Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 389 The Twin Beetles

Chapter 389 Gemini Beetle (please subscribe~)

In the forest, two beautiful girls, one big and one small, are being chased by slimes.

Senbu held up the shield to help Leilei resist Xiaohei's bubble gun attack, while Leilei kept giving Senbu milk.

"Leilei, let's run in the direction of the Sky Eye team." Sambu said, "I have contacted them, and they are on their way."

"Yeah." Lei Lei gave Senbu a sip, and said in confusion: "By the way, where is the spore man? We have been running for so long, if he is not nearby, he should have exceeded his maximum pet control distance... "

Senbu scanned the surrounding woodlands, but found nothing. She shook her head and said:

"Let's ignore these things for now. When the person with the sky eye shoots, we will fight back directly."

They can't find Su Ming now, that's why they kept running away and didn't dare to fight Xiao Hei. When the people with Sky Eye arrived, Su Ming couldn't come out to help Xiao Hei, because he would be sniped if he showed his head.

Running, Lei Lei and the others met people in their guild. They knew that the comet team was attacked by spores, so they asked:
"Beauty Lei Lei, beauty Senbu, where are the spores? Let's kill them together!"

At this time, Xiao Hei's charged ejection skill had just finished cooling down. Leilei and Senbu saw Xiao Hei compressing his body, so they shouted:

"You hurry away!"

Before the pair of people on the opposite side could react, Lei Lei and Sembu passed them, and then a black shadow descended from the sky. After controlling them, Xiao Hei exploded with a viscous liquid, chasing Lei Lei and Sembu while turning his gun mouth, the whole team was stunned.

"Look for long-distance occupations to support us, don't come to give away heads in melee combat." While running, Senbu turned his head and shouted to the corpses: "Prepare more purification potions."

On the other side, Su Ming drank the ghost potion, and darted through the forest two or three hundred yards away from Xiao Hei, like a ghost.

After speculating that the Star Guild intends to hype the Comet team, Miracle Wilderness organized several operations to encircle and suppress the Comet team, but every time it was about to succeed, a few people would always be killed by the Sky Eye, resulting in the failure of the operation.

From this, it can be concluded that the "Team Sky Eye" is not only the battlefield mercenaries invited by the Star Guild, but also the bodyguards of the "Comet Squad".

Su Ming wanted to rely on the comet team to find a few members of the Skyeye team, otherwise they would rely on "interference radio" and "camouflage coat" to move in the forest. If they didn't take the initiative to attack, no one would be able to find them.

Su Ming only let Xiao Hei go out, and he hid himself to prevent himself from being exposed in advance and falling into a passive position.

After the sniper reaches level 30 and has "infrared shooting" and "camouflage coat", he becomes extremely rambunctious.

Camouflage coat (LV1): Passive: The sniper will enter the camouflage state after leaving the combat state for 5 seconds, and the movement speed will increase by 20%.

Infrared Shooting (LV1): When enabled, the sniper's next three normal attacks will not provide reminders to the victim, and the damage number will be hidden. If all three shots hit, an additional (0.2*three shots total damage) point of physical damage will be caused damage (this damage is not affected by distance bonuses).Cost: 500 mana.Cooldown: 25 seconds.

When facing a sniper, if you don't keep an eye on the health bar status, you don't know if you have been attacked, because the system will not give PK reminders.

However, this skill is not completely unsolvable, because it will have a very obvious red line when aiming. If you kill it head-on, it will not only be easy to be found, but also reveal the location.

Suddenly, Su Ming saw that the shield from the "heart of compassion" on Xiao Hei's body disappeared, and his health bar dropped by more than 1 points, so he knew that the people with Tianyan had already made a move.

"Master, at three o'clock." As a slime, Xiao Hei is black, but it is also very transparent. The red line shoots in and can be easily sensed by it.

"Okay, you find a bunker to hide for a while, and if you run out of blood, use the monsters around you to restore the blood, and I will find someone."

Su Ming sprinted in the direction of Little Heizhi, and two entangled dark blue beetles flew out from the back of their necks. Their legs and feet were wriggling tentacles, more like plankton.

After the two blue beetles flew out, one landed on Su Ming's body, and the other suddenly swelled and changed, and finally turned into Su Ming's appearance, and ran with Su Ming.

These two beetles are the third special soldier insect produced by Xiaojin devouring the fragments of the heart of the ocean—the twin beetles.

Twin Beetles (Shard of Heart of the Sea):

When a twin beetle is attached to a "target", the other twin beetle can perform "mimicry".

The beetle that has completed the "mimesis" will copy the current state of the target, and when attacked, it will release the mimesis, lock the attacker, and call for help from the mother beetle.

