Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 371 Another Dragon?

Chapter 371 Another Dragon?
Su Ming walked forward for a while, and saw a blue fish appearing in front of him. It was transparent, and its bones could be seen directly. Against the backdrop of the darkness, it looked extraordinarily dreamy.

It's eating coral now, and the coral is growing like antlers.

It changed places after a bite, and the reddish name flickered among the corals.

LV47, Shan Shan ghost fish.

If the level of the fish was higher, Su Ming would only see question marks.

"A level 50 map?"

The mobs are already at level 47, and the follow-up monsters will definitely reach level 50.

Su Ming approached quietly with three pets and attacked the ghost fish.

Xiao Hei sprayed 3 damage with a mouthful of mucus, but unexpectedly failed to kill this ordinary monster, and even only lost half of its blood.

This made Su Ming speculate on another piece of information - he might be in a dungeon with the highest difficulty.

Normally, an ordinary monster at level 50 has a blood volume between 1.5 and 2, but in the copy of the abyss difficulty, the blood volume can reach 6 like this ghost fish, which is a four-fold increase.

When the ghost fish was attacked, its whole body became more and more transparent, and almost only one fish bone was swimming. Xiao Hei's bubble gun and Su Ming's magic ball passed through the ghost fish's body, and " Miss".

The ghost fish bit Xiao Hei with one bite, causing more than 2000 points of damage. The damage was not very high, and it was acceptable. However, after entering the battle, the dark corals around Su Ming lit up blue one after another. You Guang, this ghost fish is not the only one around.

Su Ming's face changed, and he thought:

"Ghost fish can dodge magic damage. My large-scale attacks are all magic damage. It's really hard to get away if I'm surrounded."

With this in mind, Su Ming quickly asked Zaemon to kill the ghost fish with a "blade tooth", and then fled with the three pets.

After he started running, forty or fifty ghost fish followed behind him, which was terrifying, but they chased for a certain distance and gave up after finding that they could not catch up with Su Ming.

Su Ming saw that the surrounding environment was getting dark again, so he stopped and rested on a coral.

"Master, here you are." Dandan flew over and threw a piece of fish bone from the backpack, which was exploded by the dead ghost fish just now. It fished away.

Looking at the appearance of the item, it looks like garbage material that every monster will explode.

Ghost Fish Bone (Material): The fish bone from Shanshan ghost fish is a precious material.

The Phantom Ghostfish is a fragile, timid fish capable of avoiding magic damage.Feeds on corals, and when they find satisfactory corals, even their bones become transparent.

If they are infected by magic energy, they will be very aggressive. They live in groups, and the number of each group ranges from 40 to 100.

Although the materials are useless, through the materials, you can get a little understanding of the monster's habits.

"I absolutely can't mess with these ghost fish. If you want to farm them, you need to have professions such as berserkers and gun shields in the team."

Knowing that there are such a group of dangerous creatures in the Coral Forest, Su Ming became more careful in his actions.

Su Ming asked the blood-sucking beetle, which has no hatred-attracting ability and is quick to move, to explore the way. Once it finds a ghost fish, it will take a detour and leave.

Gradually, the color of the corals changed from white to light blue.

Since the color of the coral is similar to that of the ghost fish, it becomes more difficult to detect. Su Ming accidentally encountered the ghost fish a few times. If he hadn't moved fast enough, he might have been lying down.

During this process, he also killed about [-] ghost fish, and only one fish bone exploded. It seems that this material is indeed quite precious, and the explosion rate is not high.

In the light blue coral forest, Su Ming also discovered another monster - ghost pirates.

They are level 50 elite monsters, and they have the opposite characteristic of the ghost fish-the ability to dodge physical damage.

In addition, they are the same as big guys, they can cause more damage to players with "Deep Sea Curse-Ghost", and at the same time reduce the damage they receive.

Moreover, their hatred range is very large, at least 200 yards, and they will actively hunt down Su Ming.

More than once, Su Ming suddenly came out from behind and attacked Su Ming. Fortunately, Su Ming was not afraid of them. Although their HP was as high as 32, Su Ming dealt with them very quickly.

The only sad thing is that they are hostile to the ghost fish. When chasing Su Ming, they will occasionally bring a bunch of ghost fish...

For example, now, Su Ming is being watched by a ghost pirate, and then the ghost pirate is being watched by a ghost fish, and it is shuttling through the coral.

Su Ming's luck this time is not very good. He has not gotten rid of it yet, and another group of coral fish has been provoked. Hundreds of coral fish form a double-team situation, and Su Ming has no escape.

"Oops, what can I do?"

Su Ming quickly scanned the surroundings, trying to find the best route out of trouble, but failed to find the route, but saw a "cave" - ​​the entrance of which was covered by intertwined coral branches.

The entrance of the cave looks bottomless, but Su Ming is not afraid, he has a ball that can take him flying.

Su Ming didn't have any reason, and immediately stepped on the coral and got in quickly. He only fell five or six meters before reaching the bottom. The darkness affected Su Ming's judgment of the depth.

It's not all bad news, though.

Under the hole, there is another vast space, which used to be cabins, housing, etc. Although there are still corals, they are not so dense.

The ghost fish followed Su Ming, pouring into the hole to pursue.

Su Ming fled forward, ran four 500 meters, and suddenly hit a wall.

Before he had time to think about why there was a wall here, Su Ming directly found a gap, locked the position, and thought:

"Let Eggy guard the top, Xiaohei and I take turns to fight the injuries in front, and let Zaemon deal with these fish. As long as they are not surrounded by enemies, they should be able to survive, but it will take some time."

Su Ming had already arranged the positions of Xiao Hei and the others, but the ghost fish suddenly braked collectively, as if they had seen something terrible, and turned back the way they came, even faster than when they were chasing them.

"What's going on? What are they afraid of?"

Su Ming suddenly thought of the wall he just ran into, and had a bad feeling in his heart. He turned his head carefully, and met a huge scarlet eye.

"Human, why do you disturb my rest?"

The owner of the eyes, a black dragon, asked Su Ming, and when he spoke, there was still flame in its mouth.

Another dragon!

Su Ming wondered if dragons like to haunt the ocean so much... Judging from the appearance of this black dragon, it should be an adult dragon.

"I'm very sorry to disturb your rest." Su Ming switched the dragon language, trying to win the favor of the black dragon, he said, "I was chased by a monster and accidentally broke into your resting territory. Let's go now."

After finishing speaking, Su Ming noticed that the black dragon's eyes showed a confused look. This black dragon seemed to be unable to understand the dragon language...

At this time, Eggy suddenly flew into the sight of the black dragon, and shouted happily:
"Hi! Uncle Black Dragon, do you know my mother? If you do, don't bully my master."

Eggy also spoke in dragon language, this time, the black dragon's reaction was beyond Su Ming's expectation.

Its huge body shrank back, crushing a large piece of coral, and all the majesty in its eyes was lost. It screamed:


Su Ming raised his eyebrows, blinked his eyes, and felt that something was wrong with the black dragon in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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