Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 362 Changes in the Mysterious Sea Territory

Chapter 362 Changes in the Mysterious Sea Territory (rolling for subscription~)

Although Dilevwei said it casually, in fact, he still has a bottom line, and this bottom line has been exposed by the system.

In front of Su Ming, 5 options appeared:

1. Level up by 5 levels, including pets.

2. Obtain a piece of island territory under the rule of Dilevwei.

3. The formula of Qingling potion.

4. Melodious shepherd boy flute (LV42, epic magic wand).

5. Clues to more than two pieces of epic equipment.

Su Ming can only choose 5 out of 3.

Su Ming discussed with Venus.

The level can be improved by taking time, so the first reward will definitely not be selected.

The second and third rewards are unique and must be selected; the only thing that is tangled is the fourth and fifth ones. After thinking about it for a while, Su Ming decided to take the ready-made ones and play games without stopping. Snowball, improve yourself first, then you can complete difficult tasks later.

The options provided by the system only tell you Dilevwei's bottom line, and the specifics still need to be communicated.

For example, if you want the equipment "Melodious Shepherd Boy Flute", if there is no foreshadowing, it is best not to directly say that I want "Shepherd Boy Flute", but to say "I want an epic equipment that suits me".

Otherwise, Dilevwei's suspicion would be aroused, and 5 choices for 3 might become choices for 2 choices and 1 choice. In short, the system only gives reminders to facilitate role-playing.

As a life player, Venus is very familiar with these questions, so she told Su Ming what to say.

In the end, Su Ming successfully won the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th awards.

Under the lobbying of Venus, the island Dilevwei gave to Su Ming was "Tratu", and the entrance to the copy of the Tratu ruins was on this island.

Although this dungeon is not the only dungeon that produces enchanted cards, it is also one of the few dungeons that do. As long as it is managed well, it can make a lot of money just by collecting tickets.

Then there is the clear spirit potion. After returning to normal in the mysterious sea, the "phantom" becomes a debuff, which is the same as the "thirst" buff in the Espine area, but the effect is more serious. There is a 10% chance of falling into the 5 seconds of fear state, which is very fatal.

Under the influence of this debuff, players who enter the mysterious sea basically have to buy it. It is still a consumable, which is equivalent to a point card time consumption. As long as the output of the mysterious sea is attractive enough, it is doomed to explode.

Similarly, after Venus talked with Dilevwei, he agreed that the price of the clearing potion in the nearby sea area should be adjusted by Venus, and he would not intervene.

According to Dilevwei, there are still a few big lords in the Uncharted Sea who will also make this potion. It is estimated that there will be players who will get it in the future. If you want to keep the income, it depends on whether Venus can finally unite with them and set the price. We stopped talking.

Compared with the two big projects that will make money, the epic weapon is a bit shabby.

After taking the three rewards, Dilevwei said:

"Okay, okay, you're really welcome, I have to deal with my mother's funeral, see you later."

After speaking, Dilevwei disappeared.

Then, Venus regained control of the Dolphin, led Su Ming to scurry in the sea area ruled by Dilevwei, received another ship in the strait, and asked "Rayle" to leave the mysterious sea area with this ship, go to Take back her own title and territory.

Venus also uniformly adjusted the price of the spirit potion in the name of Dilevwei on various islands, purchased materials, started the construction of new factories, and even brought in "Dama" and "Uni" who were still in Espine. "But let the two of them help build a one-way portal between the islands...

Venus learned that other islands of other lords in the mysterious sea area do not have portals, so she has already begun to consider contracting portal projects from other lords...

Venus decided to use Tratu Island as a secondary school site. In this way, Tratu Island will become the most lively island in this sea area, and the income will also increase significantly.

Weve Island is also privately occupied by Venus. There are not enough NPCs. Players come to join in. It is a small station in the Miracle Wilderness in the mysterious sea. This news will naturally be sent back through "Rayle". It will be recognized that this is Venus' private territory, and Venus will also have the identity of multiple overseas consuls.

Of course, these are all plans, they are in progress, and they are not completed all at once. When they are completed, players will basically enter the mysterious sea area on a large scale-as long as one player arrives in a guild, after a few days, the players will It will grow explosively.

