Chapter 379 Mana
Su Ming advances in the prison passage.

The passage was very long, and the effect of the ghost potion had also expired. Su Ming saw that the demon jailor had no intention of catching up, so he didn't refill the potion.

A large group of monster souls clawed at the prison door, looked at Su Ming with longing eyes, and screamed horribly.

Su Ming's previous key disappeared after he used it, but there was still a pair of "golden scissors" that exploded with "gentleness and madness".

Golden Scissors (special item): You can use it to destroy locks, magic traps, and magic circles below the unique gold level.Available times: 3/3.

Charging time: 60 minutes.

Su Ming tried a cell with these scissors and was able to open it.

The second monster released by Su Ming was the original crew member of the ghost pirate ship. His body was covered with seaweed and coral like Mana, which was a bit scary.

He salvaged a broken iron box and saw that there was nothing in it, so he used the box as a storage box.

But Mana's possessiveness has reached the point of madness. Seeing that he salvaged something and used it without reporting to her, she became furious, beat it, and put him in a cell.

Similarly, after this guy came out, he directly attacked Su Ming, and was killed by Xiao Hei twice.

In the cell, a large part of the prisoners are Mana's crew members. They have been imprisoned one after another in the past ten years because of various reasons that made Mana unhappy.

From Finley's mouth, Su Ming learned that there seems to be only Mana left on the ghost pirate ship's body. Only when a new toy is captured, the body will temporarily appear other than Mana.

This is not the same as what Su Ming learned about the Ghost Pirates from Leo.

This pirate ship plundered and killed people on an entire island, and was cursed by the residents of the island. The curse made them never leave the ocean, never use the accumulated wealth, and at the same time made their souls obtain eternal life.

Immortality is not a good thing, they need to suffer from hunger, illness, and aging, so the crew of the Ghost Pirates use wealth as bait, so that those who tamper with their wealth will also be infected with the same curse, and bear the same curse as them. same pain.

So, this should be a ship, not a small island; there should be a lot of crazy crew members, not just Mana...

In fact, Mana is the daughter of the former captain of the Ghost Pirates. She grew up on a pirate ship, but she never participated in pirate activities. However, the curse fell on the ship, so Mana was also affected.

In order to save his daughter, the original captain entered the mysterious sea area to search for the fragments of the sea god, but they were affected by hallucinations and became more vicious. They often regarded Mana as the object of hallucinations, so Mana was often injured.

The pirates were moody, which left great trauma to Mana's young heart, and her personality was also distorted.

One day, the former captain missed and killed Mana under the influence of hallucinations. Mana also became the same soul as them and was tortured forever. , Mana's soul will dissipate.

After Mana was killed by her father, her mind was completely distorted, she no longer trusted anyone, and was determined to take revenge. She took advantage of the crew's love for her, gradually took control of the whole ship, stole the captain's kerosene lamp, mastered powerful power, and became the real captain.

Compared with her father, she has no complicated desires, only the desire to torture others in her heart. During the time when she was in charge of the pirate ship, the legend of the ghost pirate ship gradually spread.

One day more than ten years ago, Mana found the Seagod Fragment and rekindled her desire to get rid of the curse, so she absorbed the power of the Seagod Fragment, and her soul almost disappeared as a result.

Although tortured by the curse of eternal life, when death really came, Mana was frightened. She merged with the ghost pirate ship and saved her life.

After merging with the pirate ship, Mana's desire to control became stronger and stronger, and she began to attack the crew. She couldn't kill the crew, so she locked them all up.

These are all the background stories of the dungeon. You need to trigger related tasks to understand that it is difficult for Su Ming to guess by himself. However, this does not affect his clearance of this dungeon.

Fate is a game played by people rather than people. The ultimate goal of the dungeon must be to defeat the boss, leave the dungeon, and get rewards. In some specific cases, the background story may help the player reduce the difficulty of the dungeon, but most Sometimes it's useless...

Su Ming followed Finley to an unlocked cell.

Finley ran to the corner of the cell, lifted the covered seaweed, and said to Su Ming:

"This is the entrance to the spirit storage layer. An unlucky guy who doesn't know the structure of the ghost pirate ship thought he could dig a hole to escape, but he fell into Mana's hands for the second time and was tortured terribly."

