Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 378 Xiao Hei's New Growth

Before stealing, Su Ming had to wait for Xiao Hei to recover from the state of devouring equipment.

This time, Xiao Hei had been devouring for a while. Su Ming calculated the time and found that it took more than 40 minutes. In the past, it only took half an hour to finish.

Another 5 minutes passed, and Su Ming finally received a system prompt.

System: Your pet Xiao Hei devoured an epic piece of equipment, increased attack damage by 5%, maximum movement speed by 10%, attack speed by 10%, damage received by 5%, and successfully parsed the "set link", "Sand of Time" "The set effect has been unlocked.

"Xiao Hei swallowed the set epic, but he can still unlock the set effect?" Su Ming was stunned. Epic equipment was rare, and epic suits were even rarer, so Su Ming never thought that Xiao Hei had this ability before.

But think about it, Xiao Hei started from devouring silver equipment, each level of equipment will come with a special ability, it doesn't make sense that this special ability disappears when it comes to epic equipment.

"Unlocking the effect of the set, you won't have to swallow the same set of epics, right?" Su Ming was a little worried. If that was the case, it would be a bit of a scam.

With trepidation, he opened Xiao Hei's attribute panel to check the effect of the newly obtained suit.

The Sands of Time (5/6)

(2): When dealing damage, there is a 20% chance to heal 2% of your maximum HP. After healing, the cooldown of a random skill will be reduced by 1 second. (activated)
(4): Viscous liquid and projectile skill damage increased by 20%. (activated)
(6): -25% skill cooling, 20% all skill damage. (inactivated)
After reading it, Su Ming felt relieved, as long as Xiao Hei swallowed one item in the suit, the rest can be activated even if they are not in the suit.

And some suit effects that are useless to Xiao Hei will be directly adapted to suit Xiao Hei. For example, the effect of (4) set was originally "Stalker LV1~LV20" skill damage increased by 20%. Here, it adapts itself to viscous liquid and ejection skills.

Su Ming thought that if Xiao Hei could activate the effects of seven or eight sets of epic equipment in the future, he might really be invincible. However, the sets are not so easy to find.

Su Ming couldn't help thinking:

"Should I give Xiao Hei the 'Gu Yinuo' set before Xiao Hei breaks through level 45, and then activate the effect of the set..."

All of Xiao Hei's skills are magic damage, and the magic damage attribute of Gu Yinuo's set is very suitable for Xiao Hei.

However, Su Ming thought about it and suppressed this idea.

Many bosses also have a hidden setting for reducing the critical strike rate. Even if the critical strike rate is stacked to 100%, it may not be sure to explode, let alone only 20%. Therefore, "Gu Yinuo" has only one attribute, It seems that it is not cost-effective to use 3 pieces of epic equipment to activate.

It will take some time to reach level 45. Su Ming plans to wait and see if he has a chance to find an epic suit that is more suitable for Xiao Hei.

When Xiao Hei was digesting just now, Su Ming figured out the walking pattern of the two jailers.

The patrol range of the two monsters is only 15 yards near the entrance of the cave. Most of the time they stop at the entrance of the cave in a daze. They stand up and alternate positions every 5 minutes. During this period, they will face back to back for 5 seconds, forming a blind spot of vision. Su Ming only needs to Grasp the 5 seconds and rush into the cave.

Su Ming told Finley the plan and asked Finley what to do with it. …

Finley said don't worry about it, it has a way to get in, and as soon as the voice fell, it disappeared inexplicably with a moo.

Su Ming saw a piece of soil wriggling on the ground, quietly approaching the cave, probably Finley.

So, Su Ming lifted the call of the pets with a flute, and saw that the two jailers were about to switch places, so he drank the only special effect ghost stealth potion, and quickly came to the middle position between the two jailers.

He stepped lightly, avoiding some rocks at the entrance of the cave without making a sound, and successfully avoided two demon jailors.

A piece of mud crawled onto Su Ming's toes. Su Ming knew that it was Finley, so he didn't stop and continued walking inside.