If the mother insect agrees to the request for help, each worker insect will cause (15*mother insect level=615) points of magic damage to the enemy.

After the Gemini Beetle cancels the mimicry, it needs to rest for 25 seconds before mimicking again.

The panel description of the twin beetles is very abstract and complicated, and it is also very complicated to use. Su Ming is still figuring it out.

According to his current experiments, the most powerful way to use it is probably to copy a ball in the "incentive" state and let the fake ball keep attacking from a safe distance.

However, this usage is not suitable for today's situation, so Su Ming copied himself to deceive the attack.

Su Ming drank the potion of Breath of Darkness, and his acuity attribute was fully activated.

Tianyan and their members were able to attack Xiao Hei, which proved that they were also within a circle with a radius of 300 yards. Through the position information provided by Xiao Hei, Su Ming quickly perceived two snipers hiding in different canopies.

The fake Su Ming was separated from Su Ming under Su Ming's control.

It ran and stopped, and every time it stopped, it would hide behind the tree, as if it was really carefully avoiding it.

A sniper called Shoulder Rain saw the fake Su Ming, and he was really fooled. He pouted at his companions, pointed at the fake Su Ming who was slowly approaching them, and said:

"It's pretty clever, using a pet as bait, and catching us by himself."

"You shoot him, I'll hit his slime..." Another sniper named All Things Disillusionment said.

"Can you do it, have you fired four or five shots and haven't killed him yet?"

"This slime has 6 blood, and it keeps digging into the monster pile, and then suddenly returns to 9, 1 blood..." The disillusionment of all things is a bit depressed, almost firing so many shots at the limit distance Death is indeed unbelievable, "But I have asked Senbu and the others to help me control it, and I will die after two more shots."

"Hehe, come on." The heavy rain on his shoulder encouraged the disillusionment of all things, and then pulled the muzzle towards the fake Su Ming who was hiding behind a tree and observing the surroundings. He opened "Eagle Eye" and said vaguely while leaning on the gun : "Send you to heaven, little friend."

The heavy rain on the shoulders did not shoot with infrared, but with more violent armor-piercing shells.

After one shot, before the bullet reaches the fake Su Ming, the heavy rain on his shoulder quickly reloads. His weapon is special, and he needs to reload every time he attacks. However, every time he reloads, the damage will increase by 10%, which can be increased at most. 50%.

For the sniper with high base damage, this kind of improvement is very terrifying.

The two bullets were chasing and flying, and the heavy rain seemed to have seen the scene of Su Ming's sudden death.

However, just to be on the safe side, he changed the second bullet and fired the third bullet.

The first bullet penetrated the fake Su Ming's body.

"Can't even hit 3 damage? It's really hard enough." The heavy rain on his shoulder realized that three bullets might not be enough, so he quickly pulled the gun, ready to shoot the fourth bullet, but when he pulled the gun, Su Ming's The body seemed to be torn apart by thousands of silk threads, and suddenly fell apart.

A series of blue rays of light spiraled towards him at an extremely fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, they ran out of the field of vision of his sniper scope.

"What the hell is this?!"

The torrential rain on his shoulders hurried down the tree, trying to avoid it, but the light passed through the bushes, circled in the air, and still hit him.
246...-264...-413! ...

The shoulder of the heavy rain seemed to be really raining, and he suffered 42 injuries at once. Although the damage was not high, it also stunned him.

All things disillusionment noticed the situation on the shoulder of the rainstorm, and asked:

"What happened to you? Did you kill him?"

"No... I don't know if I killed him or not. He disappeared suddenly. It may be an equipment skill." Rainstorm raised his sniper rifle on his shoulder, intending to take another look at Su Ming's situation. Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a vague figure approaching rapidly.

The pupils of the rainstorm on his shoulder shrank sharply, and with a turn of his body, a flaming bullet was shot out.


Su Ming dodged the bomb and jumped to the side of the shoulder rain. Eggy and Zaemon were instantly summoned and attacked the shoulder rain.

The heavy rain on the shoulder was suddenly approached, and it was too late to change the bullets, so it was instantly killed by Dandan and Zaemon.

His bomb fell into the forest and ignited a fire, attracting the attention of nearby players, and players from both guilds gathered towards this side.

On the other side, seeing Su Ming bursting out suddenly, everything was disillusioned, and he made a quick decision and ran away without even reporting the situation to Lei Lei and the others...


Su Ming accelerated sharply, and knocked out the disillusionment of all things at once, and then used the protector to pull Dandan over to spray it, and then used the power of his partner to replace the positions of Dandan and Zaemon, fearing the disillusionment of all things.

An incentive was attached to Zaemon, and Zaemon's sword critical strike quickly killed everything.

(End of this chapter)

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