Finley recalled the scene where Mana captured the escaped man and tortured him in front of everyone in the cell. He couldn't help but shudder, and began to think about whether it was an appropriate decision to take Su Ming to see Mana. It also counts as an escaped prisoner.

However, this idea was quickly discarded by Finley. As a righteous and brave murloc, it would not be afraid of villains.

Finley sat on Momoo's back, and Momoo's head had already entered the hole. Finley said to Su Ming:
"Come and hug Momoo's tail. You must hold it tight. You must fall into the spirit storage layer. What awaits you are endless vengeful spirits. No matter how strong you are, you can't consume them."

Su Ming nodded, took the pet away, and hugged Momoo's tail tightly. His strength attribute was close to 800 points, and he would not be easily thrown away.

"I'm ready." Su Ming said.

Finley took the reins of Momoo, lowered his body, pressed the round cap with one hand, and said:

"Moo, let's go."

With a moo moo cry, it slid down like a fish and reached a green ocean.

In the center of this ocean, there is a broken ship floating, which should be the heart of this small island - a real ghost pirate ship.

"Stay here~~"

"Stay with us~~"

After Momoo led Su Ming and Finley into the green ocean, the ocean boiled, and ghosts without eyes and mouths kept gathering, the small ones were as small as a fist, and the big ones were as big as a building. Irregular swimming, like ocean currents.

Su Ming has never seen a map with such a large density of monsters. Common monsters, elite monsters, and boss monsters are squeezed together. Now they are completely moving in the monster's body.

Momoo's body erupted with a burst of white light, covering Su Ming and Finley. Outside the shield, the damage numbers popped up densely. Without the protection of Momoo's special ability, Su Ming really wouldn't be able to last long.

Momo swam faster and faster, and the ghost pirate ship gradually enlarged in Su Ming's vision.

Finley yelled:
"Hold on tight! Momoo is about to land! Don't get thrown!"


Ghost pirate ship body, deck.

Mana was sitting on the robbed throne. She was no longer the pitiful look she had when she first met Su Ming.

She wears a small red crown on her head, wears a black Lolita dress, half of her arms covered with reefs are covered by cute puff sleeves, her hair with kelp is also combed cleanly, and is pale with blisters. With dark circles like smoky makeup on her face, she looks like a horror doll.

In front of her stood wooden stakes, on which all the crew members of Su Ming's ship were tied.

Among them, Leo was naturally tied to the frontmost stake, on the same side as his grandson Robin.

Robin was still wearing the clothes from more than ten years ago, and his appearance hadn't changed at all, but his expression was a little dull, and he was drooling non-stop.

"You still have the last 10 seconds. 10, 9..." Mana swung the kerosene lamp and wiped the blade at hand.

She is playing a game with Leo, as long as Robin can recognize Leo within 10 minutes, she will let Leo go.

But thinking about it, it is impossible to succeed. Although Robin looks normal, but her brain has been dug out by her, it is impossible to respond...

Thinking of this, Mana's eyes widened into smiles. The game was about to reach its climax. She controlled herself to count down the countdown with a steady voice. It is also a happy thing to catch it back and play with it again.

And there are two people, and there is a hateful blood relationship.


Leo worked very hard and kept telling Robin's past, trying to wake up Robin's memory. Seeing that Robin couldn't be woken up, he scolded Mana, but Mana looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. Affected, continue the countdown.

Under the pressure of game failure, Leo shouted:

"You kill me! Don't play any more games with me! Kill me quickly!"

Before this game, Mana played many other games with Leo, and Leo lost all of them.

Every time Leo lost, Mana would cut off the head of a crew member, and now there were more than a dozen heads piled up on the deck.

"1." Mana jumped off the chair and waved the long knife in her hand. She walked behind a crew member and raised the knife. All the crew members closed their eyes.

Mana laughed loudly, turned the blade's path, and slashed down lightly. Instead of killing the man, it cut the rope that bound Leo.

Looking at the surprised Leo, Mana said:

"For the sake of playing so many games with me, I agree to your request. I will kill you. You can finally say goodbye to your grandson."

Leo took two deep breaths and clenched his fists tightly. Although there was endless anger in his heart, he couldn't do anything to Mana, because his grandson's life was still in Mana's hands.