For this reason, some people have formed a guild specially used for teleportation, to smuggle players who cannot take the NPC ship...

By the way, after Kuangjian and Silver Time returned to normal in the mysterious sea, they greeted Su Ming and left.

With Venus helping with chores, Su Ming was finally free and able to practice his level.

After two weeks of delay, Su Ming's level is already 2 or 3 levels behind the mainstream players, and even 5 levels behind the top players...Because he didn't appear in the player's field of vision for two weeks, he even fell out of the top ten in the weekly rankings up.


Su Ming swung his legs, chasing a fat-headed fish boss, and quickly passed between the players and the group of monsters.

Three more days have passed since the mysterious sea area returned to normal. During these three days, under the promotion and creation of Venus, the sea area ruled by Dilevwei has become the most popular foothold and supply station.

Uncharted Seas attracts players to explore with enchanted cards, ancient skills, super high monster refresh rate and high-quality tasks. It seems that a new version has been opened. Players flock in, and in just a few days, they discover Many lost and destroyed underwater civilizations now have as many players as fish in the sea.

"That's the spore god, right? It moves so fast."

"Why are you fighting the bronze boss? Sure enough, once the beast trainer's new gameplay comes out, he will no longer be able to do it."

"Are you blind? Can't see his dragon pet? If it doesn't disappear for a while, how will other animal trainers play?"

"Hehe, brainless fan, he can only see a dragon pet. Others have counted, his pig is at the silver boss level, and the slime is only at the gold boss level. Which animal trainer is on the list now? Didn't everyone start with three golden bosses?"

"Do you have any brains? Xiao Hei, the spore master, is the gold boss? That gold boss is so awesome, you don't mean a level 60 gold boss, do you?"

"Hehe, stupid fan, why don't you refute the level of pigs and silver bosses?"

"I XX you XX... Little Heizi get out of here."

In the distance, Su Ming caught up with the fat-headed fish. The magic power on the tip of the flute in his hand was condensed and lingered. It was as bright as a light bulb, and then it was launched. It hit the fat-headed fish, causing more than 1 damage, and took away the fat-headed fish.

Melodious Shepherd Flute (LV42, Epic):

+226~375 magic attack power

+260 Dexterity, +220 Constitution, +240 Spirit
+8% pet and summon damage.

+1LV1~LV25 skill level cap.

Long tone: Passive: The user can perform a charged normal attack. For every second charged, the damage can be increased by 50%, up to 500%. When the charged reaches the maximum value, this normal attack will become a 6-yard attack * 6 yard range attack.Taking damage will interrupt charging.

melodious flute sound:

Passive: When pets and summons move towards the wearer, the maximum movement speed will be increased by 60 points.

Active: After activation, increase the maximum movement speed by 30%, attack speed by 30% and cooldown reduction by 30% for all your pets and summoned objects, and clear abnormal status.Hold for 5 seconds.Cooldown: 20 seconds.

Rest: Active: Remove all pets and summons, and shorten the time for re-summoning to 5 seconds.Cooldown: 300 seconds.

Gem Hole: Pet Damage Gem*2: +3% Pet Damage; Abyss Gem; Life Orb.

Occupational requirements: listener, psychic

The first passive skill of Melodious Flute is relatively useless, and it is only useful when leveling, but the latter two skills are very practical.

The melodious flute sound can greatly increase the pet's mobility, and the cooldown time is very short.

If the rest skill is used well, it is equivalent to adding an invincible state to all pets, and its value can only be reflected in high-intensity battles.

Moreover, as a small weapon like a magic wand, there are as many as four gemstone holes, which is also taking advantage of the flute.In addition to the original two very strong gems, Su Ming bought the best "pet damage gems" and added them to increase the damage.

After the fat head fish died, Su Ming and the three pets all had a white light that represented an upgrade, reaching level 41.

Just as I was about to continue leveling, a private message rang.

"Day and I have already arrived in Tratu." Silver Time.

"Okay, I'll come right away." Su Ming took out the "Tratu Island Return Stone" that was only produced in the past few days, and left the ocean.

(End of this chapter)

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