Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 390 The Hidden Guard

Chapter 390 The Hidden Guards (please subscribe~)

Players from both guilds arrived at Su Ming's battle scene very quickly, as well as some "battle report reporters".

The guild battle between Stars and Miracle Wilderness is a hot event, and the media with some strength will send people to follow it on the spot.

Although the reporters were low-level, they were wearing equipment that increased their movement speed and ran fast.

After they came, they saw Su Ming who hadn't appeared in the public eye for a long time, and they all wanted to follow and get first-hand information, but Su Ming ran away in a hurry.

Obstacles like trees can't stop Su Ming at all. Like a parkour player, he develops the full potential of his attributes and soon disappears from everyone's sight.

The long-range professional players of the Star Guild didn't even have time to lock on to Su Ming, so they could only report Su Ming's approximate coordinates and direction of travel, and let his accomplices on the way attack.

The players who gathered here started a scuffle.

After Su Ming killed two members of the Sky Eye team, Xiao Hei also broke out, killing Blessing Master Leilei in seconds.Senbu was too fleshy, and before Xiao Hei could beat her to death, he was forcibly pulled back to Su Ming's side because he was beyond Su Ming's control distance.

Because of his small size, Xiao Hei can always stay on Su Ming's head and share Su Ming's movement speed, so he can follow Su Ming and protect Su Ming.

As for Eggy and Zaemon, they temporarily cancel the summoning and wait for the next shot. The summoning and canceling after leaving the battle cool down quickly, so don't worry that people on the road will not be able to summon them.

Su Ming, who was on the run, reported his first victory in the Lusta Forest, and asked about the whereabouts of the other members of the Comet team. At the same time, he broadcast his coordinates and told the additional teams that if they encountered difficulties, they could come to him. .

However, as soon as the coordinates were reported, Jian Xilai sent a private message to Su Ming:

"Su Ming, don't reveal your position on the guild channel, every guild will have traitors. Hurry up and leave where you are now, I have already told the nearby teams not to ask you for help."

After all, you are just playing games, and you will not check your account book when you join the guild, so it is not uncommon to have moles from other guilds.

Su Ming also knew about this matter, but he didn't think so much when he reported his coordinates for the first time in the guild war.

Su Ming knew that he had done something stupid, so he immediately replied to Jianxi that he knew it, then speeded up and planned to leave.

Suddenly, the acuity attribute took effect, and Su Ming felt that more than one person had locked him, so he immediately rolled over to dodge.

A bomb landed beside Su Ming and exploded, and rolling was useless.

The damage from Su Ming's head was not high, which shows that the sniper who attacked him was not well equipped.

A poorly equipped sniper may not be a threat, but a dozen or so of them gathered together is extremely terrifying.

Dozens of scorching bullets were drawn in the forest, and the targets of these bullets were all Su Ming.

Su Ming got up quickly, and used his high speed and flash to run out of the range of the bomb. However, he just ran out, and these snipers had already launched a second attack on him.

These snipers obviously came prepared. Several of them aimed at Su Ming's dodging direction to attack. No matter how Su Ming dodged, he would always be hit by a few bullets.

A dull explosion sounded on Su Ming's body, and Su Ming's blood volume bottomed out in an instant.

In this kind of battle involving a large number of players, even a player of Su Ming's level may die instantly.


Su Ming activates the active skill of the epic shirt, combined with the epic belt, instantly restores 22% of the maximum health. At the same time, he activates the shield skill carried by the belt and the life orb, and the white blood bar representing the shield value is instantly full.

This operation also made the dozen or so snipers observing Su Ming scold his mother from a distance. What kind of operation is it to be full of blood in an instant without a nurse?
Just as Su Ming wanted to find a tree as a cover to avoid damage from one direction, a red crosshair floated above his head.

Tactical goggles!

The opponent's sniper found that the equipment on Su Ming was a bit exaggerated, and they tacitly activated the second sense. Their eyes locked on Su Ming. Su Ming's movement speed, attack speed, and casting speed were reduced at the same time, and he was also seriously injured. Effect.

More than a dozen red crosshairs overlap, the color turns black, and the deceleration effects multiply and superimpose. Although Su Ming can move, he can't move much faster than a snail, and he can't even get milk.

Snipers are difficult to level up and because of the garbage in the book, there are very few players who persist in playing, only accounting for about 3% of the total number of players. However, relying on the PK advantage, every guild will train them. Now in the forest, they belong to the Star Guild There are more than 30 snipers.

In order to kill Su Ming, they handed in more than a dozen powerful sniper's second sense skills at once, which can be regarded as a big expense.

Bang bang bang!
The gunshots continued, and the magic bullets turned around among the trees, automatically tracking Su Ming.

Su Ming immediately gave up and escaped, the tear earrings flashed, and activated the "sad tears" skill to protect himself.

Sad tears can only protect Su Ming for two seconds, while the tactical eyepiece of the sniper can last for 15 seconds. As long as Su Ming's displacement skills are not good, it will only delay the time of death.

Just when Su Ming thought he was going to die, a dog barked in the forest, it was a hunter's hound, and several iron guards rushed out from the bushes to surround Su Ming.

"Damn, you haven't hanged up yet, the spore boss, it's really awesome."

"The imprints of the two senses have turned black, the opposite side is really cruel."

"Don't BB, hurry up, milk spore boss, it's all empty!"

In an instant, more than a dozen green lights and healing guns fell on Su Ming, filling up Su Ming's health.

After 2 seconds, gunshots sounded, a few iron guard shields, the blessing teacher threw the healing fountain on the ground, the guardian smashed the mixed potion on the ground, the red damage number and the green healing number jumped out alternately, help Su Ming Blocked all the bullets.

In the face of a huge team, the role of the sniper is not so great.

"Brother Spore, you are too stupid, why did you expose your coordinates in the channel, and let these grandchildren catch you."

"This... I forgot." Su Ming touched his head and asked, "How did you gather so quickly?"

"Big Wisteria has been following you." A player said, "She follows you, we follow her, it's your personal guard, haha, just to prevent you from being locked up by the opponent's sniper."

"It's all boss Jian Xilai's idea. We are all his employees in reality. Absolutely reliable."

"Boss Wisteria has led a team to kill these snipers with the hunters."

In the forest, the barking of dogs gradually fades away, and the sound of bullets gradually disappears. Hunters paired with stalkers, killing these single-player sniper killers who have made two senses is just like playing.

Hunters have holy shields and dogs, and stalkers sneak, all of which are used to restrain snipers with low output frequency.

Soon, Wisteria came to Su Ming, lifted the stealth state, and greeted Su Ming:

"Hi~ Brother Spore, long time no see."

"Long time no see, sister Wisteria, what are you?"

"Obviously they are all in the same guild, but you don't know anything about what happened in the guild." Wisteria said with a smile, "Now all the stalker players in the guild are under my control. Originally, I participated in defending the city. , if you want to help attack the city, Jian Xilai transferred me to protect you, but I think it's probably Venus's idea, she really likes you."

Su Ming smiled shyly.

Everyone else looked at Su Ming curiously. If they weren't still fighting in the guild right now, they would definitely surround Su Ming and ask him to understand.

"The remaining members of Team Comet have been found. Go ahead, I will follow you." Wisteria said, "The hunters' hounds have already remembered the smell of these snipers, and their defensive capabilities will be much worse. "

After speaking, Wisteria became invisible, and everyone else took out the ghost potion and drank it, and scattered around.

(End of this chapter)

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