Things are going better than he expected.

The cave was pitch black, but Su Ming had just obtained the "Night Gargoyle Wings", which increased the night vision distance by 30 yards, so even without lighting a torch, he could still see the situation in the cave clearly.

On both sides of the cave, there are a series of prison cells, in which half-dead monsters are imprisoned. They have a common feature, that is, half of the soul is drawn out of the body.

Su Ming thought of the "prison key" dropped by the big guy before, thinking that it might be used here.

Seeing that he had walked quite a distance, he stopped, took out the key, and compared it with the locks of these cells, it can roughly open 1/3 of the cell doors.

Perhaps because it took too long, Su Ming was discovered by a monster. This was a scrawny woman, but the appearance of her extracted soul was extremely fat, with a waist circumference of more than 4 meters.

The fat soul dragged her slender body, she grabbed Su Ming's hand, and begged:

"My God, you still have the key with you, kind listener, please help me, I'm locked up here by the damn captain, and I haven't eaten anything for 5 years."

System: You triggered the dungeon task "Prisoner's Request".

Prisoner's request: In the Ghost Pirate Ship, Mana built a prison cell specially to detain thieves and store toys. Because of her new and old-fashioned personality, many prisoners here have been forgotten by Mana.

The key in your hand has attracted the idea of ​​a prisoner, and it begs you to release it. After releasing it, you may reap their gratitude, and you may also attract Mana's attention in advance.

In this dungeon, if you brush mobs, you may lose the key, and when you come here with the key, you can trigger the mission.

If you're unlucky, it doesn't matter if you don't lose a single key when you swipe mobs, as long as you swipe the two demon jailors at the door, you will definitely lose two keys, and try your luck if you can open two cells.

When the players swipe a lot, they will find that most of the prison cells are deceitful, and only a few NPCs will receive rewards, which requires repeated swipe dungeons to summarize the rewarded NPCs.

Su Ming didn't know this feature yet, so he thought he had triggered a more powerful mission, so he asked the NPC in front of him:
"What were you imprisoned for?"

If she was imprisoned for doing something bad, Su Ming didn't intend to let her out.

The fat soul cried out:

"I used to be Mana's cook. After I helped her make pastries, I took a sip. Mana found out and she locked me in! This little devil deserves to be hacked to pieces!" …

The fat soul pulled up her skinny body like a bamboo pole, and showed Su Ming the welt marks on it. She shook her body and shouted:

"Look! She tortured me like this before throwing me all over the cell. It's such a pain!"

Su Ming felt that the fat cook was just greedy, and there was nothing wrong with it, so he agreed to let her out.

The fat cook cried and expressed her thanks, but as soon as the lock was opened, she rushed towards Su Ming and said with a grinning grin:
"Haha, your soul must be delicious! Help people to the end, and eat it for me obediently!"

Su Ming immediately summoned Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei opened his mouth to spit out, and the viscous liquid spewed out.

The fat cook spit out 1/3 of her blood and immediately knelt down to beg for mercy:
"Ah! I was wrong, you adults don't count villains..."
7124, -39236, -7691...

Before she finished speaking, she was suddenly dropped by Xiao Hei.

Su Ming's experience increased a little.

A piece of silver equipment was left on the ground, which shows that the monster's strength is not strong. To put it bluntly, these cells are still dungeon benefits for players.

"Really, cheat my feelings." Su Ming picked up the silver equipment on the ground, and suddenly heard movement at the entrance of the cave, his face changed, thinking that the battle with the fat cook just now might attract the jailer, so he hurried to the inside of the cave up.

However, Su Ming thought too much, the movement was just that the day was burning and they bumped into the jailer.

After Gu Ya was killed, they contacted Su Ming and found that Su Ming had deleted their friends. Then they explored on their own and found that the bosses in this map were more powerful than they expected. Now they managed to break the hatred of a boss. When he got here, he bumped into two demon jailors, and they confessed in a short while.

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