 pieces of information:
One is that the backdoor account does not have a fixed ID, so it is not easy to lock;
The second is that he wears the same jar decoration as them that can shield monster hatred, increase NPC favorability, and greatly increase item explosion rate but has no attribute description...

The GM also knows who set up the wicked setting that they bring jars...


Su Ming was brought to the "Dolphin" by Dilevwei, and the message window beeped and popped up directly. Only when it was set as special attention, the message window would pop up directly.

In the game, Su Ming only set two people as special attention - Su Qiaoqiao and Venus.

The message was naturally sent by Venus, but Su Ming was sleeping in the dungeon before, in a state of only receiving messages without being reminded, and now he left the dungeon to receive the message.

Messages are sent every 10 minutes, and since yesterday afternoon, there has been no interruption.

Su Ming quickly replied to Venus, and Venus immediately replied after receiving the reply:
"Pull me to your side, now you can use the summoning function."

Su Ming opened the guild interface, selected Venus, and dragged Venus to the Dolphin.

Seeing Su Ming who was intact, Venus walked over quickly, grabbed Su Ming's head, and stuffed him into his chest...

The little black that was staying on Su Ming's head fell off. It wanted to protest and pushed Venus away, but it saw the tears in Venus' eyes, so it "hummed" and let Su Ming embraced by Venus.

"Why didn't you like it these two days? It made me worry to death." Venus asked softly. After waiting for a long time, Su Ming couldn't wait for an answer.

There was some movement in the chest, and Venus suddenly realized, and let go of Su Ming.

Su Ming, whose face was flushed, took two deep breaths, all he inhaled was the fragrance from Venus, which made his face even redder, and it was impossible to stabilize his mind...

Su Ming answered Venus shyly:

"Because... I fell asleep in the game, and I slept for a long time."

Su Ming also found it inconceivable that he had slept for two days.

"So that's the case." Venus stroked Su Ming's hair and smiled, "It's fine."

Su Ming nodded, finally took a breath, opened his eyes round, and counted his two weeks' gains for Venus energetically:

"Sister Venus, I have mastered a new potion in the past few days, if it can increase the output, the sales should be very good.

I also found an uninhabited island. Didn't you say you want to find a territory overseas?You should be able to occupy that small island.

By the way, I also found a dungeon, which has a new product, a kind of enchanted card, which is a bit like a gem. I don’t know if it is a special product of the Uncharted Sea or a special product of the dungeon. If it is a special product of the dungeon, sister can also find it Once the people are under control, now that there is a guild, it should be possible.

Also, I've already helped Sister Leier's work. The leader of the Lost Pirates died unexpectedly, and their ship is still empty. You can take it, too.

I also met three players on the way...Huh?What about them? "

Venus listened to Su Ming's endless counting of the harvest, with a joyful smile on his face and playful and cute eyes.

She was not happy for Su Ming's harvest, but because she knew that behind this harvest was Su Ming's concern for her.

Before, when she and Su Qiaoqiao met in reality, she asked about Su Ming's life.

There was one thing that left a deep impression on her.

Su Qiaoqiao said that every time Su Ming went to a new school, he would always be bullied because of his lack of parents and simple personality, but Su Ming never told her about these things, Su Ming only talked about what he learned in school , How many friends have I made, and how many big sisters are harassed every day...

Su Qiaoqiao will know that Su Ming has been bullied, or because a classmate who bullied Su Ming accidentally slipped his mouth when they came to play at home.

She went to ask Su Ming, and Su Ming told her the solution.

If it was just a verbal insult, Su Ming would not care about them, and he would treat them as he would treat normal people. If he did not really want to bully him, but followed suit, there is a high probability that he would not continue.

Coupled with his good academic performance and good sports, basically after a few weeks of contact, he gradually became a normal classmate.

If someone is particularly stubborn and still touches him, he will sue the teacher and the other party's parents... Of course, a simple sue is not enough, he will fight with the other party first and then sue.

Because of his excellent life performance, he can usually win the lawsuit. Some of these people have become his friends, and some have not been in touch with him. When there are more and more such friends, no one will bully him.

Su Ming said it lightly, but Su Qiaoqiao believes that there are still many grievances in the whole process, but Su Ming will not tell her in order not to worry her.

When talking about this matter, Su Qiaoqiao told Venus:

"I thought I was taking care of Su Ming. In fact, Su Ming was also taking care of me silently. Not to make trouble for me is his way of taking care of me. Although he solved the problem himself, being bullied More or less it will leave a little trauma in my heart.

Sometimes I wonder if this child is too obedient... Sigh~
In short, if you really like Su Ming, you must observe his mental activities more. This guy will not tell others about many things, especially things that he thinks will worry important people.

I think Su Ming also likes you, so I don't want you to lose your temper with him just because you didn't realize it... Su Ming will be sad too.

It may not sound very nice to say it this way, but I still have to tell you clearly, after all, I am his sister...

Moreover, you are so much older than him, you should let him..."

Ignoring the last sentence, Venus felt that what Su Qiaoqiao said made sense.

Venus has experienced the weirdness of the mysterious sea, plus her father's warning, and knows the dangers in the mysterious sea for the past two weeks, but Su Ming will not tell her these things, this is the way Su Ming cares about her.

Su Ming is indeed so well-behaved that it makes one's heart ache.

Venus will help Su Ming manage and operate these harvests. If he can find an opportunity, Venus will also ask about the specific things that happened in the past two weeks, and help Su Ming to share a little bit of the pressure in his heart. .

"Ahem, have you two finished chatting yet?" Dilevwei sat cross-legged on the deck railing, propping his head with one hand and said, "I am the most rewarding and punishing person. You help me accomplish a major event. If you want to You can tell me whatever reward you want."

(End of this chapter)

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