Chapter 372 Sir Finley
Heilong realized his gaffe, cleared his throat, and continued to put on a show:
"I didn't expect to meet the same kind of people in this kind of place. It's surprising. Although you are a dragon, the danger here is far beyond your imagination, so you should leave quickly."

The NPC judges the player's strength, most of the cases are through level identification, and in a few cases, it can recognize the player's equipment.

The map level of Pirate Ship Island is obviously higher than that of Su Ming, that's why the black dragon persuaded him like this.

However, Su Ming didn't listen to Heilong's words. He raised his flute and tapped on Heilong's leg lightly.

The black dragon had almost no armor, and suffered the full minimum physical damage from Su Ming.

Being attacked, the huge body of the black dragon exploded into a cloud of mist with a "bang", and the mist cleared, revealing a small green murloc, about one meter tall, wearing a brown hat, and wearing a don't know if it is in the right eye. The monocle is still a magnifying glass. He only wears a pair of blue beach shorts, straddles a patched cloth bag, and holds a machete tightly in his orange palm.

"My God." The funny-looking murloc pointed at Su Ming with a knife, backed up and said, "It's so rude, we have nothing to do with each other, why did you attack suddenly? What if I am a real black dragon?" What can you do?
How rude. "

It repeated one side, then turned around and ran away suddenly, before Su Ming had time to chase it, it met a "ghost pirate", and then it ran back again, hid behind Su Ming, and said:

"It's all your trouble, please, help me defeat this ghost pirate."

The murloc's tone of voice is cowardly and brave...

"After I help you fight off this monster, you must promise not to run away again. I have something to ask you." Su Ming said.

"Okay. The great Sir Finley is here to assure you that as long as you keep me safe, I will know everything about you."

The murloc revealed its name, Finley, and the title of Jazz, which seemed to have a high status.

Out of curiosity, Su Ming fought with the ghost pirate, and killed the pirate in less than two minutes. A piece of silver equipment and a material called "Essence of Darkness" exploded on the ground.

Also, no use is known yet.

When the danger was lifted, Finley ran over and stepped on the corpse of the ghost pirate, as if it had solved the battle, and then it kept a confident smile and said to Su Ming:
"You are such a powerful human adventurer, comparable to me, no wonder you can tame a young dragon."

Su Ming touched Dandan's head, and said modestly:

"It's not tamed because of its strength. There is a lot of luck in it."

"Luck is more important than strength." Finley said, "Similarly, my luck is not bad, but this time I have some bad luck..."

After speaking, Finley showed a frustrated expression, and Su Ming asked curiously:
"You are a murloc, why are you in the sea? Aren't all the mermaids in the sea?"

"It's impolite, how can you say that? For murlocs who are good at water, it's just the sea, hmph..." Finley said, remembering his bad luck in the ocean, and suddenly muttered to himself , "Well, the sea is indeed not a good place. Although murlocs can live here, their luck seems to be getting worse..."

"You haven't answered my question yet, why are you here?"

"Of course it's to prove that I'm the bravest murloc. Don't you know my story?"

Su Ming shook his head.

Finley looked surprised, making Su Ming feel as if he had done something to be sorry for it...

Next, Finley told Su Ming its story.

Finley is a smart and adventurous murloc. He was ridiculed by the tribe for being timid because he often read books with his hands in his arms. So, in order to prove that he is a brave murloc, Finley left the tribe , began its adventure career.

Good luck accompanies Finley. Although it is not strong, it can always save the day. Gradually, it begins to gain some fame, and even wins the title of "Jazz" in places where human beings gather.

But it didn't expect that when it returned to the tribe with its own adventure story, there were still voices of doubt, so Finley began to prepare for the second adventure.

During the preparation process, Finley discovered a treasure map and a book, which recorded the legendary artifact "The Gun of Courage and Justice". It is said that only the bravest and most just people can find it.

Finley felt that that person must be it.

It brought a treasure map and announced its second adventure plan in a high-profile manner in the tribe, promising to bring back the "gun of courage and justice". Not only its tribe knew about this plan, but even the human newspapers knew about it. Rush to interview.

Finally, amidst the praises and praises, Finley, who was only level 30, sailed alone to the mysterious sea.

After entering the sea, it fights against storms and sea monsters. Relying on the treasure "false reality" obtained in previous adventures, it either disguises itself as a powerful creature or becomes an inconspicuous little creature, so it survives ...

After listening to Su Ming, he admired Finley a lot. He praised:
"Then you are really good."

"Hmph, of course, I am a rare genius among murlocs." Finley said proudly.

"So, have you found the artifact?" Su Ming asked.

"Found it. It's on this ship, and I've got it," Finley said proudly. "Part of it."

"What do you mean?"

"The gun of courage and justice is broken into three pieces, and there is only the handle of the gun in the ghost pirate ship."

"Where's the butt of the gun?"

"At Momoo."

"Who is Moo Moo?"

"My new steed is also my companion," said Finley. "He's a timid manatee. I got separated from him when I ran away, and he must be very scared now.

I could have escaped a long time ago, but because I haven't found Moo Moo yet, I turned into a dragon and rested here. "

Finley suddenly looked at Su Ming and said excitedly:
"You are so powerful, help me find Momoo!"

"I really want to help you with this." Su Ming rejected the new mission issued by the system, and explained to Finley, "But now I have to find my crew. They are weaker than you."

Finley touched his chin, wondering:

"Why are you looking for it? Shouldn't all of them be locked into kerosene lamps by some scary little girl from Mana?"

"Will I be locked in? Maybe it's because I jumped into the ship myself." Su Ming thought it was the reason, but it was actually because Mana's special ability to restrain the soul could not take effect on the player.

Finley was also unaware of the situation, but the matter was not important, it said:

"Then other than you, everyone else must be in Mana. In this way, you need to help me find Moomoo even more, because it is impossible to meet Mana without Moomoo."


"You can think of this pirate ship as a sphere, the coral forest is the outermost layer; this is the reef forest, which is the second layer; and the third layer is the spirit storage layer, where Mana throws her spoiled souls, If there is no Momo, basically no one can pass through; the last layer is the body of the pirate ship, a ship, and I escaped from there."

Su Ming thought for a while and said:

"So, you take me to find Mana, and I will take you to rescue Moomo?"

"Good idea, I think that's the way to do it." Finley ran to a coral, broke off a branch, put it on the ground and turned it around, and finally waved his hand in the direction the branch pointed, saying, "Moo Moo is over there , let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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