Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 392 Finley Returns

Chapter 392 Finley Returns (Please Subscribe~)

When negotiating, there will be no matter about Su Ming, and Jian Xilai and Venus will deal with it.

However, Su Ming, as one of the representatives, got a seat next to the long table of the Star Guild.

Su Ming watched as Jian Xilai and Eternal Star exchanged polite greetings and discussed the details of compensation. Su Ming had rarely seen such a scene, so he could learn from it.

As the victor, Jian Xilai was stronger than Eternal Star no matter in terms of momentum or conversation skills.

Finally, three results were achieved.

One is that the Star Guild wants to apologize to Su Ming and announce the truth about the ghost pirate ship.

The Star Guild also got the truth of the whole thing from Su Ming. They thought it might be outrageous, but they didn't expect it to be so outrageous. One team plotted against one person, but they were counter-killed. I didn't exert any strength...

The second is that the Star Guild loses money, and each member of Miracle Wilderness can get about 500 gold coins in compensation.

The third is to return the equipment exploded by members of Miracle Wilderness.

After this matter was resolved, the prestige of Su Ming, who was almost a transparent person in the guild, increased greatly.

Although the prestige has greatly increased, except for the members who will greet Su Ming excitedly, Su Ming's game life is not much different from before.

He returned to the uncharted waters.

If there are still dungeons remaining, I will brush up the dungeons together with the guild members; occasionally visit the market to see if there is any equipment that can be sold to Xiao Hei; I also visited Dilevwei by the way and asked about the remaining pieces of the Heart of the Ocean. There were no clues, but Su Ming tentatively asked Dilevwei for the Heart of the Ocean fragments, but Dilevwei kicked him out of the island...

So now Su Ming can only wait for Vidi to send him a message. Vidi left a shell for Su Ming. If there is any news, he will pass it to Su Ming through this shell.

These things don't take up much time, and Su Ming still spends most of his time on leveling.

In about four days, the heat of the guild battle has basically dissipated, and the players' attention has always shifted quickly.

During these four days, Su Ming raised his level to level 43 and replaced it with the "Flying Feather Shield" released by the Poison Feather Dragon. He was about to go back to the city to clean up the garbage equipment and materials on his body, but was caught by Jian Xilai. The little secretary is @ in the guild channel.

Weiwei: @spore #4432, where are you?There's a murloc NPC named Finley looking for you on Weaver Island.


Isn't it back home?

With doubts, Su Ming replied to the message:

"I'll be right back."

Su Ming crushed the return stone and returned to Weve Island.

On the beach, a group of players gathered in a circle, and Finley's voice came from the circle:

"When I was adventuring with Spore on the ghost pirate ship, the monsters there were fierce and vicious. I was riding Momoo, planning to settle accounts with the captain of the ghost pirate ship, and the poisonous feather dragon flew away Out.

With a sweep of the more than ten-meter-long wings, the venom fell like raindrops, scalding a hole in the stone and directly blocking the road.But who am I?Brave Finley, no matter how powerful it is, can I be afraid of it?
I immediately pulled Momoo's rein, pinched my legs, bent my body, and rushed out at a high speed. The beast couldn't keep up with Momoo's speed at all, but halfway through the run, I realized something was wrong.Guess what?What's wrong? "

When Finley was bragging, he used both hands and feet, reproduced the scene at that time with body language, coupled with rich expressions, the players around were fascinated by it, and asked along with it:

"What's wrong?"

"I felt empty behind me. When I turned around, it turned out that the spore hadn't sat down properly and was thrown off. This is also my fault, Momoo is so fast, I should have warned the spore in advance.

Seeing the spores falling on the ground, the poisonous feathered dragon rushed over and grabbed the spores like a small bug.At that time, I became angry. The spores are my friends of Finley. How dare you touch them?
I yelled at the beast, "You put the spores on me, be careful I will pluck your hair and turn you into a bald chicken", the poison feather dragon was shocked by my momentum, and threw Su Ming down, thinking Run away, hurt my friend, just want to leave like this, can I agree?
I took this precious sword and chased it for more than ten kilometers, and finally it had no choice but to kneel down and beg me..."

Someone noticed the loophole in Finley's words, interrupted Finley's words, and asked:

"You are so powerful, why did you run away in the first place? Didn't you just kill Yulong?"

Finley rolled his eyes, and without stopping his mouth, he immediately explained:

"I was in a hurry at the time. The crew of Spore was still locked up by Mana. How could I waste time on this beast? Are you right?"

The players were taken aback for a while, nodded and said:

"It seems to be right, you continue to say, what happens after the Poison Feather Dragon kneels down to beg you?"

"I arrived after that, beat the Poison Feather Dragon to the ground, and exploded a dark gold shield."

Su Ming squeezed through the crowd, walked up to Finley, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at the bragging Finley speechlessly, and asked:

"Finley, why are you back again? Didn't you say you're going back to publish a diary of sea adventures?"

"Spore~!" Finley hugged Su Ming's thigh excitedly, looked up at Su Ming and said, "I've published the book, and it's sold very well, but the murlocs in my hometown still don't recognize that I'm brave and just. Murloc, so I'm out to sea again."

"Why? Didn't you already bring back 1/3 of the artifacts?"

As soon as they heard the artifact, the players around asked Su Ming what was going on curiously, and their eyes turned green when they looked at Finley, as if they saw the prey.

Su Ming briefly explained the origin and story of Finley to everyone.

Finley frowned, and said dissatisfiedly:
"I clearly brought back the handle of the 'Gun of Justice and Courage', but they said it was only 1/3 of an artifact, which proved nothing. They even suspected that I bought the handle from a roadside stall, and I was so mad Yes! This time I go to sea, I must collect all the remaining gun bodies and gun points, and bring back a real artifact!"

After finishing speaking, Finley smiled again and said:
"Just in time for the second 'Diary of Finley's Adventures at Sea'."

"So, you came to me this time because you want me to take you on an adventure?" Su Ming asked.

"That's right, please help me, I'll make you number two," Finley said.

The players around were all shocked—has the spore boss already so powerful that NPCs come to him to do tasks?
"Then do you have any clues?" Su Ming asked.

"Yes, a friend from the publishing house told me that the body of the gun may appear in the auction house of the Pirate Convention held this time!"

Hearing the pirate conference, the players discussed:

"Pirate Conference? Is it the one that the Great Emperor's Guild is promoting recently?"

"It seems like alas, the Great Emperor's Guild has joined the pirate line, and it has developed quite quickly in the mysterious sea. It can only be said that it is worthy of the Great Emperor, so quickly found another way and walked out of their own way."

"It seems that you need to be a pirate. The Emperor's Guild is selling this identity recently. It is equivalent to an admission ticket. It costs 5000 gold coins."

"5000 gold coins is definitely nothing to the spore boss. But this murloc..."

Sensing the player's gaze, Finley said with a smile:
"Isn't it the identity of a pirate? It also costs money?"

Finley suddenly took off his round-brimmed expedition cap, took out a red scarf and tied it on, and Momoo next to him took out a twig from somewhere and stuck it on the ground, and there was a picture of murlocs and humans hanging over their shoulders. The flag, it looks like it was drawn by Finley himself.

Finley stepped on Momoo's back, pointed his orange finger at the sea in the distance, and shouted:

"The Mermaid Pirates are officially established today!"

(End of this chapter)

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