He walked towards his grandson step by step, and slipped out a bottle of "clear potion" from his sleeve, ready to drink it for Robin.

More than ten years ago, Robin successfully let him and three crew members escape. Although he didn't know what method he used, as long as he woke up, he should be able to save a few more people.

He walked to Robin's side slowly, and then shot suddenly, pouring the spirit potion into Robin's mouth.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

Suddenly, Robin's hair was bounced off, and a doll monkey popped out of his head, calling grandpa non-stop.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Mana rolled on the ground laughing, clutching her stomach and saying:
"At least you can rest assured that your grandson is not an idiot, hahahahaha!"

Leo was so humiliated that he lost his mind. He smashed the medicine bottle and rushed towards Mana with a roar.

With a wave of Mana's hand, the kerosene lamp flew over and hit Leo on the head, hitting him and pinning him down by the way.

Mana stood up, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said:
"I have handed over all your weapons, and you still think you can beat me?"

Leo did not speak, but stared at Mana with red eyes.

Mana waved her hand and said:

"Okay, okay, I admit that it was my fault for lying to you before. But I will do what I promised to kill you. After you die, you will be free."

No wonder, Mana is going to kill Leo, and then take out his soul, let him watch these people continue to play various games, and then all die, and then Leo will be shocked and angry again expression.

Mana threw the long knife into the hands of the idiot Robin. Under the control of Mana, Robin walked towards Leo step by step, ready to cut off Leo's head.

Mana sat back in her seat, ready to enjoy the scene of "grandson killing grandpa with tears", just like her father killed her, relatives killing each other is her favorite thing.

It's a pity that she can't kill her father, she can only lock him up and burn in a kerosene lamp forever.

Leo looked at Robin whose forehead had been cut off in half, sighed, turned his head, and closed his eyes.

Robin held up his long knife and was about to cut it off, when suddenly there was a shout from outside the boat:
"Hold on tight! Momoo is about to land! Don't get thrown!"

Attracted by the sound, Mana turned her head to look—a manatee, a murloc, and a human with a crocodile hat were rapidly approaching the ghost pirate ship.

In the blink of an eye, the manatee bumped into Robin who was about to slash it with a knife. Robin was knocked out of the deck by the huge impact and was overwhelmed by the ghosts.

The manatee braked with its chin, raised its tail high, and threw both the murloc and the human out, but the human grabbed the murloc with one hand and the railing with the other, stabilized his body, and returned to the deck.

Finley returned to the deck, before seeing the situation clearly, put his hands on his hips, and reprimanded Momoo:
"Damn it! Momoo, your landing skills are too bad! I was almost killed by you!"

What?Hit something?What did you hit?Why didn't I see it?

Nonsense, how can I be so scared that I close my eyes.

You said you were knocked into the sea, hell, how many times have I told you that it's not the sea, it's the Yunling layer.

what!So many heads!what's going on? "

Terrified, Finley hugged Su Ming's thigh.

Those sailors who were tied to the wooden stakes and had looked desperate before saw Su Ming couldn't help but smile in surprise, and exclaimed in unison:


Mana puffed up and snorted. What's there to be happy about? Don't these people think that this listener will be saved if they come?She is much better than this listener.

"Hey, let me say, why did you come in from the outside?" Mana asked Su Ming.

Su Ming looked around and naturally saw those heads.These crew members have been following Venus since he went out to sea. Although they are all NPCs and a pile of data, seeing them die and communicating with them flashed through Su Ming's mind one by one, and the sadness is also surged up.

Just like meeting "An Jie" before, the death of a familiar person always brings sadness.

"Did you do it?" Su Ming asked Mana.

"So what?"

Su Ming summoned a pet.

"Want to fight with me? It's a pity that you are not my opponent." Mana smiled and said, "If they lose, they will all die. How about we play a game. If you win, I will let you go." pass them."

Mana's name is purple, and she is an epic monster. Su Ming thought to himself: I am indeed no match for the epic boss. Although I can continue to become stronger and complete revenge after I die, NPCs will have no chance.Maybe "playing the game" is the way to break it.

"Okay, I promise you."

Mana smiled and rolled her eyes again, and said:
"I knew you would agree."

(End of this chapter)

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